Wanting To Attain A Six Pack 5

Is getting a 6pack abs acutally hard?

jogging is an excellent exercise because it let you lose weight
evenly throughout your whole body. If you want to lose weight in
specific areas, you should target them with exercises. If they are
your problem areas, they will be very difficult to tone. You will have
to work double on them. The best approach is this:
1. Lower/control your daily calorie intake (control for normal
weight, lower for overweight).
2. Run/jog to lower your overall body fat percentage.
3. Target your problem areas with exercises.
an excellent exercise, you can do it in front of your TV: sit on a
stool, and put your toes under something (piece of heavy furniture,
for example). In your hands hold a little dumbbell. Please, make sure
that it is not very heavy, start with one kilo, for example, or you
will damage your back and spine! Slowly move the upper part of your
body back, until it's parallel with the ground. Stop for a second and
move it back to the sitting position. Repeat ten times. Every week add
to the number of repetitions. You will see the results in a week,
guaranteed! You will see or feel under the fat - if you have any - six
pack and muscles. Dumbbells do wonders. Much better than these
crunches - I came up to three hundreds and there was no results AT
ALL. With the dumbbells you will see it in a week.

Can I play Soccer to get six pack abs?

Yes, but only to a certain extent.Doing solely aerobic exercise with proper diet can get you abs, but not one with a toned abs like the picture below.Soccer is considered as a cardio exercise. It is true that cardio exercise can help to burn calories and eventually get rid of the overlying layer of belly fat. However, extended period of cardio exercise, especially like that of in soccer, can result in the loss of muscle catabolism (loss). Thus, a balanced workout of regular weight lifting session with cardio is necessary.Just like Cristiano Ronaldo, he does not get his abs through soccer alone - he lift weights regularly as well. If you wish to attain a body like Cristiano Ronaldo, you’ll definitely got to hit the weight room.To know more fitness tips and sample workouts on how to get six pack abs, read more about it at SevenFitness, a Diet and Exercise Tips Blog.

How long will it take for a fat guy to get a six-pack with muscle?

I’m going to be more direct and honest then most people to prevent you from “burning out”. So here’s the thing, a six pack isn’t just “awesome, i leveled up and got it”, they require continuous dieting and exercise, outside of a few genetically gifted people, your body will “fight” against keeping it. If you’re fat now, i don’t recommend you even set that as a goal yet, achieve easier goals first and progressively add on (just like working out). People love jumping right to the “sick pack” question, but they don't’ realize that for the most part the fitness models and celebrities they want to look like, are genetically gifted, never been fat, habitually work extremely hard (lifetime of fitness) and use performance enhancing drugs. I would say 95% of the people with six-pack abs start out naturally thin and were never fat.If you want a timeline anyways, here ya go. It would take about a year of intense working out and dieting to go from fat to a six pack at a pace that would be healthy and allow for adjustments in lifestyle (increased working out and decreased caloric intake). Although you could do it in a year, if you managed to keep it for life, that would make you an extreme outlier, most people will need that year just to get use to keeping their body fat percentage down and building some muscle. The fastest way to a dream body is to slowly change your lifestyle, get use to PERMANENTLY eating less (it’s a forever diet) and working out more. You don’t want extremely shocking changes you can’t keep, they aren’t maintainable long term.This does not mean you can’t look awesome, but focusing on a super hard to maintain future goal, may distract you. Focus on looking better, building some muscle and reducing your body-fat. If you insist on making a time chart, I’d say give yourself 2 years to go from fat to six pack. Use the first year to change your lifestyle, build some initial muscle and reduce your body fat into the “lean” range. Second year to increase everything, more extreme calorie restriction and more intense exercise. Good luck!Here are two pictures of me, I’m 37.

Im 14 and i want to get strong fast?

You need to do almost all of the following. Failing to do even one may hurt your progress or make it impossible to grow much muscle:

-eat an excess of calories (more than you burn each day
-eat enough protein (like 0.7 to 1.5 grams of your goal body weight)
-eat often. When you don't eat for a long time your muscle eats itself out of fear of starvation. Every 2.5 to 3 hours.
-lift until failure. On your first sets do 12 reps, on your final set of the exercise lift to 6 or 8 reps and fail so that you physically can do no more
-make it more difficult each week (more weight, a rep or two more). Best to record in a journal what you lift so you know how much to do next time
-be sore everyday from the previous days. Being sore means you shocked the muscle. Shocking muscle is the name of the game
-don't work a muscle if it's still sore, it's not done repairing
-good ratio of macronutrients. Enough carbs, protein, and fat in each meal
-weigh and measure yourself each week. Weight, arm circumference, waist, quads, chest. If your arms are going up that's great it means progress. Also if you're gaining weight too slowly your calories may be low. Pay attention to your waist so you don't get too fat and have to do a long diet to lean out

If you want more serious gains, a home gym or gym membership is recommended. I think you'll have a hard time gaining heavy mass on a bowflex.

Here is my personal mentor Phano Som that got me started:

Btw. When I was in 3rd year of university I weighed 127 pounds with 12 inch arms at 5'6" and after I figured this stuff out and practiced for 8 months I went up to 165 pounds with 17" arms and rock hard abs. In other words you can do this when you get the right information and apply it correctly with dedication.

Is it possible to get 6 pack abs in 6 months?

Yeah very much so. First of all, no sweet, no spice, no butter type food, no fat, no salt and low carb high protein diet. No sweet means not even fructose. No fruit. Not even any fruit juice.Let's see if you have big belly then you have to reduce that to normal shape. That means you have to do all kinds of crunch with heavy weight. You have to do four times a day. Yeah, you have heard me right. You have to do in four sessions. If you start first session in 7 am then next session will start in 11 am and next two in 3 pm and 7 pm respectively. Remember, you are doing this to reduce your big belly to normal shape. Not for six pack. For that you have to do all kinds of core exercises. If you are eating strictly which is a must anyway and also the most important thing here. You will be able to reduce your belly to normal shape in 7 days. After that your real exercise will start.You have to run or jogg for half of km or slightly shorter range than that depending on your capacity( you can do this on treadmill as well). When you get home, you could take a bit of rest to have your breathing in normal pace. Then you have to do all kinds of core exercises. This will be your first session. Then you can be busy with your life after taking rest. You have to start this whole process again starting from running at the start of your next session. As I said before, you have to do 4 session like this in a day. You have to continue this process day after day. Remember no rest day. You have to buy a body fat calculator from online. Your body fat percentage have to be under 14% to visible any sort of abs. Ideally you have to be at 10–11% body fat.Continue this process and you will see the difference. You will see how quickly your body fat percentage is reducing. By the time you have ended one month, you should have six pack abs if not then you have a problem with your diet. Remember, you have to eat very strictly.