Was This Rude Of Me To Say

Was this rude of me to say to my crush?

So I really like this guy but I tend to be bitchy to him unconsciousnessly without me realizing it and I hate it. Today I went up to this guy asking for math help and he came over and slammed my paper on the floor as a joke and smiled. Then I went up to my crush for help and said "since you repeated this class like 5 times can you help me" and he replied with "well that wasn't offensive at all" and now I feel really terrible and just UGH

Why is it rude to say "hold on"?

I know how you feel. My mom does the same thing.

Mom: Can you come here and do something (that I could easily do but i'm to lazy to do myself)?!
Me: Hold on...

I guess they think it's because they don't want to wait to get whatever they want done,done. (Impatience)
That or you're saying it with a "tone" and they think you're acting like whatever you're doing is more important then what they want you to do.

Is it rude to say excuse me?

i was on the school bus. And somebody was blocking the aisle and facing the window. I said excuse me, but she did not hear me. I said it again a little louder. And then she moved. Then i kept thinking to myself that this was rude to do. Was it?

How can someone not be rude and still say "no"?

No is simply no, it's not a situation, or rude behavior, it's just not wanting to do something.  It isn't difficult unless you have attached your own meaning to it, and that's where the problem may be.  If you think saying no means you are being rude, then you think that you are obligated to be agreeable, and that's just not so. I'd be very willing to bet that you've heard the word no often enough from others, you just don't have enough experience saying it for yourself.  Think about that - others don't have quite the problem saying no.  All that is required is to just say no.  You can sweeten it up by saying oh no thanks, or thanks but another time, but don't feel obligated to say yes just because someone else wants you to.  There's an old saying, Would you jump off a cliff because they did?  The point is that you don't have to do what everyone else is doing.  You have a mind and a will of your own so don't be afraid to exercise it at your convenience.  The first time is hard but it's easier once you've said the words.edit: Just wanted to add one more thing - you don't need to make excuses either for saying no, it's an easy habit to make excuses to avoid the truth but just no thanks, or no thanks I don't care to, or no, I just want to go home is enough.  Sometimes the truth is your ally, by simply saying no, I just don't want to do that is better than any excuse you could come up with.

Is it rude to say move instead of excuse me?

I notice a lot of people never say excuse me when they need to get by me. Instead, they may say: “MOVE!”, “WATCH OUT”, “GET OUT OF THE WAY”, “HEADS UP”, “BEHIND YOU.” Especially if they are carrying something heavy and if someone is in the way, that person carrying something that is about to hit their head or if that person is in danger, sometimes the person getting through will yell: “MOVE! WATCH IT! GET OUT OF THE WAY!”

So is that still rude to say move instead of excuse me depending on those circumstances of someone having to move right away?

Why is my mom so rude to me?

I'm assuming here that your mom isn't a sociopathic bugnut.Sometimes people react negatively because they are in physical or emotional pain.Sometimes people have had something secretly bad happen and they react to that through the closest people in their lives.…And sometimes people respond rudely because they are in reaction mode.How do you speak to her?Do you smile, say “please" ...and “thank you" or ever acknowledge any of the sacrifices she has made out of love for you?Are you kind, grateful and helpful?It really is true, what you plant you will grow. You're gonna harvest the words and looks you send out.Unfortunately most of us don't look at our behavior realistically. We tend to see ourselves as innocent little goobers with halos on and, well, that's generally just not the truth.Unless a person is mentally unstable, it almost always takes two to create a problem, because when two people are involved, there are two sides to any issue.She could be reflecting some of the behavior you are exhibiting toward her.Try changing things up! Shock the shite out of her.Make it a week- long experiment if you like. No matter what Mom does, no matter what she says or how she says it, speak to and behave toward her exactly, and I mean exactly the way you would like her to speak to you.If her tone changes, you'll know where it started and more importantly, you'll discover you have the power within you to make it stop.Short answer? Be the mirror you want to see.

What is to say when someone says "Why are you being rude"?

there are many lanes down that pathif u want to express your grieve for hurting the other person you could apologiseor u could sing the song from the band and pretends its funny and nothings wrong with your speaking skillsyou could demean them some more and show the weak their correct place (this should only  be tried if the person has a lot of ego and has wronged you somehow)you could choose to ignore and calliberate your next sentence or piece of conversation with respect to their egos , sensitivies allergies and personal problemsyou could also politely tell the other person what you actually meant (if the words you said werent supposed to offend that persontry using vocabulary as a weapon .... like when someone says rude u deflect by saying that you are brutally honest , or when someone says you are weak you deflect by actually saying you are a forgiving person , ego can transform to honor  the witty person could say that he just meant that as a compliment and wink and tease changing the air of the room from volatile and hostile to calm and relaxedi wrote so man answers because everyone of them is right but none of them is the best in particular .... u use what u need wherever u need it in whatever way you need it for

Americans, is saying "excuse me" rude?

Your English is great! Don't worry. I correct so many native English speakers on here it makes me happy to know that someone actually cares about their English usage.

To say "excuse me" is very polite and normal. However, it is the tone of voice that is the important part. My mother for example will say "excuse me" when she is upset or pissed off and it is most certainly not meant to be polite. If you hear a negative tone in the words of the person speaking it then you are probably correct in feeling that it is meant impolitely. As in all languages, the tone and intonation is very important in understanding the exact meaning of the speaker's meaning. Hope this helps!

Is it rude to say Good Riddance to someone?

So one of my co workers who is moving out of state said her good byes to everyone. When she said hers to me I said Good Riddance and she looked at me as though she was going to start crying. I don't see what i did wrong.