Unmotivated/bored Of Life

Why am i so unmotivated and depressed??

I've been living like this for around 2 years.(I'm in high school) I can't even study.. I failed in school.. i just feel so bored and can't do anything.. can't even concentrate on anything ...I can't even think sometimes .. I am also very anti-social.. I can't even fight for anything in my life, i just leave everything behind..
I'm also quiet (in school) and never can stand up for myself when,for example, some teacher is making fun of me and bully me.. :/
I know i can't get any ''wrong result'' i just feel ''afraid'' to stand up for myself.. why?? :'((
Many close people say that i'm intelligent person but i feel like it's useless since i have no ambitions ... what is wrong with me?? >_<
Do you think i should go to psychologist or what??


Why am I so lazy, tired, and unmotivated?

My laziness is starting to become a problem and I really can't stand it anymore. I don't do anything at all. I'm not in sports (granted, I've never been that athletic), and the hobbies I have picked up over the years just seem like chores now. I'm even too lazy to do things I used to enjoy. I used to love painting and sketching, I even tried picking up guitar but became uninterested quickly.

I feel like anything I try to do, I won't be good at. Even doing art since I was little, I feel like I haven't improved much. Which makes me want to give up, and then I'm just too lazy to try anymore even though I enjoy it. The only thing I'm proud of/ confident about is maintaining good grades. I don't know what's wrong with me. I sleep entirely too much. Of course I go to school, but I sleep in terribly late on the weekends and on breaks. I set alarms, just to turn them off and go back to sleep. This has caused me to be bored with life considering I don't see much of it. I often don't get up and moving until 3 in the afternoon on these days. I feel like some contributors to this problem may be a combination of depression and ADHD (my mother suffers from these as well) since I lose interest in things way too quickly/ don't even want to try to find new things I enjoy.

I used to think I had depression, but I've gotten a lot happier the past couple of years. I began to think I could control my happiness, which led me to believe that depression was kind of something I made up in my mind. But it's starting to sink in again, mainly because I feel like I'm doing nothing with my life and I'm realizing I'm not good at anything. I still don't even have my license, because I'm too lazy to practice driving. I feel like a complete failure. I am 17 years old, and already bored with life. Maybe it's hormones, I don't know. But I'm scared for the future and being lazy doesn't help to prepare for it. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how to fix this and I'm starting to hate myself for it. I don't really know who to talk to about this, which is why I'm on here. I feel like even more of a **** up since I am on here. I know I'll probably get hateful things said to me on here, but if anyone could help me to feel better/ suggest things to help me improve, I would be very grateful for it.

I'm feeling really unmotivated with my life?

Signs and symptoms of depression can include all or most of the following: deep sadness, lack of interest in doing things, sense of guilt or worthlessness, hopelessness, restlessness, irritibility, mood disturbances, anxiety, easily agitated, change in appetite (increase or decrease), extreme fatigue or loss of energy, thoughts of suicide or death, aches and pains and sleep pattern changes such as difficulty falling asleep.

2. Make a conscious effort not to isolate yourself from family, friends and anyone you are close to. It is better to keep the communication open and to be around people who will understand and be compassionate to your condition. Don't be afraid to confide in loved ones and to speak about your feelings. Keep a log, diary or journal and write down your thoughts and feelings.

3. Engage in regular physical and creative activities. Do things that are enjoyable to help you feel happy. Physical exercise is good not only for the body, but will help the depression by producing the body's natural endogenous opiates.

4. Productivity in a person's life can be affected significantly during depression. It is advisable to take things at a slower pace and not to place too much stress in your life. Break up large tasks into more manageable small ones. Don't be afraid to ask for help and set realistic goals.

5. It is advisable not to make any major changes or decisions before speaking with someone who can help you make an objective evaluation of your situation.

How do I fix my life? I am 17, and I feel so unmotivated/bored/empty even though I have a lot of stuff I want to do/learn. I know this might be usual for someone my age, but it is destroying my life.

I know telling you it’s normal probably doesn’t help, but it is true there’s a season for everything. When you’re about to transition to a new phase of life, in your case, adulthood and probably further education, work, new friends, you are very likely to be unhappy in your current situation.As soon as I read the question, I wondered how much time you’re spending in front of a screen. If you’re being entertained a lot, video games, texting, Snapchat, YouTube, smartphone games, whatever it is, it WILL KILL your vigor and thirst for real life. The sooner you discipline yourself to put it away and then put it away for longer and longer periods of time, the easier it will become and the more you’ll feel interested in other activities and find satisfaction in acheiveing your goals.Going outside is rejuvenating for me. It makes me want to connect with people, open the curtains and windows…. If you already go outside for a particular sport, it’s time to try something new. Learning anything new, piano, tennis, another language, opens new neuropathways in the brain. It creates new growth.If you talk to someone about your emptiness, and I think you should, it could reveal completely new ideas or perspectives, as long as you know it’s someone who is a good listener, someone who won’t be dismissive.My favorite quote about getting up and getting outside:“I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.” John Muir, John of the MountainsGreat philosophers loved walking and believed they couldn’t stay healthy or think freely otherwise: Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Rousseau.Below is John Muir, taking a rest, probably somewhere in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California.

How do I avoid getting bored and unmotivated from routine?

Routine is not the part that you get bored about. Routine is the aspect that is ingrained in the habits of your day and requires no mental effort and no motivation. You want it to be that way—it is a good thing.But I know what you mean.Sometimes we feel like we’re just going through the motions in life and this can make us feel like zombies without a cause. But we do have causes because we all have dreams, aspirations and families. I should not say “all,” I guess. Some of us suffer depression and thus feel like we’ve given up on dreams and aspiration, or we no longer have family.We are alive. It’s hard to overstate what a gift that is. The fact that we are alive means that we can dream and aspire and make good on those dreams and we can also make friends and savor the days.Sometimes we find ourselves in life situations that clog our being. We do not see any opportunities for growth in them and we want to give up in despair. But no matter how dire your situation is I doubt that it is as bad as what Viktor Frankl went through. Stuck in a concentration camp in World War II , he was stripped of every thing that gave him meaning in his life including his dignity. He watched people in complete despair and hopelessness waiting for their deaths. One could say he no longer had a reason to live at that point. Everything that he knew and loved had been destroyed. But really?He lived on to write Man's Search for Meaning, a towering work of introspection and affirmation of what it means to be a human being and the power that that gives you to generate a reason to live.Your situation does not define you. You define your situation.Don’t play victim no matter how strongly you feel that you are. You have a choice of how to see yourself and you lose when you consider yourself a victim of your circumstances.If you find your routines life-sapping, you are responsible for that. Incorporate other winning habits into your life and make those part of your routine. They could be the habits of writing and art, or simply the habits of taking pleasant walks in the woods or down the street. I cannot tell you what is meaningful to you. You do not have to build the next Google for your life to be meaningful. Life just has to be meaningful to you.You can make your life meaningful and that will solve the problem of being bored and unmotivated by a life filled with deadening routine.

So bored with my life...Help?

This is going to be long, so I'd appreciate it if you at least have the time. Okay, so I do nothing everyday. I have no job. I have my license, but I don't drive. I stopped hanging out with friends, and I have no social life whatsoever, no facebook, no friends. I just don't think that i'm living like a normal 18 year old, partying and stuff like that. I go to a community college, and I'm just a shy kid, I talk to no one in my school and hang out with no one. During breaks I'll just be at the commons all by myself and my laptop..yup, pretty lonely. I was also not like this at high school. Only during the last year I started becoming like this. I just feel useless, all the people I knew went to universities, my bro went to a university. Everyone else went to a different community college. Right now i'm going to school to be a physician, and i'm in chemistry, and I think i'm failing. I guess on all my homework and use wolfram or internet to look up answers. I also guess during the test and i've been failing my tests. I don't study even though i should be with my open schedule. I feel so dumb in school and life. My H.S. gpa was 2.6. My dad had to register me for school, and open a bank account because i couldn't do that on my own to save my own life. I don't feel like an adult. I only have class on monday and thursdays, but when i'm not at school I'll just be watching t.v., movies, be my computer, or with family, and about 8 hours a day on xbox live. I think with all this isolation I lost my skill with people. Like sometimes it's just hard for me to talk to people I don't know. I pretty sure i'm depressed. I could get weed in a heartbeat if i wanted to but i don't want to spend money. I don't even drink, I only drank maybe 5 times in my life, just to put that out there. I live in Texas btw, in a pretty cool town, but i'm just not a part of it. So yeah, if ur reading this, again thanks.

I’m bored, unmotivated, uninspired, exhausted and at a complete loss. I have no joy, take little pleasure in anything and feel hopeless for the future. What do I do?

*Be thankful for another day of life…it is a gift.*Don't check for messages or email — it can wait for half an hour.*Do something nice for someone else…just because.*Greet the dawn somewhere you have never been before. Watch the sky change colors right before your eyes. Listen in the silence for the first bird of the morning, and keep listening as more birds join together in morning chorus .*Take a few moments to thank God for this beautiful day — even if you don't think you believe in Him. He knows more about you than anyone else in this world.*Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and exhale slowly, and then open your eyes.*Visit a shelter and talk to the animals — they would love to see you.*Donate to the Salvation Army — no matter how much, or how little you have — just give from the heart — even if it's just a nickel, a dime, or a quarter.*Remember that today will never be repeated — don't waste it.*Visit an art museum — take in all the colors, shapes and ways that creativity can touch your soul.*Think outside yourself, beyond the things that pressure you — You are fearfully and wonderfully made.*You are a gift… A treasure… A miracle*Wish a Merry Christmas to a complete stranger, with a smile on your face and love in your heart… And watch their reaction.*Forgive someone who has hurt you, even though they don't deserve it…It is a gift we give to ourselves.You are not hopeless…You are a gift.❤️