What Are 6 Different Numbers Which We Add And We Get Answer 20

Can you add 5 odd numbers to get 30?

What about this..!!3 weeks + 7 days + 11 hrs + 13 hrs + 1 day = 30 days..

How should we get the answer 20 when we add five odd numbers?

None.It's impossible to add 5 odd numbers and have the answer be 20. This is because every odd number can be written as an even number plus 1, or 2n+1. So if you have any 5 odd numbers, you have (2a+1) + (2b+1) + (2c+1) + (2d+1) + (2e+1).This can be rewritten as 2(a+b+c+d+e+2) + 1. Let say n=a+b+c+d+2. Then the sum of our numbers is 2n+1, which means our sum is odd.When you add 5 odd numbers, you have 5 “leftover” ones. Because you have an odd number of extra ones, the sum is always going to be odd.

The sum of two numbers is 92. Their difference is 20. Find the numbers?

If you want the numbers to be x and y let them be x and y.

Sum means "+" and difference means "-".

"The sum of two numbers is 92" translates into x + y = 92

If the difference would be 0 then the numbers would be equal. Between any two numbers who's difference is not 0 one is bigger and one is smaller.

Just choose which one you want to be bigger. If x is bigger then x-y=20. If y is bigger then y-x=20.

I'll go with x bigger because I'm a x-guy. So x-y=20. from here you can go two ways.

Either x = 20 + y because when passing one term from one side to the other you change it's sign.

Or y = x - 20 because you pass "-y" to the right and it becomes "y" and you pass 20 to the left and it becomes -20.

Do whatever you like just have one variable expressed with the help of the other. One to the right of the "=" and one to the right. Let's go with y = x - 20.

Now we replace this in the other relation:

x + y = 92

x + (x-20) = 92

x + x - 20 = 92

2x - 20 = 92 ==> 2x = 92 + 20 ==> 2x = 112 ==> x = 112/2 ==> x = 56

y = x - 20 ==> y = 56 - 20 ==> y = 36.

If you choose x = 20 + y and replace x in the other relation you'll find out y first, and only after that you'll find x.

Best regards!

What number can you add to ten, or subtract from twenty, and get the same answer?

Uh, 5?Any time you're looking for a number that will give you same value when added to a smaller number or subtracted from a larger number, you're just looking for the middle number and the absolute value from the smaller to middle, and middle to larger.“What can you add to 20 and subtract from 40 and get the same number?”30 is equidistant from 20 and 40, moving 10 units in either direction to form your larger and smaller numbers.Therefor the absolute valued term you are looking for is 10.“What can you add to 8 or subtract from 12 to get the same number?”10 is the middle number, equidistant from your perimeters.10 is 8+2 or 12–2. Therefor 2 is your absolute valued term.You would write this as |2|.

What are the 6 numbers that will give you 20 when you add it altogether ? The numbers are not repeated.

First, I’m going to assume that “number” means a non negative integer. There are infinite combinations if you allow negatives, and if you allow rational numbers, and I don’t even want to think about irrationals and complex numbers.Since the numbers are all different, the first five numbers must be at a minimum0+1+2+3+4=10. But then the next number would have to be 10. That’s a number but not a digit, so if we’re talking only digits, this solution is out.The series of numbers1+2+3+4+5=15, meaning the next digit would have to be 5, and substituting higher numbers for the 5 mean needing lower numbers for the final digit, those lower numbers will similarly be already taken. So no series without a zero can work. If zero is ruled out, there are no solutions in the positive integers.With a zero, though, there are more combinations that might workwith a start of 0+1+2+3, the combinations 5,9 and 6,8 also work. 7,7 would require a repeat, and 8,5 9,5 and 10,4 are the same as solutions we already have0+2+3+4+5=14, +6=20No other combinations with 0+2+3+4 work, that is the only solution without a 1.0+1+3+4+5+6=14, meaning the next digit must be 6, so 2 must be included in any series0+1+2+4+5+6=18, meaning the next digit must be 2, so 3 must be included in any seriesand we’ve already addressed all possible combinations which start 0,1,2,3So to sum up:(0,1,2,3,4,10)(0,1,2,3,5,9)(0,1,2,3,6,8)(0,2,3,4,5,6)If 0 is not an allowed number, there are no solutions in the positive integers.

How do we get the sum 30 by adding three odd numbers between 1 to 15?

I also saw this question on internet few times. But it bit differentThat is use 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 in three blocks and That is equal to 30_+_+_=30There's no such thing as getting even number when we add 3 odd numbers. But there's a trick in this answer11+13+_=30_=>6, six is not in the option but one odd number can give the answer with modifications to the logic3!(3 factorial)=3×2=6As per the question we just use odd number. So it can be right11+13+3!=30Yaaayyy got it right (*wink)There's always a solution for every problem in mathematics. That's why great people said that “ one problem have 100 solutions in 1000 ways”Thanks for stopping byHope you have fun“Sorry for my bad English”

Can I get a total of 20 by adding some of the odd numbers between 1-20, 5 times?

Are you asking:Can I get a sum of 20 by adding five odd numbers?The answer is no. Why?When you add two odd numbers, you get an even number.Let A, B, C, D and E represent odd numbers. What is the sum?A+B+C+D+E = ??(odd)+(odd)+(odd)+(odd)+(odd) = ??Whatever A and B are, A+B must be an even number.3+5=8; 1+3=4; –3+3=0Change A+B to X and remember that X is an even numberWe now haveX +C+D+E(even) + (odd)+(odd)+(odd)No matter what C and D are, C+D must be an even number, so let’s change C+D to Y and remember that Y is an even number. We now have:X + Y + E(even) + (even) + (odd)So, can you make 20 using two even numbers plus one odd number?If you can, then you can make 20 with five odd numbers.

How i can get add 5 odd numbers to get a sum of 20 ?

U have 5 odd number okay
The operation just summation okay
how u can get 20 by sum these 5 odd numbers
there's nothing impossible guys

What 2 numbers multiply to make 20, but add together to make -12?

Two numbers which multiply to make 20, but add together to make -12:
x*y = 20 and x + y = -12
(x + y)^2 = 144
x^2 + 40 + y^2 = 144
x^2 + y^2 = 104
(-10)^2 + (- 2^)2 = 104
The two numbers are - 10 and -2

Two numbers which multiply to make -55, but add together to make 6:
11 and - 5 is the answer because when multiplied we get -55 and when
added we get 6.

(Note: The given example is corrected as follows::
-6 and -7
The answer would be -7 and +1, because +1 x -7 = -7, but -7 +1 would equal -6, so that it works).