What Are Some Different Health Care Settings

What is the meaning of diversity in a health and social care setting?

Very nice, my specialty
Diversity is very important to bridging the gap in healthcare. In order for healthcare systems to treat populations effectively, healthcare professionals need to understand how cultural differences impact when, how, why people seek medical care. People living in poverty are less likely to seek medical attention until it becomes uncontrolable, landing them in the ER. Diversity is important because individuals can prevent serious health problems with brief interventions. In order to get them in the door you have "to meet the client where he/she is". If your targeted population doesn't come out to diabetes testing at a local health center, the professionals need to look at obstacles residents face in going in for health services. When diversity becomes an integral part of treatment, health outcomes are more positve because real-life situations become more valid and are taken into consideration in a treatment plan. If healthcare professionals apply the same treatment methods to everybody, many people will be left out because cultural barriers, and individuality are not considered in treatment.

Examples of health and social care settings?

retirement villages, mental institutions*

What is quaternary healthcare? How does it differ from tertiary healthcare?

Tertiary and Quarternary Healthcare refer to specialized care available in referral centers and very rarely accessible to the general public. From Wikipedia:Tertiary care is specialized consultative health care, usually for inpatients and on referral from a primary or secondary health professional, in a facility that has personnel and facilities for advanced medical investigation and treatment, such as a tertiary referral hospital.Examples of tertiary care services are cancer management, neurosurgery, cardiac surgery, plastic surgery, treatment for severe burns, advanced neonatology services, palliative, and other complex medical and surgical interventions.Quaternary careThe term quaternary care is sometimes used as an extension of tertiary care in reference to advanced levels of medicine which are highly specialized and not widely accessed. Experimental medicine and some types of uncommon diagnostic or surgical procedures are considered quaternary care. These services are usually only offered in a limited number of regional or national health care centres. A quaternary care hospital may have virtually any procedure available, whereas a tertiary care facility may not offer a sub-specialist with that training.

Six potential hazards in the health and social care setting?

Potential hazards in the health and social care setting?... why is it a hazard? how will effect patients,staff and other clients who may visit the premises.?
I am finding this very hard and i just can't seem to find anything... maybe i am being a lil dense on the internet and from my notes but i would appreciate it if you could help.

Thank you

What is the difference between primary medical care and secondary medical care? Are all hospitals secondary care facilities?

Primary medical care deals with basic and common requirements of people and families that can be provided with minimal resources close to their homes. Along with treatment of common diseases, it deals with preventive aspects like vaccination, birth control etc.Secondary medical care deals with specialized requirements of people and advanced forms of care mostly for sick ones which is usually provided in facilities like hospitals, nursing homes, hospices etc.Tertiary medical care is highly advanced form of medical care for most sick people in society who require unlimited resources in form of complex teams and devices or procedures. This is usually provided at university centers or super specialized institutes.A hospital can provide all 3 forms of care, with primary care to its neighborhood, and staff. Secondary care to referrals and a few tertiary care facilities like a center for bone marrow transplant.

Communication in care settings coursework? health and social care?

I won't write the essay for you, but I can give you some ideas to run with and improve upon.

It is important to have good communication when working in a setting where one provides care to others. Miscommunication can result in someone becoming ill, get hurt, or die.