Warrior Wives How To Not Hate Your Husband

My husband wants to re-up in the Army but I can't handle another deployment...?

He says you are #1 yet he immediately puts the army and his country in front of you?? what does that say about his integrity and thinking?

Personally I think 22 months is too long a time to expect someone to keep waiting patiently for a partner in a partnership that is supposed to make up a family unit....regardless of for your flag your god and your country....brave or not...I would not stand for it.

If you are beginning to think similarly then consider these deeply:

What you would you want for you?
What do you deserve?
What is right for you?

If your love for him is strong enough to not want to divorce him then consider what your options are in light of what is right for you, what you believe you deserve and what you want.

Option - Stay as you are suck it up and continue to look only at what he wants as being more important than you and your family.

Option - Stay as you are but with you finding lovers with his knowledge and acceptance to have some company to satisfy your natural urges and short term male closeness needs, and he can suck it up and continue to stay married to you and the army and still follow his 'passion' and take back his husbandly duties and responsibilities when he comes home.

Option - Leave him to his passion and find someone who holds you as his number one priority and passion above all other outside things.

Love is not ever enough to hold a relationship together...there has to be a deep friendship there too...and with that friendship if laced with love comes a responsibility, a consideration, a care, a giving and taking within reason wisdom and honour both ways, along with trust and fairness both ways. In your case it seems all one way.

You have been sold by your politicians that your country is more important than your life...well I say barleys!!! One life to me is worth more than any country could ever be...without life your country is useless.

We are looking to build life in space and on other planets already....

3 wives, 3 husband puzzle?

Ok let the pairs be Aa, Bb and Cc
Here A is the husband and a is the wife , and so on and so forth

Bank1 | | Bank2
Aa Bb Cc |
A B Cc | ---->a b |
A B Cc | a <----- | b
B Cc | ------>A a | b
B Cc | b<------------ | Aa
Cc | ---------->B b |Aa
Cc | b<------- | Aa B
b | -------->Cc |Aa B
b | B<------------- |Aa Cc
|Aa Bb Cc

See every1 is happy (except the wives of course, lol !)

Military Wives...Why So Annoying?

I understand your point, but I hate that generalization. Yes there are spouses out there that consider the service member's pay as theirs, that splurge on useless things, but when people ask questions like this it makes people think we are all like that.
The last time I spent my husband's money on myself was for a haircut 17 months ago and it ended up free because I donated my hair to locks of love so I spent $3 on a tip. The only thing I buy extra when he is deployed is some extra groceries, for example he likes plain cream cheese and when he is deployed I buy the strawberry kind. I don't even splurge on our children. If they need something expensive we save for it. I've been saving for a double stroller for two months. No I don't have a job. I am lucky enough that we can afford for me to stay home. Besides any job i would get wouldn't even cover the cost of daycare or a nanny.
I'm certainly not perfect but I'm nowhere near how most people see the stereotypical selfish military wife.
I do have a theory as to why some are like that. I think that it happens more when they get married the money is already there so they never learn how to budget and live on nothing. My husband and I were married 2 years before he joined. There were times when we lived off of less than $250 a month. We both worked terrible jobs, fast food, hotel maid, Wal-Mart, etc. I know how to budget and I do not take my husband's money for granted. Most wives marry into the military so they don't know anything other than financial stability so they don't consider how hard he works for the money. But that is just my theory.

Why is my husband always defending his brothers wife?

It is strange to me because I never really say anything bad about her, I think she is a nice person and I get along well with her. On top of all of this she is almost ten years older than me, she is attractive I suppose but nothing that I would feel threatened by. Also, I feel I am a good looking woman, so I have no reason whatsoever to be jealous of her.
Yet I am beginning to notice my husband jumps down my throat if I ever utter so much as a complaint against her for anything. Then someone else (not even me) said she was too skinny and I sort of agreed and he was angry at me for participating in the conversation and began defending her body!! It just dawned on me now that it was strange, does he secretly like her??