Well Umm Its My Bf Bday And I Want To Look Different. I Really Want To Do Something With My Face .

Why did my boyfriend go see a female friend without telling me?

I’m cutting you some slack on this one, unlike a lot of responders, because I once had a boyfriend who assumed I would go apeshit crazy if he wanted to spend his birthday with his guy friends. I would not have. I would have been happy to celebrate his birthday a different day and delighted for him to party down bro-style. But he didn’t bother to let me know. So when I asked “Hey, what do you want to do for your birthday?” he crossed his arms and said “I’ve got plans, thanks.” Just like that. Instead of “Well, on the day of my birthday, I was invited to hang with my bros, but should we do a big night out another night?” What he actually said was very hurtful, not only because it implied I was not welcome in any way to celebrate the day, but because it also implied that I was some kind of fishwife who would have somehow prevented or forbidden his friend-party. I would not have.Long story, but your question reminded me of what it’s like to not be given the benefit of the doubt. It might be how your bf is feeling right now, and it might also be how you are feeling right now.If you are feeling hurt that your boyfriend didn’t think you would trust him, that’s a good sign.However, if you are angry and somewhat threatened by him hanging with an old friend, that’s exactly why he didn’t tell you.You need to have a talk with your boyfriend. But first, go in with this reality check (I’ve had to face it too): You do not need to ask your boyfriend’s permission for everything, including hanging with male friends. Likewise, he does not need to ask your permission to hang with female friends.Ask your boyfriend what you might have done to make him think you’d overreact. If he can’t cite much, it’s time for a talk with him about female stereotypes and assuming that you’d blow up when in fact you’d just show normal interest.If he can cite a bunch of things that show you are jealous, it’s time for a talk about trust and boundaries on both sides. Just keep it nice, keep it accusation-free, and leave it with, “so in the future, when x happens, we will respond with…” This can become a positive step forward in the quality of your relationship if you use it that way.

Is it weird that I find it really cute when my boyfriend is high?

Yeah it's totally okay. The people saying he's "destroying his brain" don't know what you're talking about. There really aren't any negative side effects from weed except if you do it too much you might slack off in other parts of your life like school but that's with anything. I think my boyfriend is adorable when he is high/drunk.

Actually, next week is my birthday. I want to say that and remind my brother. How can I remind him?

Ummm… I assume you mean ‘how can I remind him without pushing it in his face and sounding like an obnoxious brat?’ In that case, kudos to you for trying to be polite!Why do you think he’ll have forgotten? Is he in the middle of uni? Does he travel abroad a lot (or cross the IDL a lot)? Has he got a broken watch? Does he never check his calendar? Or is he basically a jerk of a brother who forgets all his family’s birthdays?In any of those cases… if you have a birthday party, remind him that he’s invited (if he is) and maybe drop that it’s a birthday party for you specifically while you’re doing it. Something like, “Oh yeah, do you have time for my birthday party next week? If you do, please come!” [I mean, it’s rather rude to show up at a birthday party without at least a little thingy for the celebrant, unless he has serious enough financial problems to make this somewhat excusable.]If you don’t have a birthday party, sort of hint that you’d maybe like to spend some time with him on your birthday. Something like, “Hey bro, how about we get the fam together for my birthday next week? Sound good?” will do.If he’s not invited, why would you even remind him? If you don’t want him to join the party, ask him for a birthday visit or something.I’m not sure if that’s not being obnoxious, but I hope it helps. The key is that there are going to be pros for him if he says yes. That’s the best way to get anyone to agree to anything you request or ask of them.

If someone was already handcuffed and kicked an officer lightly, can that be assault with a deadly weapon?

Well get photographic evidence asap first off. Then get as many eye wittnesses you can. If what you say is true and its not too late to get the evidene I'd bet they'd drop the case.

Assault with a deadly weapon seems a bit far fetched to me. I think the more technical charge should be assault on a peace officer, or maybe assault and battery. Generally speaking you only get an assault with deadly weapon charge if you use something other than your extremities (hands, feet). Like if your friend kicked the officer wearing steal toed boots, that might count. Or if he took a swing at him with a bat or just a stick, that might count too.

Other than that get your evidence on your side and if worse comes to worse get in contact with someone to bring charges on the officers who beat up your friend, especially if you can get strong evidence against them. police brutallity just isn't right. It doesn't matter if your friend was drunk or high on PCP, if he was already cuffed and on the ground, thats no excuse for that kind of treatment.

Boyfriends 16th birthday present?

Well, what I like to do is go out for dinner, a game, or maybe a concert. If you can't get hold of tickets, maybe just a walk in the park or something would be nice. I find that even little things like key-chains, handmade necklaces/bracelets (If they are comfortable with that) or wooden projects like pen-holders will be very much appreciated. Don't worry too much about whether or not the present will be acceptable and up to his standards. Like they say, it's the thought that really matters. (Haha so cheesy ;D ) I spent quite a while thinking about this one so I really hope it helps!!

Good luck! :)

If a woman texts back "Aw, that's very sweet, thank you" when you text her about how hot she looks in a photo, are you getting blown off?

Typically... yes. There are times when "Aw, that's very sweet..." are not a blow off.  They include times that you are, in fact, being very sweet, such as:Delivering flowers to her sick mother.Remember her grandfather's birthday.Hand-knitting a blanket for her new baby niece.If she's says " sweet!" to these, you're golden.Otherwise, the not-blowing-you-off options are, 1) she lacks self-confidence or 2) she's not sure of your intentions.If it's 1), then she's doubtful that anybody would find her attractive, so she's playing off your compliment.  She thinks you're "just being nice."  Baggage, buddy, baggage - it's a long row to hoe.  If you want to convince her that you're serious, you'd better find a lot more interesting about her than just her looks.If 2) is the real reason, she doesn't know you well enough.  Are you the type who throws around meaningless compliments like beads at a Mardi Gras parade? Could you be the type who makes mean jokes at other people's expense? Are you her next restraining order, creep?But, let's just say she does know you, and she's not the type to run down her own good looks.  In that case... sorry, she's not interested..  Comments about hotness are not sweet, they're either flirty, sexy, or creepy. Responding as though your comment is sweet is a signal.  It says, "I'm not feeling flirty or sexual right now."  If she was into you, she'd thank you without the cloying sweetness.  "Thanks!" or "Wow, really?" or "Nice of you to notice..." would all be encouraging responses.  There is hope, however, because she clearly didn't take your comment as creepy.  If she did, there would be no "Aw..." in her response.  There would be hesitation, awkwardness - a little, "Um...thanks?" or "Well, okay." So take hope.  She's not currently impressed enough to flirt, but she's got enough consideration for you to make nice in her reply.  Find a nice, non-creepy way to compliment her again, and see what happens.  Or, better yet, do something that's actually sweet, and let actions speak for themselves.

Condom in my boyfriend's birthday card? Good or bad idea?

My boyfriend's birthday is on the 14th and we've never had sex before. (he has but I'm still a virgin) and I thought it over and I want our first time to be on his birthday. Should I put a condom in his birthday card so when he opens it it'll fall out? Or should I put like a gift card in there and just have sex with him later? ughh idk what to do I'm so confused!! Good or bad idea?

I gave my bf a bj for his bday?

Ive been with him for 3 months. i'm in 8th and he is 9th. we make out when we see each other. he gets really excited. he started pressuring me for sex but i wasn't ready. but i agreed to give him hand jobs. then two week it was hi bday and he wanted a ******** so i agreed. he finish in my mouth and then took out his dck squirted it on mu face. which i found so gross. but he got his shirt to wipe it off. and he apologized. and said that it was an accident because he hadn't had sex since he's been with me. i really love him and want to please him. he is really hot and has a lot of girls that want him. and i dont want to lose him over sex. but now he's asking for bj everydays. and i really enjoy pleasuring him but he still ejaculates on me. I don't if he is being disrespectful or what. and besides my mouth is sore he is hung he is about 8 inches and i also don;t have a very hig mouth. am i being to stubborn or is he?