What Are Some Cute Text Messages I Can Leave For My Girlfriend

No more sweet and cute text messages from my boyfriend?

Ever since i met my boyfriend we have texted every day and he used to live 30 minutes away from me so we would only see each other 2 or 3 times a week. He used to send me these cute text messages telling me he would never leave me, im perfect, he doesnt want to lose me, id do anything for you, i love you with all my heart and telling me all these things i want to hear, especially he wanted to be with me forever.... We have been together for a year now as of october 19 and he stopped sending me those text messages a month ago. When i ask for them back he says he is different now. I know that those text messages are not something i should worry about but they mean alot to me and i want them back ): Ever since college started he has been acting like this. I just want my cute text messages back. Also i trust him but i get jealous of everything he does and worry like you wouldnt believe. I dont understand why and i need help. He doesnt cheat on me, but we arent as affectionate and lovable like we used to.


Cute messages for my boyfriend to wake to?

my boyfriend always does sweet little things like that, that make me smile. i just want to do the same for him. is there and messages i can send him to make him smile when he first wakes up?(: i want to show him i care more and appreciate him because i don't think he always knows i do. Also, are there any other things i can do to show him how much i love him? thanks!

What is a sweet message to leave on my girlfriend's voicemail?

hey , I was just thinking about you and wanted to say shalom.

Sweet things You Can Say To Your Girlfriend ( Text Message)?

short texts you mean the world to me 2. im lucky to have you you are one in a million 4.your the best thing that is still happening to me
longer texts
1.i would love to wake up every morning by your and see how you fall asleep in my arms
2.i love you so much i think of you every second of the day i cant imagine my life without you i dont know where i would be with out you
thats all i can thinlk of

Should I text my girlfriend every day?

Yes, but within limits. There is nothing more than a girlfriend likes, then to receive text messages from her boyfriend. There’s nothing more than a girlfriend hates, as a guy who plays games, I will text one day and then disappears for a day or two. None of us like to worry about why they are no longer texting.But despite this texting situation, I will give you a scenario in which I dated a person who called and every time I did not answer the phone he left a message until it stopped recording. These messages lasted about three minutes and 45 seconds, and he would leave 10 of these a day! Then he would get angry that I did not leave a listen to his messages. I told him that I did not have time to sit on the phone listening to 30 minutes worth of messages, and that was a low estimate. I actually had to do the math, to explain to him and to show him how long each one of us messages were.It turned into an issue of control. Where could I go, who could I go with, when I had to either answer the phone, or listen to his messages, all day long? To this day, the idea of getting a message from him, makes me ill thinking about it.So anyway, long story short text her every day, but just don’t stalk.

Cute text to send to a girl I like?

I like this one girl and I'm pretty sure she knows it. She lives two hours away when shes at college so we usually only talk on the phone and/or text. I want to know what would be a cute text message to send her randomly that would make her say "aww" and smile? I don't want something thats "too much" and would freak her out since we're only friends, but I'd like to brighten her day. Anybody have any good ones or something?

Thanks everyone.