Were We Friends Or Did She Want More

Don't want to ruin the friendship?

hello dave you are in a position of not knowing what is best to do with your feelings towards this women, i think that you already know the answer but really want more confirmation from her that she isn't interested in more then just friendship. I think that women say this because they haven't considered you as dating material because the basis for you relationship has been around being friend and perhaps it hasn't occued to her that potentially you could be more, try not to take it too personally, if the friendship seems akward its because you have told a friend that you have begun to see her in a different light and that can mean that she then is uncertain about how to interact with you she could possibly be entertaining the idea of more then friendship or that friensdhip is what she wants and nothing more. It could be she doesn't want to hurt your feelings and wants to remain freinds and doubts if thats possible know because of your revelations. I thinks its slightly unfair that you feel shes letting you down because she doesn't find you attractive in the physical sense when shes used to interacting with you on a different level, it depend how long you have had these hidden feeling of more then just friendship as to how hurt this makes you feel. I am guessing that there are alot of things she likes about you they just do not match the same critera you want her to fufil, i hope this help, friendship can get confusing and make you doubt what really happeneing, i am wondering has this women given you any clear signals that perhaps she wanted more then just friendship from you? Hope that you feel that you can still be friends with her without your feelings towards her getting in the way either way you are left with these feelings and not knowing what to do with them can be difficult but staying friends could be a good thing if thats what you want in the long run or cut yourself loose and if its a relationship you want it might help if you start off communica.ting that first. Take care.

What does she mean when she says she wants to be friends and she needs more time after we were serious?

This usually means that she is not interested in you physically, but you have a nice personality and she is happy to keep you around socially as a friend.What is unusual about this specific situation is that it is occurring after you have already been "serious" or intimate.  Usually people are friendzoned before any intimacy occurs, but it does sometimes happen in the early stages of a relationship.  She finds you appealing and attractive or she would not have gotten serious with you in the first place, but she is now having second thoughts and maybe not feeling the chemistry any longer.

How do I ask a girl if she wants to be more than just friends?

I think you need to not ask at this point… but tell .Tell her how you feel. Don't worry about being clingy or anything else.My philosophy is , if I feel it, it's not wrong. I wasn't created “wrong”. But I'm also not insane and do a lot of work on myself.. haha.So tell her. Remember feelings aren't clingy. Behavior is.Someone can be madly in love with you and you wouldn't know… and someone can really hate you and you would think they were obsessed with you.Tell her how you feel and don't wonder … your feelings wont change and are not dependent on what she does with them, right? So just let her know without any pressure … don't have it be about her. And what she does for you.Because love isn't about that. Love is an action word.. love is about giving not getting. And the purer the love the less selfish it is.Be in charge of your feelings and let her be in charge of hers. I think its perfectly fine to ask her straight out.“Can I be your boyfriend?”Just try to remember there are no rules to follow. No set formula. If you pay attention. To your heart and your truth and don't listen to anything else or anyone else you'll be ok. I mean as far as what you're supposed to do. There is no “should”.

Husband's friend wants more....?

My husband's friend is having trouble in her marriage. She has 3 kids and has been married for 5 years. When I see them together when we hang out - I see the way she looks at him. She has even gone as far as to tell him that if she does get a divorce, she has to wrap her mind around the fact that she can't have my husband the way she wants him. My husband tells me that they are just friends and I believe that - but he says that he feels bad that he can't give her what she wants because he loves me. I think he has a "crush" on her and he says that it is definately not love, but just some "kids dating" feelings sometimes. I think personally that because she has such strong feelings for him and that she goes to him for alot of advice, he feels needed and he just reacts to her feelings for him. He has assured me that he will not leave me for her and that he wants to be with me forever, but why is it that they are hanging out today (kids are there too) and I'm crawling the walls?

My friend doesn’t want me to be mates with her friend? Why is this?

She seems like the kind of person that would rather be the center of attention and because you two hit it off, you can discuss things and don't NEED her to continue a conversation. I had a friend like this. I grew up more of a tomboy type because I had an older brother. So super soakers, video games were my upbringing. When I got older, I continued the video game model and found it easy to talk to guys because I had been around them so often and found what they found interesting. She actually one day told me she was never going to introduce me to her boyfriends any longer because we ended up getting along talking about video games.

She's jealous she isn't the center of attention or the "most popular" one in the room. She feels threatened that you could end up "taking her friend away" by you two hanging out and not inviting her. Immature, but just reassure her that you enjoy her company just as much and you're happy that she introduced you two so that you have someone else to consider as a friend. That it doesn't mean you will push her out.