Water Fasting How Long Should I Fast For

How long is it safe to keep water fasting?

Not eating = starvation, to maintain your blood glucose levels your body during the first 24 hours can use up the meagre reserve you have as glycogen (liver, muscles), after that must depend on gluconeogenesis making glucose out of fat and protein, thus breaking down muscle too. If you break down enough muscle, which includes your heart muscle, you can die. Moderate exercise partially prevents lean muscle mass loss during weight loss.In the long run you need to supplement vitamins and minerals like sodium, potassium. magnesium too.Here is a medical report on a successful 382 day fast by an extremely obese man, in this period losing a massive amount of weight from 456 to 180 lbs. It goes without saying that this man was monitored closely during this extremely long fast.During this fast his blood glucose levels were between 30 and 100 mg/dL, this could fit your observation of feeling dizzy, blurry sight etc., not really healthy.Usually loosing so much weight will be followed by gaining most of the weight lost in less than a year, so we advocate a slower weight loss of 1 lbs/week, and keep to eating a lot less calories, only by doing so will your weight loss last.Fasting for two days a week will make you lose one lbs a week, at present you having so many symptoms I’d say start eating again, non starchy veggies, lean (white) meat, fish, olive oil, keeping your caloric intake low, after one week of recovery you can start fasting for e.g. a few days, maybe up to a week again.

How long can a person water fast?

Unless you have health problems that contraindicate water fasting, do it for as long as you like.I do 3-day or 4-day water fasts (usually monthly) which are wonderful for ‘resetting’ your metabolism if you are prone to metabolic issues like IBS, Gastroparesis, GERD, etc. (I am.)The longest water fast I’ve done was a little over 5-weeks long. I felt great during the whole thing. However, I had a lot of body fat at the time I did that one.The key with the longer water fasts is to pay attention to your body. It will let you know when it’s time to start eating again. You will start feeling like you’re coming down with a flu or something instead of feeling really good. It might be a few days or it might be longer.When you decide to break a longer water fast, do it slowly and gently. Start with liquids like broths and juices, then go to ‘watery’ foods like soups, then on to more solid foods over the course of a few days to a week. Again, pay attention to your body. It will tell you what it wants and when. :)

Water Fasting For a 12 Year Old?

Starving yourself is NOT the answer. You CAN die from lack of food. You should be eating at least 1,500 calories a day and getting proper exercise. Cut off all the sodas and junk food, if you're consuming such things. They just add weight. If you've tried exercise and a proper diet, then it might be a metabolism problem where it doesn't break down the food as fast as it should. Talk to your doctor about that to see if it is.
Honey, I'm sure you're beautiful. Really, if people can't see past weight, that's their own problem for being so judge-mental and not seeing you for your personality. You're too young to be worrying about your weight!

Weight loss water fasting for 40 days?

this would mean only drinking water for 40 days.
please don't tell me its unhealthy, because i have read up on it alot, at it seems to actually be very good for peoples health.
the only problem is i couldn't find ANYWHERE that said how much weight you would lose?
i'm 5'3, female and 126 lbs. how much do you think i would lose? thanks.

Can water fasting help depo get out my system?

Why would water fasting stop you from gaining weight? being overweight has nothing to do with water. No, you cannot water fast, and that wouldnt have anythig to do with the shot anyway. Drinking water is the most healthy thing that a person can do for their body, and you need it every day. Plus, you can't even live if you don't drink water for a week.

How long should i water fast to get depo out my system?

Water fasting-only drinking water for a couple hours , weeks or even a month or soo *

I got depo Aug.3rd was suppose to go back in Nov. but i decided not to get another one because im ttc & i want my body back to normal ; So ive been thinking water fasting !

What are some long term water fasting experiences?

After reading about water fasting and how it improved your health I decided to give it a try.I fasted for twenty days, and this is my experience.First day was rather easy, as in used to skip breakfast, and sometimes lunch. Second and third day were a bit difficult, and cravings start to pop in my head, food and eating invade your thoughts.for the fourth day, I was in a “wow, I'm doing this, and I think that's when ketosis kicks in, and suddenly hunger goes away, I started feeling little dizzy and light headed, but generally speaking, I felt very well, despite the fact of not eating anything for 100 hours.Days from five to thirteen were easy, and what I did to satisfy my cravings, was to cook them for my kids, BLT? Cook them a BLT, chorizo bread and cheese, the same, also for my weekend BBQ, I still did them, but “eat” water, while my friends enjoyed the meat and beer.Two weekends I did that, while Mon to Fri I was really busy, and I took a nap while the family ate, other than that, I think hunger wasn't showing.On the scale, I lost like 30 pounds, but regained 8 in the first 3 days, water, poop and a working intestine does that.What the watt fasting really does to your bodyand mind is amazing, my cholesterol levels from dangerously high ( over 400) down to 140. My triglycerides from a whopping 1300 to 130. Also prongs now are reasonable, completely changed my point of view for snacks, sodas, chips, and other junk food.I think I'll do another fast pretty soon.

How long will it take to lose 20pounds if Im water fasting?

You will lose about a pound or every other day.
But You will end up in the hospital fairly fast.
You are underweight to every standard in the doctors book and whatever makes you want to lose that kind of weight is stupid. I know kids that are 145 at 15 and they look better than anyone who looks like they could poke them and they would break.