What Are Some Myths From Africa

What are the myths about Africa?

It was a “dark” continent before the “white saviours” cameIt's still a “dark” continentAfrica is a country.Africans are primitive and compared to apesOnly Africans “evolved" from apes. You don't see “white apes” in the evolution theoryAfricans aren't intelligentEarly Africans didn't invent anything..I could go on and on..

What are the myths about South Africa?

The so-called “rainbow nation” myth. South Africa gets portrayed as if it is a country where all races live together in perfect happiness and harmony. Yet it is a country where the racial inequalities inherited from apartheid remain largely intact. Speaking of a “rainbow nation” covers up the fact that the black majority largely remain in poverty in their own country. Hence, there is much racial resentment and anger in South Africa, no matter how much the “rainbow nation” myth attempts to give a false picture of peace and love. Hopefully one day South Africa will be a true rainbow nation, a country with various racial groups with equal life chances and at peace with each other. Unfortunately, that is not the current reality.

How are myths important to Africa?

First off you have to understand that Africans are the oldest existing group of pagans that ever walked on the face of this earth... Also the story tellers that go from place to place existed in Africa first.... And their superstitions have ruled their movement and every aspect of their lives for untold centuries.. Also their pagan belief have changed little over the centuries...

What crazy myths have you heard from Africa?

Here's my favourite African mythIt's called Okafor’s Law

African cosmogony myth?

It is hard to think of the mythology of the vast continent of Africa in the same breath as that of Oceania, with its scattering of islands strung across the empty expanses of Pacific Ocean and the continent.
Africa has a very scattered and fragmented mythological heritage .... except for Egypt.
Indigenous African peoples created their own mythology, lore and ritual depending on the needs of the community.
The major question for tribal Africa seemed to be ' Who created the world ? ' Creator gods, like Woyengi and Bumba, or parents such as Kintu and Nambi or even Mwuetsi and Morongo, were the core myths that explained the cosmos and also defined the social order.
The elements figure prominently in African cosmology, as personified by Olorun and Olorun from Nigeria, who represent the sky and water, and in the case of Amma and his offspring in the mythology of Mali.

Eshu is one the important minor gods or spirits known as oshiras, who plays a major part in the Yoruba people's daily life. The eclipse of the sun was a powerful symbol of creation to some people, and of disaster to others.
According to the Rwandan peoples, the sole creator, Imana, is responsible for creating their dramatic landscapes. Village communities in Rwanda believed Death would conquer the world if they didn't worship Imana.
The god Anansi was the spider- trickster of the Ashanti people of West Africa.
In the myths of the Shilluk people of Southern Sudan, Juok was a formless creator who was present in everything.
According to the Makoni people of Zimbabwe, Mwuetsi was the first human being created by the god Maori.
Mwindo was a hero with supernatural powers, a favorite epic tale for the Nyanga people of the Congo River area of central Africa.
In the myths of the Galla people of Ethiopia, Halawaka was the divine messenger from Heaven to Earth.
In the Bambini mythology, Khonvoum is the chief god of the Bambini people (Pygmies of the Congo ).
The supreme creator god in Zulu mythology was Unkulunkulu, originally believed to have grown on a reed in a formless swamp before he created the Earth.

These are the best information that I can provide you with......about the African Cosmology myth.

Could anyone explain some African creation myths to me?

I'm doing a little research and would like to learn about the story of how an African people's began (akin to the story of Adam and Eve). Yet, my independent searching has thus far produced no consistent results that I trust (not even Wikipedia seemed to have much information). Any creation myth that someone could explain (or at least point me in the right direction to explore myself) would be greatly appreciated. Preferably a story that explains how human life began in an area that is/was a tropical forest.

What are some of Africa's folk stories from Malawi?

Malawi used to be called Nyasaland.

Here are some children´s tales from Africa. Click on the insects to read the stories.