Visual Aids Idea For A Computer Speech

I need a visual aid for my speech?

Why not make a collage of pictures that show examples of each? You could group them together, even label them, and refer to them as you speak. You will need pictures that are large enough to be seen, which may mean that you'll need to "blow them up" a bit on a copier or similar device.

If you are artistic, you could draw your examples, maybe even in cartoon or even stick-man form. Have some fun with it--use a bit of exaggeration to get your point across.

Hope this helps! Have some fun with the assignment.

Good luck!

What can i use as a visual aid for a speech on dreams?

your self, since you will be the speaker all eyes will be on you

What are some ideas for persuasive speech topics with visual aids?

How about defending the proposition that America is close to becoming the fattest nation in the world.Visual aids can document the gradual fattening of Americans in pretty dramatic and eye-catching ways!You can also work visual aids into your defense of a corollary to your main proposition; namely, that despite the ready availability of information to Americans about how to lose weight sensibly and get—and stay—in good physical condition, they are becoming increasingly obese, unhealthy, and prone to a variety of diseases, including diabetes.

What are some ideas for speech topics with visual aids?

Any speech topic can be improved by a visual aid!The trick lies in thinking of an amusing or interesting metaphor relating to your theme that the object can (somehow) represent.So if you’re talking about Justice or Freedom? you might use a large picture of a pie to make a simple point: is the issue about sharing a larger pie so that everyone is ‘better off’, or dividing a pie differently, regardless of its size?Or if you’re talking about Climate Change why not produce a simple bottle of water, to make the point that changes in climate mean more water for some people and less for others?But NB that the ‘object’ you show needs to be immediately visible and recognizable to everyone in the audience equally. If not, you’re making part of the audience happy, and another part confused or ‘left out’.NB too that a PowerPoint presentation is a ‘visual aid’. Each slide is a picture (of an object or diagram, or of words) that helps bring the audience along with you. So slides that have too many words or excess clutter are a waste of time.

Walt Disney speech assignment need visiual aids ideas?? PLEASE HELP!!?

VISUAL AID 1: Printout of an Oscar Award
Walt Disney had more Academy Award nominations and awards than anyone in history (he holds 26 awards and 59 nominations). You'll have to find a computer savvy buddy to help you print it, but here's a link to a nice image of an Oscar:

VISUAL AID 2: Small tub of dry ice
(If you can't get dry ice, use regular ice, but pass it around as you talk)
It's widely known that Walt wanted to be cryogenically frozen after death (so he could be reanimated in the future), and that his frozen body is stored under the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. But it's just an urban legend. He was actually cremated and his ashes are housed at a park in Glendale, California.

VISUAL AID 3: Wad of cash
Today, the Disney empire makes $35 billion dollars a year, all because of Walt Disney's vision.

Good luck, man!

Ideas for a "how to"/demonstrative speech using dog as visual aid?

If you're familiar with clicker training, you could demonstrate how clicker training works, using the dog. Teach him to "touch your hand" using a clicker. Explain the theory behind clicker training, how the reward is delivered, etc.

You should be able to do this in a four minute speech.

Good Visual Aid for speech on organ donation?

One thing you can do is have the speech start out as "Who has there drivers license here today? Could you just take it out and lay it in front of you?"

then at the very end, "Now pick up your license, the face that stares back at you can be a victim of a car crash, a fatal accident, it could be you, a friend, anyone. Now turn around your license, will you help? All it takes is a check of the box to become an organ help save"

an idea, and kinda a visual aid.

What could i use as a visual aid for a presentation on the death penalty?

I like the other answers here. Another good visual aid might be a graphical representation of the data table below. In EACH of the years from 1990 through 2007, the average homicide rate was HIGHER in death penalty states than in non-death penalty states.

A line (or bar) graph showing the trends of each would really drive home the fact that the death penalty is not a deterrent to violent crime.

I hope that helps. Good luck on your presentation!

Is there any work combing computer vision with natural language processing?

Yes. There are several works about Visual-semantic Embedding.They combine the image and sentence understanding together.One of the pioneering works appears in 2013 NIPSDeViSE: A Deep Visual-Semantic Embedding ModelAndrea Frome and Greg Corrado and Jonathon Shlens and Samy Bengio and Jeffrey Dean and Marc’Aurelio Ranzato and Tomas MikolovFine-tune CNN and skip-gram modelAlthough the performance is not so high, it provides many insights to understand images and sentences together.One strong experiment is zero-shot learning.Model tries to predict on the unseen images.The following methods include VSE++(arXiv2017) and SPE(CVPR2016)Improving Visual-Semantic Embeddings with Hard Negatives Applying RCNN to object-level understandingSince the text can be parted by tree model, one straight-forward idea is to use RCNN to detect the object, which do help to understand the images.Deep Fragment Embeddings for Bidirectional Image Sentence MappingAndrej Karpathy, Armand Joulin, Li Fei-Fei (NIPS2014)It also influence many following methods. Flickr30k Entities DatasetCollecting Region-to-Phrase Correspondences for Richer Image-to-Sentence Models3. Caption Generation Models (i.e. mRNN)[1412.6632] Deep Captioning with Multimodal Recurrent Neural Networks (m-RNN)Junhua Mao, Wei Xu, Yi Yang, Jiang Wang, Zhiheng Huang, Alan YuilleBut the practise usually use the fixed CNN to extract the visual feature.5. CNN based modelIn fact, many paper also use CNN to deal with natural language.The neighbor words usually contain the information.sentence matching CNN: (NIPS2014)charCNN: (NIPS2015)CNN translation:[1705.03122] Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning (ICML2017)Further, multi-modal CNN (ICCV2015) apply CNN to learn visual and textual feature together. recent work also focus on this question. The classification task (ImageNet 1000-class recognition) makes the CNN to loss some information( color, location etc). For instance, black dog and white dog is learned to the same class (dog). So we need a end-to-end training.[1711.05535] Dual-Path Convolutional Image-Text EmbeddingCode is available at layumi/Image-Text-EmbeddingSome examples from our work.Thank you for your kindly attention.