What According To Pollan Is Different About The Human Food Chain As Compared With Non-human Food

Harmful Effects of genetic engineering? Human designing !?

Can you think or list some Harmful Effects of genetic Harmful Effects of genetic engineering, if possible ... please list web-sites (links), books names... and i would aprciate the best as possible ... thanks in advance

Interdependence between humans, plants, and animals?

interdependence bet. plants and animals
1 animals depend on plants for food
2 animals depend on plants to lower the CO2 levels and increase the O2 levels in the atmosphere
3 animals depend on plants for shade and shelter (nest, burrows etc)
4 animals depend on plants for raw materials: birds need twigs for shelter, animals sharpen their claws on tree barks, man needs wood for fuel and furniture etc
5 plants need animals to cross fertilize: animals carry the pollen far and wide
6 plants need animals for the higher amount of CO2
7 plants need animals to digest complex substances into more simple substances so that bacterias can break it further down to give nutrients to plants

humans and other living things
1 humans require plants and vice versa for all of the above
2 humans require bacterias for point 7 above
3 humans require bacterias to ferment their food
4 humans need animals for food and company
5 humans require animals for ploughing their feilds, transportation etc
6 to all other living beings, humans are an important part of the food chain/ food web. (the most destructive part lol)

Does organic food has real health benefits? Is it a marketing gimmicks to sell produce for higher price?

Organic food is any produce which complies with organic farming procedures. Which in turn, is the practice of farming without use of any synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.The farm produce that is grown under such procedures where the holistic process of production involves only and only natural ingredients, is organic. Hence, healthy.To exemplify, the organic dairy farming is a wholesome process which starts from the cattle feed till the final product (milk, curd, ghee, etc.) The fodder for cattle is an organic produce, so the milk from such cattle is free from pesticides and synthetic chemicals. Then, the curd and ghee produced from the same is through natural processes avoiding any adulteration of produce.For example, the ghee is not produced directly from milk through machines. The milk is first converted to curd then the curd is churned through the ancient hand-churning process - Vilona/Bilona to convert into Organic Ghee. This process maintains the important nutrients in the Ghee which are otherwise removed through machine churning process. Such product takes more time, more manpower, hence the price.If you want to switch to healthy food choices, try out organic dairy products from Amrut[1]Have a healthy life, a happy life!Footnotes[1] A Golden Treasure. Pure Desi Cow Ghee in India

Where does the honey bee fit into the food chain?

Where does the honey bee fit into the food chain?The Honey Bee is vegetarian, it feeds on the nectar and pollen of plants.It is prey for a number of animals, many birds will eat bees on the wing, hornets and wasps also prey on it.The honey stores that the bee makes are food for many mammals, bears and other tree climbers including humans, and some birds will also steal honey comb in the wild.The Honey bee also has parasitic pests that feed on it and/or it’s larva and honey comb: Varroa, Wax Moth, Small Hive Beetle, to name a few.Bees are also vectors in pollination, so while not being directly in the food chain, they do contribute incidentally to the reproductive cycle of many plants, which provide both leaf and fruit as food for other animals.

Why are bees always around human food?

A bee is looking for these things primarily: 1. Water, 2. Sugar, 3. Protein, and 4. Trace nutrients. This is no different from humans, and bees are also no different for being lazy. An easy food source will not be overlooked.Honey bees are fed candy, basically, to get them established when first beginning a hive. What is special about honey bees is that if they find a temporary food source, they have to go home and tell everyone about it; the bees then put to vote whether it is worth it for them to send others to that source, and for new and temporary sources, the hive will vote no. So if you see a lone honey bee or two, it might be gathering samples to share with the hive, so to speak, but honey bees are only truly interested in long-term food sources.The rest of bees that come around, as addressed previously, are of various species with just as varying food preferences and behaviors.