Unscramble This Sentence

Can you unscramble these sentences?

1.) a sunlight cell on electric shines an when current is solar produced
.... When sunlight shines on a solar cell an electric current is produced.

2.) to complete it through must a circuit for flow to have electricity flow
.... For electricity to flow through it must have a complete circuit.

Unscramble sentence!!!!?

1. Shang, the first people in China, built cities.

2. The Shang were some of the finest bronze workers in China.

3. The Shang, China's first people, invented writing.

Can you unscramble this sentence?

The primary school used the trailer as the temporary classroom

Sentence Unscrambler?

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Sentence Unscrambler?
I'm looking for a program and would unscramble like sentences? I have the letters NGGHHPNPUUAA. These are supposed to make 2 4 letter words & 2 2 letter words, (newspaper word scramble.) hehe.

Unscramble this sentence? please?

Remember that if you turn us off, we can turn you.

Can you unscramble this sentence? I can't get it..?

My stock for the cruise paid from the dividened
My cruise paid for the stock from the dividened
The dividened from my stock paid for the cruise
Stock for the cruise paid from my dividened
one of those, hope i helped!

Help me unscramble this sentence?

The jury justified in pleading, the defendant maintained innocent.
I think :S

Please unscramble this spanish sentence?

No necesito estos discos compactos míos.
I don't need these CDs of mine.

Is there a free program which can unscramble sentences?

I believe they are:

1) He spent all his time on his permanently lost expeditions.
2) He tried to escape bush and river over his annoyed rescuers.

I didn't have any luck (although I did search quickly) on a free program that does this. The closest thing I could find is but this focuses on unscrambling words, not sentences.