Were Young Liberals All For 0bamacare Right Up Until They Realized If Was Going To Cost Them

Do conservatives realize Obamacare has been a success?

ABSOLUTELYThere is NO doubt that the ACA could have been a GREAT success but typical of the left they took their basic idea to the extreme and flew right past success to total disasterThe portions that were actually valuable were the elimination of the annual and lifetime spending limtsThe elimination of the pre-existing condition clauseThe inclusion of VERY basic care with no copayThe rest is the typical if a little is good giving them a lot more has to be even better scenarioThe issue of pre-existing condition and the over expense of people who were locked out due to life or annual max could have MUCH easier be handled by expanding Welfare programsThe issue of rating premiums without the need to assess medical health could have been handled with state and federally funded reinsurance assistance rather then redesigning the entire processThe REAL killer was the inclusion of BILLIONS of dollars in treatments at no copay that otherwise were self regulating and well established. Things like birth control being mandatorily free and colonoscopies and mammograms the sameInstead of focusing on getting VERY basic care for EVERYONE they wanted to do TWO things provide AFFORDABLE and EXPANSIVE care for everyoneEconomically that is an oxymoron. One can NOT increase coverage at the same time lower premiums. We EITHER lower premiums OR we build a more comprehensive coverage system but the two together REQUIRES by definition a high premium for SOMEONE to pay. That someone is either the individual or the employer or in some cases the Government which means ALL of usLook back at things like food stamps Social Security and even Medicare and you will see they STARTED out to be a little helping hand to get one past the rough times to get back on their feet and to then be able to handle life’s issues on their ownThen as time progressed the Gov made them into full blown entitlements with HUGE scopes that literally make the recipients invalids and no longer require anyone to do anything because the Gov will take care of them.We have millions of families who are now multi-generational have never worked and yet collect benefits paid for by the rest of the society while they continue to make more and more generational clonesThe ACA is/was an example of a nice thought taken FAR TOO FAR to the point that it decimated an entire industry and something isn’t done VERY soon the outcome is going to be seen in the life and health statistics of our country for decades to comeDr Dave

How does Obamacare reduce healthcare costs?

It forces people who are healthy to pay into the system, rather than only start paying AFTER they become sick like they do now. That puts a lot of money into healthcare for everyone.

It also cuts a wasteful corporate welfare program called "medicare advantage".
It also forces insurers to create larger risk pools which reduces costs overall.

Do liberals realize that Obamacare was a failure?

I think that to those who now have medical coverage, and those who have ‘pre-existing’ conditions it is NOT a failure, but a life saver.And maybe we need to answer this question about CONSERVATIVES. Why are they so hell-bent on the average American not having health care, decent wages for their work, decent housing that is not at an outrageous price, and some hope for the future?IMHO, it is a national DISGRACE that wee, the best nation on earth, do not have NATIONAL HEALTH CARE for every single one of our citizens. How to pay for it? Get rid of some of the waste that many conservatives are perfectly happy with. Tax those with ALL THE MONEY at a fair rate. Maybe cut defense spending a little. Not so that wee ar in danger (why do people think we are in danger all the time? After all, we are the only people in the entire history of the WORLD to have ever used a nuclear weapon on our fellow HUMAN BEINGS!) (Of course, that might soon change, if Trump succeeds in goading the nut in North Korea to really launch a weapon!)But how about cutting some of the costs that are CLEARLY (and have been reported many times) totally out of control! Cut some of those costs, which serve nothing to make us safer, but only to line the pockets of the already very rich!And while we are at it, how about reining in some of the insurance companies, who are totally screwing the American People with their ‘negotiated’ prices for actual care, and with the huge amounts they CHARGE for the ‘insurance’ versus what is actually PAID to the providers! For Pete’s sake folks, look at you EOBs once in a while. Do some MATH and see what medical care REALLY costs. Take out the INSURANCE companies and we could save BILLIONS!

Why do liberals support Obamacare, when socialism has always failed?

Every time anyone has every tried big government socialism it's always been a failure - like North Korea and the former Soviet Union for example. Yet, liberals still socialist government run healthcare. When will they realize that socialism has never worked and never will work?

What do liberals believe is Donald Trump’s greatest achievement as president and in life?

Donald’s great achievement for the Republicans has been is 2017 Tax Cuts. This was a big deal. Unfortunately, he will still be alive when the cost of this comes to be paid and his great achievement will become a liability.Donald’s lasting great achievement will be the reorganization of the GOP. The GOP started having a change of values and what was important when the Tea Party was formed. The GOP has a great voter base but it is aging out and dying. By Donald Trump being such a polarizing President then the GOP can attract new voters and evolve into a reenergized party. There might be a bunch of complaining and it will come with a cost for some people. However it is needed every few decades to keep a political party in existence.Donald Trump’s biggest gift for the Democrats was going after ObamaCare. It has been the biggest game changer for health care and the Democrats being the good guys. For years too, too many people were happy to use ACA and not realize it was ObamaCare. When the Republicans threatened so many people all across the country it changed America and Americans. The change of attitude about health care helped to make the “Blue Wave” of 2018 possible. Between Trump/GOP going after people’s healthcare and the Koch brother’s project to prove that Medicare for All would be expensive. These events has proven that Medicare for All would be cheaper and better for Americans. We might end up with Medicare for All or a Single Payer Health Care in a few years.Thanks to the Koch Brothers, We Have More Proof that Single Payer Saves Money and Cares for All of Us

Why do Republicans hate Obamacare?

I am not political at all so i apologize beforehand . From what I understand Obamacare gives poor people access to affordable healthcare ? but Republicans and richer americans do not like that because it means higher taxes right? somebody has to pay for it.

if im wrong please correct me

Are liberals blinded by compassion?

Are conservatives blinded by reality? Because liberals support the health care bill and care about 30 million people getting health care and conservatives are concerned about the cost of the health care bill does that make them more compassionate? Does it help alleviate some sense of guilt or are the guilty being self-centered?