What Are Good Legends / Folks

Need to Make Up An Urban Legend/Folk Story: Any Ideas?

"A lie is always more believable if it's wearing a jacket made of truth"

In other words, find something real which can be the starting point for your urban legend - Something which happened years ago and was reported in the newspapers, so if people hear your story and decide to check it out, they'll find a factual event.

Then you need to think of something which you can link to that event as the basis of your urban legend. For example, if there was a fire or a bus crash and people died, your urban legend could be some kind of ghostly happening at the spot.

Then throw in a couple of fictional witnesses to whatever your urban legend is. Make sure that they are from years ago (the 1970s or 80s, if not before) and that they only saw bits of whatever you say the urban legend is. "Marvin Englestrom, a local resident, recalled that during his boyhood in the 1950s, he'd sometimes see shadowy figures moving around inside the locked cemetery gates"

The classic example of this kind of thing is the Vicar of Ratcliffe Cross. This was a tale about the ghost of an 18th century priest who haunted the derelict docks of London in the 1970s. In life, he'd been an evil man, murdering sailors for their wages and that kind of thing. When the story came out in the papers, a lot of people came forward to say that they'd seen him or knew the story. One senior Police officer claimed that, as a young constable, he was always afraid to patrol the riverside streets in case he ran into the spectral clergyman. In reality, there was no ghost. It was made up by the journalist in 1972 just to see people's reactions. There was no evil vicar known in that area.

The journalist took an area which was pretty creepy and derelict, and also known for some really nasty murders back in the 1800s (well before Jack the Ripper). He created a plausible story to suit the area, but in this case let the 'fictional witnesses' create their own accounts!

What are some Afghan folk tales/myths/legends?

From some basic Web searches, I've stumbled upon "What Melody Is the Sweetest?" and "Beware of the Enemy's Tricks," but I'm still looking for more... interesting Afghan folk tales/myths/legends. Preferably of those that I can read on the Web for myself.

What are some good myths/legends from your state or country?

when i was a kid family and friends went in search of the Bell Witch in Adams TN. Back then the people that owned the land that was once John Bells' would charge folks to look around. i remember there was a cave on the property. never saw anything but met a lot of people who said they did.

What are folk tales?

Folktale: A story or legend forming part of an oral tradition.

Folktale, a story passed on by word of mouth rather than by writing, and thus partly modified by successive re‐tellings before being written down or recorded. The category includes legends, fables, jokes, tall stories, and fairy tales or Märchen. Many folktales involve mythical creatures and magical transformations.

This term can be used either broadly or narrowly. In the broad sense it applies to all prose narratives following traditional storylines, which are told orally, or were so told in previous generations. It thus covers fairytales, legends of all types, memorates, fables, tall tales, and humorous anecdotes. The original author is always unknown; in the rare cases where an individual who shaped the current version has been identified, the tellers are unaware of this (e.g. The Three Bears). Most tales seem to have been formed by recombining traditional elements (‘motifs’) and/ or transferring an established plot (‘tale-type’) from one hero, or one location, to another.
The narrow definition restricts itself to the avowedly fictional narratives in the above list, excluding legends and memorates, since these claim to be true. From an English point of view, this is regrettable, since legends make up a very high proportion of our corpus of traditional narratives and still circulate vigorously, while memorates are a major source for the study of current beliefs.
The basic catalogue of folktales in the narrow sense is The Types of the Folktale by Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson (1961); see also Stith Thompson's The Folktale (1977). Its system was applied to British material in Baughman, 1966; it is used in the works of Katharine Briggs and other recent British folklorists.

What are some popular Egyptian folk tales, stories or legends?

my nanny used to tell me many stories :
-Set el Husn and El Shater Hassan met and he insisted on marrying her because of her beauty and grace .
-Set el Husn went to a big palace and was given keys to all the rooms except one .she was curious . she found a way to get in . she found Omina Al Ghoula . she said , Al Salam 3alaykum.the Ghoula said , Lola salamek sabaq kalamek , **** akalt la7mek qabl 3edamek .she befriended the Ghoula who gave her the key to a room full of gold , diamonds , jewels , etc .
- a girl was badly treated by her step mother .she was taken to the ball by the witch . the young prince saw her and fell in love with her . he insisted on marrying her , and did .
Isis was a beautiful girl.Oziris saw her and convinced her to marry him , and go down with him .every year she goes up to the earth in Spring . Mother Earth celebrates the occasion by renewing itself in every way.

What are some prominent horror legends/folklore from your culture?

Tl;dr: There are a lot of monsters lurking in the Norwegian forests.Huldra - A beautiful womanlike creature who lives in the forest. With her beauty she lures men to come to her, either in a lake or a bog, shows them her cow tail, and then leaves them to die.Spot the tail.Troll - I guess many already know about this one. A type of monster who lives in the forest, or under bridges, and often likes to eat people or sheep.Their characteristics varies a lot from story to story, but they normally turn to stone if they are exposed to sunlight. For more information on the current troll situation in Norway, watch Trolljegeren (Trollhunter) (2010).Nøkken - This is a sort of troll who lives in lakes, lures people to come to him, and then drowns them. There are tons of stories about him, and I guess they might have been told to keep children away from the water.When I have more time I can update with more stories/monsters.All pictures are painted or drawn by Theodor Kittelsen.

Are folk stories, legends and fairy tales copyrighted? Can I publish a book online with legends and myths stories from my country like my country's mythology staff and folk stories?

No, the stories themselves are not copyrighted, but an individual retelling might be. Good case in point: the Beauty and the Beast folktale is in the public domain, but Disney’s retelling of Beauty and the Beast is copyrighted. And I wouldn’t mess with the Mouse.So you can retell those stories in your own words, but you can’t plagiarize someone else’s currently copyrighted retelling.

What is the best controller to play Apex Legends on a PC?

If you want to play apex legends on a PC with a controller, that is perfectly fine. Most folks are gonna answer this telling you that you should use a keyboard and mouse but really if a controller feels better to you than fine use it. They do have a few strong and good points about keyboard and mouse though. First off aiming is much more precisive with a mouse than it is on console. Although learning how to use keyboard and mouse can take some work, it is indeed worth it to many. A keyboard and mouse is just faster and requires more precision that a controller, which is what makes it so hard to use the first month or 2. Of course if you want to play with a controller that is fine as the game is more than playable with one. A controller I suggest is either a wired xbox 360 controller or a xbox one controller. They feel better than playstation controllers to most people. I want to say this though, that if you are not already pretty good playing first persons shooters on console, than you are gonna have one hell of a time playing apex on PC. Depending on your settings and whom you fight some folks may move faster than you if you deciede to use a controller. if you are good with a controller than your fine. Its understandable if you don’t wanna spend a month getting into PC gaming just to play apex legends. If you are looking to get into PC gaming its strongly reccomended you use a keyboard and mouse however.