Urgent Does This Chest Pain Need Medical Help

URGENT! Is a nebulizer used for chest pain?

I don;t have asthma, although I did when I was a child. Also I am not having breathing difficulties, I am just in pain between my bust which is like a crushing pain. Like someone is pushing or sitting on my chest. I am getting worried because its not subsiding or getting any better, if anything it's getting worse. I don't want to keep going to A&E incase it's nothing, although the nebulizer made it worse and at times now if I climb stairs of walk up a hill I am very out of breath and struggling a little to catch my breath...

Home Remedies For Severe Chest Pain?URGENT PLEASE ANSWER QUICKLY?

Your grandpa could be right and it may be pleurisy. That can cause terrible chest pain. The problem is that even if it is just lung problems, he still needs to see a doctor. And heart attacks don't always hurt just on the left side. Different people experience the pain in different areas. I know you're only 13 so it's hard to make this decision. Tell your grandpa that you are very worried and you want to get someone to help. Even if the EMS guys just come out and check to make sure it's not a heart attack, that would help. Are there any close neighbors or friends of your grandpa's that you could call and have them talk to him? If he continues to be so stubborn, you may have to make a very grown up decision and just call the ambulance anyway. He may not like it but it could save his life. Try to just stay calm and if you can try reaching your parents or another family member to help that would be best. I know this is a tough situation for you. You're doing the right things in trying to take care of him and calling an ambulance wouldn't be something you'd get in trouble for. Just keep talking to your grandpa and if he doesn't get better in the next hour, go ahead and call 911.

What causes chest pain for a week?

Chest pain is a critical medical condition and must be treated with immediate attention. There are several reasons for chest pain; some of them are as follows -1) Heart related causes such as heart attack, angina, pericarditis etc.2) Gastrointestinal reasons for chest pain which includes acid reflux, swallowing problems, gallstones and many more3) Reasons related to lung are pneumonia, viral bronchitis, a blood clot and several othersIf you are suffering from chest pain over a week or so then it is sensible to call in a healthcare expert and take his advice.

OK i urgently need help my girlfriend is extremely sick and the hospital is no help.?

my girlfriend is extremely sick sometimes she acts pretty well but other times she seems on the verge of death ( not literally) this is the description she gave me., "my head is killing me to the point where i can not lift my head off the pillow. ill cry thats how much pain im in. everytime i stand up and i get very dizzy and light headed. then i throw up yellow stuff ( thin fluid that appears yellow. was dry heaving when this happened). everytime i take a deep breath in my chest hurts between my boobs very bad its like a sharp pain..and that only hurts when i breath. my head hurts constantly and sometimes i get bad pain in it and it won't go away. its in the center of my head like where my brain is not on my forehead. my mom had tried giving me exceterin,aleve, and naisal decongestant. and no help." note she went to the hospital and they were complete assholes about the matter and they walked out. most likely the mother will not take her back cause shes stubborn. i need help fast. pls give me something to work off. thank you im extremely upset and will welcome any serious ideas.

25 having some chest pain i dont want to go to ER i have no insurance. Is there anything else i can do to help?

How long has the chest pain been going on? Does it come and go? Are you out of breath? Are you dizzy? Sometimes all of these symptoms can mimic a heart condition when in reality you're having a panic or anxiety attack.

Chances are at 25 that is what's going on rather than a heart issue. BUT...ALWAYS go get something like this checked out to confirm with a doctor.

Seriously go to an urgent care place if you don't want to pay for an ER. They have to take you in if you are complaining of chest pain or breathing issues.

MAKE SURE when you go into the ER or urgent care that is what you tell them right when you go in. They WILL take you in as soon as possible rather than making you wait hours in the waiting room. They have no way of knowing how much you're feeling this or not -- so there's no way you can be in trouble for saying so. Because if you are feeling what you're feeling you need to be seen ASAP to rule out anything serious.

Most likely they will tell you it's an anxiety attack - common for people your age and older. There's usually no pattern to them. You can be either sleeping or doing something physical doesn't matter. I had them myself until I learned to focus on my breathing when it was going on -- then eventually I didn't have them so much any more and now I hardly ever have them.

Once you get it checked out and the docs confirm this is what is going on then you have to tell yourself that and focus on breathing and get on with life. It will get better - trust me I've been there.

Take good care and I know it will work out for you! :) :)

What do you feel when you need to go to a hospital in Canada? Do you need to wait for a long time even for several weeks or months?

I was in Manhattan in January 2018 for work, woke up in the middle of the night with chest pains. Due to pre-existing condition my travel insurance wouldn’t have covered the hospital trip. I didn’t want to pay for a US hospital trip when it came to chest pains.So I got an Uber to the airport, got on the earliest flight back home to Toronto, got picked up at the airport and went straight to the hospital.Over the next 8 hours I saw 4 doctors, 2 of whom were specialists, had 5 blood tests, x-rays, 2 EKGs, an echocardiogram, and a few other tests I don’t remember what they were (I was in a lot of pain and hadn’t slept much so hard to keep track of everything).They were able to figure out what was wrong, give me my meds, and I was home in time for dinner with meds that allowed me to sleep comfortably that night.Then within a week I had 3 separate follow up appointments from family doctor, cardiologist and an internal specialist as well.Added bonus - total cost of all this? $27 for Parking and the $200 flight home from New York.Wait times can be long when there’s no urgency to the issue. For example, for the pre-existing condition I mentioned at the beginning, I have to see a specialist. To get a referral for him it takes about 6 months to get an appointment. However, my family doctor who referred me to him told the doctor it was serious. I had an appointment within a week.If its important you get help fast. If its nothing urgent you may have to wait a while. I’m 100% okay with these longer wait times if it means those who are in desperate need get help right away.

What is a good home remedy for chest pains.?

acid reflux, thyroid, heart, lung, nerves; etc can cause same chest pain in which 128 millions people got heart diseases and acid relux. Higher age more risk for heart, blood pressure, cholesterol, infections can also affect heart's pain

zantac, maalox (over the counter) can help acid relux.

if heart disease, the fast and cheapest medicine is nitroglycerin ointment about $1/month. Apply ointment on a piece of paper then stick it on the chest to release chest pain. This was discovered by mine workers by mixing dynamine with vaseline for chest pain.

Check with health offices from any city or county which often have free public medical service, or
Join Wal-Mart health insurance program in some states and $4/month program for any pills.

However, if the pain doesnt stop, then must go to ER immediately.

A baby coated aspirine daily can prevent blood clots in the heart.

can email to get the name of herbs to grow in few months to heal heart.

Poppers side effects? Urgent help!?

I am 28 yrs old, and otherwise a healthy individual with an active life style (work out everyday, etc). I have two bad habits - one, I smoke about 10 cigs a day - two, when I do have gay sex, I admit I take poppers.

Lately, I 've developed a weird effect. Sometimes I feel chest pains, I also feel pain in my ribs (perhaps lungs inside the ribs, cant tell the difference). I do not get sweaty and dont pant too much when working out so I do not think its a heart condition. I am concerned if its a lung condition, or is it normal to feel this as an after effect of poppers? I also get bck pains sometimes. None of the pains is related to any physical activity I do. What I do have noticed is that the rib cage pain only surfaces within 24 hours of using poppers. Could that be the cause or maybe I'm just linking two unrelated things?

Question 1: Has anyone else using poppers felt the same?
Question 2: If there's a doctor in the house, what sort of a medical disease or problem do u feel this could be?

How do you decide whether to go to an urgent care center or the emergency room?

ER visits are one of the most expensive ways to get healthcare. Besides the financial expense, you should also know that if you have anything less than a true emergency, you may be waiting for hours and hours. If at all possible, you want to avoid the emergency room. Going to an urgent care center can save you time and money. They're a good option for simple, straightforward, non-life threatening problems.Urgent Care Centers Are Good For: minor soft tissue injuriessimple fracturescold & flupink eye minor localized allergic reactionanything you'd normally prefer to take to your primary care doctor but can't because they're closed or unavailable.An Emergency Room is Necessary For:Breathing ProblemsChest PainSevere BleedingSevere Pain or IllnessSignificant TraumaAny Kind of ParalysisHeadache if accompanied by other problems or if it's "the worst of your life"Sudden Difficulty Speaking or MovingSudden Change in Mental State (where someone isn't acting like themselves)Anyone Unconscious or that previously Lost ConsciousnessAllergic Reactions affecting airway or breathingOverdose or PoisoningActive Labor or Pregnancy ComplicationsThese are examples of issues that should be taken to a Hospital ER (immediately and by ambulance in most cases). Do not fool around with any of the above problems. Go directly to an ER, do not pass go.Note: I'm not a doctor and I haven't examined you. My little blurb above is a generalization with many exceptions. When in doubt, go to an emergency room. Call an ambulance if necessary.