What Am I Depressed What

Am I Depressed?

I'm 18, I'm in college, i have a few friends & im single. I know usually people who suffer from depression have loss of appetit, always crying, barely has friends, etc. But for me, that's not the case. I eat, & im not always crying and yes i do have a couple friends. But when I get alone, even if it's just for a minute i become sad. I have no idea why im sad. i get sad at night also when I'm alone. I push my friends away when because i want to be alone but at the same time i feel lonely. at night when i think about how im lonely, i start to cry sometimes. I don't necessarily have a reason to be sad, but chest feels heavy and i feel like i have no one. im close with my family so i am definitely loved. but for some reason they're not enough. i get sad when im alone. & ny chest feels heavy throughout the day sometimes. I don't know where this sadness is coming from, nor do i know if im depressed. what do you think it is?

I am very depressed. What should I do?

First things first. Dont do anything stupid.Why?  Because it wont help you in anyway. The situation you are facing now is what almost every plus 2 student goes through. But they are still going on. Aren't they? As for your 'love' life, its not love! I dont know what that feeling is called but i can assure you that its anything else but love. And i'm saying this out of experience. Even if you do find 'love', then what? You are just going to waste your time chatting or texting him. Of course you are gonna feel good. But thats just temporary. By the time you realise it, your two years up and you will have achieved nothing. And there is high chance that your 'love' life too has run its course. So now, you are not all prepared for your boards and entrance exams. Plus you have a broken heart to tend to. Whats gonna kill you more is that deep down you always knew what you could have done to avoid it but you didnt. Ultimately you ll start having crazy(stupid) ideas. So what must you do? Start DREAMING. Dream about where you want to see yourself 8-10 years from now. Start planning about how you are going to achieve that.  Study for your exams. Instead of wasting time on facebook, read articles and blogs as per your interests(not articles about love).  If you dont have people to talk to when you are down, go to the most secluded corner of your house and talk to your self. Trust me, it helps. Most importantly , keep your mind busy. I came across the following line when i was down - " you do whats right,let the pieces fall where they fall ". Good luck

I'm so depressed, what can I do?

I want to die. Nothing about my life is worth any value to keep living. I am 16 and a senior in high school. I have literally like 2 friends. One of which is my brothers girlfriend now so we don't talk that much, I have like acquaintances but just the 2 that I feel comfortable really talking to. I don't even feel really comfortable talking to them. I feel like I am always just trapped in my house. I am home schooled, I don't have a job, and I share a car with my mom. I feel like maybe if I did stuff I would probably be less depressed but when I try to think of people to hang out with I realize I don't have any. I hang out with my one other friend (who is not dating my brother) and that's about it. I don't do anything. I try to go to church but even that depresses me now. I feel so out of place there, I have been to therapy and I am on medication but it just seems as if that isn't working anymore. I just feel so sad. I want to cry all the time. And for once in my life there is a boy who is not a stalker or a freak who is interested in talking to me and asked me out kind of. My dad said I couldn't go but we could hang out in groups of friends. I don't have a group of friends. I'm a friendly person, I try my hardest to be nice to people. But they always end up treating me like **** or bullying me. I have gained so much weight, I have no energy to even do physical activity. I feel like I can't be myself at home. I just feel so trapped. And like a complete waste of space. I just don't understand why God made me. I am worthless. I try so hard to do something with myself and my life and it just falls to pieces every time. I don't know what to do. We live out in the middle of nowhere basically anyway so even when I do have the car there isn't anyplace to go, and the places where something fun might actually be able to happen, my dad doesn't like me driving to because the traffic is bad. This is understandable. I am just so miserable though. I sound like such a pathetic person like I am just whining but I am so depressed, I don't know what to do. I just wish I had something that made me feel like I was doing something besides sitting on my miserable *** all the time. I don't know what to do. I just keep crying. I want out of this house, I want to meet people who treat me like I am something other than scum, and I want to be able to be myself with out restrictions. I just want to escape from my life. And I can't because its impossible.

Am I depressed ? What is wrong with me?

Im a bit socially awkward , but lately I've been seculiding myself , I don't go outside I just sleep and in like 2 weeks I gained 10 lbs from all my eating. Sometimes I just feel really sad I don't know why, I ponder about things like dying and what it would be like if I just died. I feel so ungrateful for thinking like that, I don't want to commit suicide but I keep thinking about death and stuff. I went out on my balcony and just thought about how it would feel to just fall off of it, and i almost climbed over the railing. Talking to anyone let alone my family is out of the question, I don't want to talk to anyone I just want to stop thinking like this, I'm only 15.

Am I depressed or just weak...?

Okay. You seem to be stuck in the cycle. Its very difficult to stop and say no to the constant thoughts that tend to weaken you. As cliche as this may sound, there will come a time when you will be able to focus on what you want to do, talk to people that you want to, have fun with no guilt, and most importantly -trust yourself and your thoughts.You seem very articulate about the way you feel. Which means you are capable of seeking and accepting the truth. There is this amazing youtuber Noah Elkrief. You can watch any of his videos on depression. But I will try to consolidate all of that, focusing on what helped me get a grip. Problem is not your emotions. It is your thoughts. If some friend calls you and tells you that your house is burning down, your first reaction is this rush of emotions and images. If, in the next second they say ‘I’m kidding’, all of that is gone -whoosh!What you believed in that brief time interval was that your house was in flames. You need to realize that, that image isn’t true. Let’s say, you are supposed to interact with a bunch of new people. Your minds starts thinking- it presents you images of every possible negative outcome, it tells you that the people there must have already judged you or are not interested in you. Pause. Are the thoughts absolutely true? Do those people really think like that? Can you back such thinking with logical proof? The answer is always No.Every time you feel something negative and heading towards depression- question the thought that triggered that feeling. Judge it for its correctness. Its almost like a (fake)friend operating in your mind, to make sure you never reach your true potential.Question the thoughts. Be honest with yourself. Soon they'll back off.Hope this helps.PS- Not a medical professional. I faced this same question once and what I learnt helped me. That’s all.

Why am i depressed and horny?

I'm guessing you're still a virgin and depressed because you'd never had sex before?