Was I Mean When I Said That To A Overweight Girl

Do Guys Mean It When They Call A Girl Fat?

When I was a teen I'd call my older brother's gf a cow. I didn't mean it, in fact I had a crush on her.

If these guys really thought you were fat they wouldn't say it over and over, they'd say it once - in a derogatory tone, and stop talking to you.

This is the second phase of guy communication. One beyond playground chasing.

Don't sweat it. If it really bothers you - get some new friends . . . of the same sex.

How do men really feel about overweight women? If a woman is overweight, would a guy still ask her out?

Here's a story of a screwed up guy .Years ago, before I was married, I used to use online dating a lot. I started talking to this girl who was overweight. I have never been in shape myself. I knew she was much larger than me. I didn't think it would be a problem. Then I went to meet her, and I wasn't attracted to her at all! In fact, when she sat in her car, her shirt rode up a little bit. I could see a little of her belly fat, and I was revolted. I felt ashamed at myself for being revolted, because I'm not the best looking guy either, and I know how it feels to be judged based on looks. I think she was attracted to me, because she kept standing close to me, but I didn't do nothingYears later, I got married. Then my wife got pregnant. I gained 30 lbs of sympathy weight (yes that's my story and I'm sticking to it). I had always been overweight, but now I was obese. I got a talking to from my doctor, and she told me that I need to lose 60 lbs. I got to a point where I have halted the weight gain and got my cholesterol/diabetes in check. I am healthy, even though I am obeseThe weird thing is I'm not grossed out by obesity anymore.  In fact, having sex with a large woman is kind of a fetish for me. Of course, I would never cheat on my wife. But if I were single now, yeah I'd hit that! I'm not sure whether this is a side effect to me getting used to my own body, or maybe I have matured as a person. I look back and think about how stupid I was to reject the girl who was obviously attracted to me, just because of her weight. I have come to realize that sexuality is fluid. Some men are attracted to overweight women. Some aren't. In fact, the same man might not be attracted to obese women, and then might change to be attracted to obese women.If you are an obese woman, then don't worry about men who aren't attracted to larger women. It's not like people have control over their own sexuality! They can;t help being not attracted to you. There are a lot of men who are.

When girls say "girlfriend" do they mean...?

This may be kind of a dumb question but I'm sincerely curious. My 24 year old female coworker just said she was excited to drink tonight because it was her girlfriend's birthday. Do straight girls say this when referring to friends? I am gay so I only say girlfriend when I mean romantic partner, but I don't want to assume that's what she meant.

So, straight girls, what do you think?

What does it mean when a girl says she is curvy?

somethimes it is a nice way of saying she's overweight, but it could also mean she has big boobs and hips, and has a curvy shape

Is it mean to call girls fat?

I called my (girl) friend fat because she was eating like my whole lunch and she started to cry and I did not know it was so hurtfull.. Shes not fat infact shes hot, I just said that so she would stop eating my food.. Is it really that hurtful? Do women really take it to heart? I thought it would just be a "your dumb" something not insulting.. I am going to say sorry but I didint know it was that mean.. Are most girls like this?

What do you say when a girl asks if shes fat?

when i say no...she says yea she is...i said u look beautiful....and she said so i am fat?!!? i said no i never said that, and then she says but u didnt say i wasnt