What Are Easy Ways To Develop Resilience

How do I develop resilience and stop my subconscious mind from automatically siding with my enemies and spiral down to a road of self hate?

Enlighten yourself. Choose the road less traveled. Act only in ways that will bring you closer to your goals.Your subconscious mind isn’t what is making you automatically side with your “enemies”. You are choosing to do this. What you have to do when you are faced with this conflict of, friends who want the worst for you vs. what you want for yourself is, be mindful.My favorite Drake line is “When your mindful of it all, your minds full of it all”I like to interpret this as aways try to live in the moment and let what you know to be truest, guide you. If anyone knows whats best for you its you or the people who care for you. Its easy to differentiate between people who really care for you and people who use you when you start living like this.Try it out and watch your “enemies” fade into darkness.Goodluck!

How do I increase my emotional resilience?

Emotional resilience is the ability to manage your emotions, keep your cool and stay calm - to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change. In some cases, it is the ability to triumph in the face of adversity, to display tenacity, but not at the expense of reason.Emotionally resilient people know that they are going to experience failure on occasions but they see it, not as something to dwell on, but as an opportunity to move forward and accept that failure is a part of life.To some degree, emotional and physical resilience are inborn abilities. Some people, by their nature, are less upset by changes and surprises – this can be observed in infancy and tends to be stable throughout your lifetime. Emotional resilience is also related to some factors that aren’t under your control, such as age, gender and exposure to trauma. However, resilience can be developed with a little effort. If you know what to do, you can become more resilient, even if you are naturally more sensitive to life’s difficulties.Resilience is a mechanism that helps you to survive through adversity and recover from even the most hostile of situations.While there are some genetic factors, resilience can be learned.People who show good resilience possess:a firm, reliable acceptance of realitya deep belief, supported by strongly held values, that life is meaningfulan ability to be creative, adaptable and to improvise.Recovery to adverse conditions is possible with one or two of these qualities, but to be truly resilient you need to develop all three.Fortunately, you can learn to develop all these levels of resilience. Behaviours, thoughts and actions can be learned and developed in anyone. It is not easy, but with work, patience, time and practice you can train your mindset to be more resilient.Adapted from The Authority Guide to Emotional Resilience in Business: Strategies to manage stress and weather storms in the workplace - available in paperback and Kindle version on AmazonThe Authority Guide to Emotional Resilience in Business is, also, available as an online eLearning course. Use code QUORACODE to get an 80% discount.

How does nature vs nurture relates to development?

It depends on if you are talking about the developement of a child from birth, or the developement of a race of people. Freudian analysts will look first to childhood experiences, whilst evolutionary biologists pay more attention to what has been stored in our genes. The surprising findings over recent years is that there is far more than we had expected in the nature argument. It seems we get a lot more than the color of our hair and eyes from our parents--in fact at least half our traits are inherited. A neat way of studying the question is to take identical twins, who will have the same genes, separate them at birth, and then watch how develop differently (supporting the nurture argument) or similarly (supporting the nature argument).
A famous study did just this. Well--almost. Rather than cruelly separate the twins, they went out and found twins that had already been separated through such as different adoptions.