Wanting To Know What Kind It Is.

I want to start a business, but I don't know what kind of business to start? Do you have any advice? I have Rs 20,000 that I can invest.

I've started and sold a company, been COO of one I joined and grew in, and been a lieutenant at others, as I am now.To me, entrepreneurship is about missions. I think the advise above/below is all very sound, but a crucial element is true passion for what you do. Ultimately, we seek fulfillment from entrepreneurship just as much (or more) as we seek financial gain. Thus, I'd say don't jump in yet. Even if you find something financially lucrative, if you don't have the fulfillment portion covered, likely you won't be able to last. So if you don't know what business to start though, then I'd advise you  to gain more universal experiences. That's the only way you'll discover something you become so passionate about that you'll be able to survive entrepreneurship.I've loved the companies I've worked for because each time I learn so much from the team around me, the mission, and the experience. Without exploring I wouldn't have founded and sold my prior company as I wouldn't have even known of my passion in the area.Start exploring... whether it be through working another job, traveling, continuing school, reading, etc. Just keep searching for a mission.The dots will start to connect more and more.

I am wanting to know what kind of vegetation and nuts pacu fish eat? I have been reading up on them and?

This should help. I found it on the website listed below. From what I've read on several websites, your fish can eat pretty much anything. This is what the site stated:

"Remember that your Pacu is omnivorous (eats anything), so provide him with a varied diet. Many high quality processed fish foods are available on the market today, and most frozen fish foods are also appropriate. In the wild, most Pacu eat primarily vegetable matter, only opportunistically taking bites of fishes' fins or scavenging on an old carcass, so you are best off to try to duplicate this in the aquarium environment. As a supplement to your processed and frozen foods, offer the Pacu fresh green vegetables, such as sliced raw zucchini, spinach, and pieces of raw potato. There are also many processed plant-based foods that are excellent for your Pacu. Your fish should be able to consume all the food you offer within two minutes of feeding (the exception to this being fresh vegetables, which can be left for several hours before starting to decay). If there is food in the tank after this time has elapsed, it will contribute to poor water quality and make your Pacu more susceptible to disease. Though Pacu will take live foods, feeding live goldfish is always a bad idea. Feeder goldfish are not a very nutritious food, and they are a good way to spread disease to your beloved Pacu. You only need to feed your Pacu once a day. If you feed more than once a day you increase the waste your fish are producing and also increase the risk of over feeding, so it becomes more important that you are performing your weekly 10-15% water changes and all necessary filter maintenance. Providing a proper diet increases your Pacu's life expectancy and bolsters their immune system."

I want to be a programmer, but I don't know what kind programming I want, what should I do?

Your question is underconstrained because you haven’t said why you want to be a programmer.Once you’ve decided that, work backwards from there. Do you want a career? Great, what kind of company do you want to work for? What do they do? Now ask the more specific questions how do they do specifically that, and how can you learn to do the same.What might be useful to you at this stage, I’m guessing, is to know that entry level programming jobs by and large require almost uniformly the same skills. At that level, you’re solving individual problems broken down for you by someone else, and you’re mechanically applying the same basic data loading, manipulation and storage reasoning you would for any other such problem. You’re doing so in an environment that you comprehend by looking for common software engineering pieces like language syntax, library documentation, deployment processes, etc.Once you look to move beyond that, you’ll be narrowing your focus, picking one or more domains of problems that you want to build expertise in, like console video games or financial software, or web services, or mechanical engineering software, or any of dozens of other career viable choices. You’re looking to be the person architecting the overall problems and breaking them down for the engineers you’re now in turn leading.You may or may not have a domain you’re interested in already at this point. That’s fine, you can get started without one, just start solving other people’s problems to get the foundational knowledge. Sooner rather than later though, you’ll want to find a domain you’re aiming for, even if you have no idea if you’ll ultimately really want it. The point is that it’ll serve as a focus, helping you find problems to solve with code, preparing your skills for the day when you do find that domain that you’re in tune with.The most important thing is to keep moving. All choices seem equal? Just pick any then, and be mentally prepared to switch lanes if circumstances change. In my career, I have never done any programming work that hasn’t taught me something useful in subsequent work, often in surprising and delightful ways.

I' want to know What kind of oil or shortning they use in shipley donuts,is that a vegitable oil lord or other

its a vegetable oil peasant,there are not enough Lords to make it a commercial enterprise

Can a spider expert help me??? I want to know what kind of spider this is and if its dangerous?

Go scientific; buy a mouse, shave it, restrain it from harming the spider, and provoke the spider to bite the mouse. See what happens.