Two Observations Of Major Increases Or Decreases In Line Items And One Financial Ratio

If Ram's salary was decreased by 50% and subsequently increased by 50%, how much percent did he lose?

if x and y be the % change in the salary (- for decrease and + for increse ),then the general formula for this type of questions isresultant change =  x + y + (x*y /100)  substitute x and y with appropriate sign .in case of your question x = -50% y= 50%so resultant change = -50 +50 +((-50)*50)/100 = -25%and hence the answer

What is the importance of financial statement analysis?

Financial statement analysis is the method of understanding the risk and profitability of a company by analyzing reported financial info. These statements are specifically been directed to annual and quarterly reports. Alternatively, financial statement analysis is a study about accounting ratios among various items included in the balance sheet. These ratios comprise of valuation ratios, asset utilization ratios, liquidity ratios, and profitability ratios, leverage ratios. Moreover, financial statement analysis is a quantifying method for determining the past, current, and prospective performance of a company.Some of the advantages are been listed below:One of the benefit if financial statement analysis is that it provides an idea to the investors about deciding on investing their funds in a particular company.The company is able to analyze its own performance over a specific time period.Financial statement analysis is a regulatory authority like IASB that ensures the company is following the required accounting standards.Financial statement analysis is helpful to the government agencies in analyzing the taxation owed to the firm.To provide your organization with accurate financial statements, Finpro Consulting has a team of expertise that will maintain absolute accuracy and integrity in analyzing your financial statements so that there are no in-discrepancies in the finances of the company.

With regards to financial statements, why does a company's' balance sheet grow (or shrink) by roughly net income instead net change of cash?

The balance sheet shows the net worth (i.e. total assets less total liabilities) of the entity at a point in time. This can only increase or decrease between two points in time through the flow of net income or net loss over that time period. If all changes in net worth over a period of time were reflected totally in equal changes in the net cash position, then the net worth position would track the changes in the net cash position. However, not all changes in net worth are reflected in changes in net cash. For example, say the business made a net income over the period through selling goods or services at a profit but that these goods/services were offered on credit and were not yet paid for in cash at the date of the balance sheet. Here the net worth would still increase by the amount of the net income (profit) but this would be reflected in an increase in the asset representing amounts owed by creditors and not by an increase in the net cash position. Also for example, say the business made a net loss over the period because of a write-down (depreciation) of the value that it attributes to its motor vehicles fleet as one of the assets in its balance sheet. Here the net worth of the business would decrease by the amount of the write-down and this would be reflected as a decrease in the value of the motor vehicles asset in the balance sheet and not as a decrease in the net cash holdings of the business. In summary, not all transactions and events are reflected in corresponding changes in cash balances. Net cash is only one of a number of assets/liabilities whose value can change in a balance sheet from one point in time to the next as a reflection of the flow of net income over that period.

Personal Finance Help!?!? PLEASE..?

I'm just getting off work after a 10 hour day. Now I have to go pick my sister up from dialysis - then go home and make supper. May have to do a load of laundry. Walk and feed the dog.

But if I have a minute - because apparently only you are the one being slammed - I'll work on it for you.


Can someone pleeease help me with this? I've been trying to solve this for hours and I posted several times and no one will help...10 points if anyone knows how to solve it, or knows the answer!

Ok so there is a graph with LABOR (workers per hour) on the X axis and MP and AP (Sandwiches per worker) on the Y axis.

On the X axis when labor is 4, the Y axis reads 13....When labor increases the 5, the Y axis reads 6. (Does that make sense...because thats what the graph reads)

QUESTION: When labor increases from four to five workers, total product increases by ___________ per hour..


**Why I am confused is because when the labor (x axis) reads 4 workers per hour, it says that 13 sandwiches per worker are produced. Then when labor increases to 5, only 6 sandwiches per worker is produced...Does that make sense to you, because I know I am reading the graph do I do this? Pleease help!!

How do I analyse company details before investing in its stock?

There are primarily two approaches to analyse a company:Technical Analysis: Here we look at the stock chart of the company. Time-period can be anything from very small (intra-day) to large (annual). The motive is to find familiar patterns, breakout points and support and resistance levels. This is purely based on charts and has no relevance with the theory. Most traders rely on this and most of the advice on CNBC is from technical analysis. You can check this webiste for a quick tutorial: Zerodha VarsityFundamental Analysis: This is completely opposite to technical analysis in the sense that it doesn’t look at charts at all. Here you analyse the company based from its Balance sheet and P/L statement. You look for indicators of good performance and strong fundamentals. Most prominent ones are P/E ratio, P/B ratio, RoE, RoA etc. The main objective here is to find the “intrinsic” value of a stock and then buy when a stock is sufficiently under-priced. This approach is also called value-investing. Warren Buffet is a big time fundamental investor. You can learn more about fundamental investment on this YouTube channel: Course 1: Beginners Lessons on - YouTube

It has been noted that when the price of a good increases people purchase less of the good. This is an example?

If the production possibilities curve is a downward-sloping straight line, then
A) resources are highly specialized, making it difficult to use them for alternative uses.
B) technological change has increased.
C) production is efficient only when producing at the mid-point.
D) all resources must be perfectly adaptable for alternative uses.
The only way that a society can produce at a point outside the production possibilities curve is
A) through economic growth.
B) by producing efficiently.
C) by obeying the Law of Increasing Relative Cost.
D) to use the concept of opportunity cost.
The concept of absolute advantage relies upon
A) the idea of comparative advantage.
B) the concept of efficiency as measured by labor productivity.
C) the idea of opportunity cost.
D) the concept of economic efficiency as measured on the production possibility curve.
Macroeconomics often relies on microeconomic analysis because
A) microeconomics is older than macroeconomics.

How does surface area to volume ratio affect enzyme activity?

Surface area refers to how much of a substrate is actually available to the enzymes, while volume essentially refers to the amount of space, in three dimensions, that an object occupies. Let's look at something familiar to compare these two terms.
Peroxidase (also called catalase) is an enzyme in muscle and organ tissues that breaks hydrogen peroxide molecules down to oxygen gas and water. Peroxide is a poison to the cells, so this is a very important reaction.
Now..suppose we have a large piece of steak. It has a large volume, but the surface area is only the parts of the steak which are showing; if we put hydrogen peroxide on the steak, it will fizzle as the peroxidase in cells on the surface cells of the steak react and break it into oxygen gas and water molecules. However, the cells inside the body of the steak will not react because they are not exposed to the substrate molecules (the peroxide).
Now, we put this same volume of steak through a grinder to make, essentially, hamburger meat. The volume is the same as before, but the surface area of cells exposed to the outside environment has increased greatly as the meat is ground into thin pieces. If we drop peroxide on this ground meat, there will be a far stronger reaction because so much more of the meat is now exposed, increasing the surface area and allowing far more meat cells and their peroxidase enzymes to bind with the peroxide to break it down.
The same is true in our small intestines. If digested food were absorbed by the cells of the lining of the intestine alone, the amount of absorption would be greatly reduced, but because there are millions of villi (small finger-like structures that stick out from the surface of the small intestinal wall and are rich with capillaries) lining the small intestine, the surface area capable of absorbing digested food is increased millions of times.
Bottom line: while more volume does allow more enzyme activity because there are more cells in a substance with a larger volume than in the same substance with a smaller volume, surface area is far more important to enzyme activity because the more surface area, the more cells the enzymes have to react with.