Was I Legally Detained And Searched

Can a bouncer legally search you once you are IN the bar?

I know they can pat you down and everything before you get into the club or bar, but what about once your are in the establishment? Reason I ask is long story short a friend of mine was talking about smoking a joint later on in the night and a waitress over heard. Once my friend went to the bathroom (We had no intent on smoking in the bar or even on the grounds of the bar) the bouncer proceeded to search him. My friend had a very small amount of marijuana on him and the bouncer confiscated it and kicked all of us out. Is this legal, or a violation of privacy?

What are cops actually allowed to do when they search you?

The cops always search me and my friends when we ask them why they say it's none of our business or they yell at us and say they'll arrest us. But it is our business if were being searched. Are they even allowed to look through our bags or pockets or can they just pat us down. and are male cops allowed to frisk females? But even when they find us with something illegal like drugs or alcohol they just take it and dont arrest us? is that because they searched us illegaly?

Do they strip search u when u enter juvenile hall?

First of all, do not panic!

Different juvenile halls operate in different manners and have different policies. For example, some juvenile halls do strip searches. Others do not perform strip searches. So no one can answer your question with a 100% perfect answer.

I can tell you this. The hall (or detention center) in my county does perform strip searches on juveniles.

Also, expect strict rules and guidelines. This will be dependant on the specific unit in which you are placed.

My advice is to go there with a positive attitude and turn your life around.

Is it legal for a male officer to search a minor girl?

I would go to the library in your state and look for the book,
Principals and procedures for arrest search and seizure.
Also look up the states Revised statute code, and officer conduct codes. This will give you the answer you are looking for. Everyone in here will give you their version of the law, fact is The laws and codes of conduct for each state can differ greatly. Certain things do apply, Was there probable Cause for a search,Was there a curfew violation based on ages and time of day. ANY officer has to have reasonable cause to stop ,question, search, detain, or query someone.
But a law officer can normaly find one of many reasons with out having to look to hard.

Can mall security search your bag?

He only has the right to search your bag if you give him permission. This is why he asked instead of telling you he was going to.

Also, a security guard only has the power to arrest you if he witnesses theft, not simply on suspicion. This means, unless he witnessed you steal something, he is not legally able to arrest you for declining a bag search. If a guard arrests you when you have not stolen anything, they run the risk of being charged for wrongful arrest.