What Are Inedible Leftover Food Such As Fish And Chicken Bones Called In English

Is eating chicken good for your health?

Chicken is one of the better meats for your protein source, which is also the most consumed protein source after red meat.Chicken up to twice or thrice a week is good for you. Chicken, along with fish and turkey, is white meat and often recommended for a healthy lifestyle. Your chicken intake in your daily meals can be in many different healthy ways such as baking or grilling chicken breast or serving it with a variety of sauces and vegetables. It is, however, important that this chicken be skinless and certainly not fried.People even eat chicken up to 5 and 6 times a week. As long as the chicken is cooked healthily and eaten in limited portions, it will not be health hazard. For a 1600 calorie meal, about 2 portions of 2 ounce chicken servings are usually served in one day. Instead of consuming chicken as protein every day, you can eat fish, beans, legumes or tofu.Eating chicken at every meal, especially processed chicken or fried chicken, defeats the purpose of having healthy meal. Often fried chicken is not only loaded with trans fats but is also fried with the skin on adding to the cholesterol and fat count of the meal. Eating too much of anything is bad and that applies to chicken as well.So, you should balance your chicken consumption along with other healthy and interesting proteins to keep your system active and healthy.

Why does my baby red eared slider seem to be floating lopsided?

Your turtle has a respiratory infection. The lung on the side that is lower is filled with water which is creating this. You need to get it to a vet immediately as these are deadly. This is possibly the early stages of pneumonia as listing (floating sideways) is a sign of pneumonia. Raise the temps in the tank by 5 degreese and consult your vet.


i have to come up with words that are spelled the same but have different pronunciation such as bow and bos or polish and polish. any other ones? please tell me all that you can think of and it will be greatly appriciated =]