What Are Some Things That Mra Groups Have Got Wrong

Why do feminists make generalizations that MRA is a sexist group?

This is laughable, of the one sided ignorant generalization made by one feminist;

"They have consistently demonstrated an inability to reflect on issues, and show that they understand the other point of view. Instead they like to say all feminists "hate men", "think all sex is rape", "want to castrate little boys", etc. because these are not smart people. They are trolls."

Have this feminist thought about their so called aim? Apparently feminism is the point of achieving equality. Clearly here shes contradicting herself.

To campaign specifically on either side against the other is in itself discriminating. Like with race issues, now that racial equality is largely recognized, the aim is focused on quality between the groups, not a campaign from each race fighting against the others.

By acting together as men AND women there is better chance of achieving feminism's aims. By keeping it as a women vs men strategy seems to be fighting for the sake of fighting rather than getting together and eradicating inequalities.

So clearly she made a fool of herself. So this is what modern feminism is like?

What's wrong in saying that "men are humans too " ?

Because it's politically incorrect to say "men are humans too".

"men are human beings with rights" -

For people who believe in a certain ideology, this seems to "hijack" the Feminist slogan "women are humans too".

But in this day and age, we all know that men and women are both humans.

Feminists and their organizations have, for far too long, milked the sympathy vote to enact pro-female acts and laws, and to sway attitudes to consider women to be the under-privileged class.

Given that legal equality has been achieved in the west, and given that that slogan seems to send the message that men's rights are being eroded, they seem to perceive it as a threat to their status quo.

People who are scared that their status quo is under threat will usually respond. The group you speak of has resorted to violence.

"How can anyone support them and their hatred towards men ?" - one can, if they're indoctrinated with feminist lessons, and if they believed [wrongly] that women are second-class citizens/

Why do MRA's think all women/feminists are the same?

The Men's Rights Movement seems to have one train of thought when it comes to women:

Seriously, unless there are some other MRA's that just don't speak up about these issues, THIS is what you look like to the general public. It's as bad as radical feminists make Feminism seem.

(1) Honestly, if all the girls you date are gold-diggers or expect you to pay every time, you're dating the wrong kind of girl. Most I know are educated career-women who would never expect that sexist "princess treatment." You need to date and hang out with women who can provide for themselves, because there are more out there than your narrow view allows you to think.

(2) And at its core, feminism is about gaining the same rights as men have had for hundreds of years. Since we don't yet have all of those rights (the draft, equal pay, and other inclusiveness issues), it makes us the "weak" and oppressed gender. A true feminist also acknowledges that just because men have more rights than us, doesn't mean theirs are perfect yet -- I think MRA's are valid in fighting for custody rights, better mental health programs, more men-only domestic violence shelters, etc. We're not all radical, y'know! I hope the same is true for MRAs.

(3) And last, laws like VAWA aren't sexist. They're not. In fact, they're necessary. Women actually need more protection, because women are more often victims, by A LOT. Look at the statistics. 1 in 5 women are raped in their lifetime. 91% of rapists are male. 90% of rape victims are female (and the 10% that are male are mostly prisoners and children). There should also be laws protecting men, and finally, more research is being done to capture an accurate representation of female-on-male rapes. But the MRA's who think VAWA is sexist makes my skin crawl.

So again, who agrees with me on my stances, and why or why not? I'm a Feminist who believes in equality, and that MRA's have a few valid points.

Do these groups represent Men Rights Activists, or are they just radicals? Who does speak for MRA's?

Some of the web sites I listed I'd been to many times, so I knew their basic intent and message. Others I found by linking to dozens of MRA web sites and saw them mentioned a number of times; I just looked at their web name and a bit about the organization and put them in this list. I think some are radical, not because they are promoting fairness for men, but because some are hostile towards women, others are hostile towards feminists, assuming that all women and/or all feminists are alike.

I see in this forum many references to feminist radicals, and some were and are-they didn't think highly of men. I see a lot of demands that feminists should "do" something about these radicals. I thought I'd see just what MRA's think should be done with people who say they are MRA's and dislike women. I think there's a difference between promoting fairness, and disliking/hating women.

It's early days. Hopefully MRA's will calm down and realize not everyone is their enemy.

Why are men’s rights activists considered a sexist group even though a portion of them are not?

Okay then, lets set aide a few basic facts:The majority of MRAs are not sexistMRAs are considered sexist by a lot of peopleThere are sexist MRAs.Now we have those starter facts, we can get on towards the answer.In my opinion, there are a number of reasons that Masculism is considered sexist.Actual SexistsIt is well known that political movements attract crazies, and MRAs have even acknowledged this with The Nolan Effect, a term coined by the MRS organisation, with the name referring to infamous Misogynist MRA Peter Nolan.Unfortunately, some people judge the movement not by it’s positive actions, but by the beliefs of a small minority.Then there are people (often anti-MRAs) who falsely conflate non-MRA misogynists like RooshV and ReturnOfKings with Masculists, in order to slander their reputation.MisinformationMRAs are accused of being pro-rape, pro-IPV, minimisers of male-on-female victims, Patriarchal, Incel Neckbeard Virgins, whiny, and a whole raft of other unfounded claims that are used to defame Masculism and prevent it from achieving its goals..

My son just told me he's an MRA. As a feminist, how do I explain to him that it's just a phase and he'll get over it?

I think that delegitimizing your son’s viewpoint by simply calling it a “phase” is a bad approach to understanding him.Now, I do not know what motivating your son to becoming a Men’s Rights Activist. It could have been stemmed from anti-feminism propaganda from hate groups, or it could be a legitimate concern for men’s rights in things like low male participation in teaching professions in primary and secondary education or even false rape accusations.Since possible reasons for being a MRA can be several, many of them being legitimate and reasonable causes, it is essential that you figure out what motivated him to become a MRA in the first place before you take any other action.Threatening or belittling your son will have a negative impact on future conversion regarding this issue and may push him into actually believing in anti-feminist agendas. He may think, “Oh, women and feminists don’t care about men’s rights and just belittle us for raising our concerns over it.”This is NOT what you want your son to think. Ever.Explain to him that feminism is just as concerned about men’s rights as women’s rights, after all, feminism stands for equal treatment regardless of sex. Also explain to him that feminists who claim that men’s rights are unimportant don’t actually understand the true principles of feminism and its core value of equality.As a fellow feminist like yourself, I once mistakenly thought that feminism is bad because it only cares about women’s rights. I corrected my skewed understanding through researching about feminism and its movements, and I believe every feminists should do the same. If we understand ourselves and the common ideology behind it better, it can reduce misconceptions about feminism and bring the MRAs and feminists together, because in reality, both group fight for same things.In South Korea, this did not happen, so there’s many misconceptions about feminism and feminists, leading to conflicts between Feminists In Name Only (misandrists) and anti-feminists (misogynists) all over the Korean Internet.Don’t let your son fall into such misconception. Find out what caused him into becoming a MRA, explain the true virtue of feminism to him, and you’ll see that now you can both see eye to eye and find both of you more mature.