What Are Sound Layers

Sofar layer sound travels....?

In the sofar layer sound travels:

a) slowly and refracts inward
b) rapidly and refracts inward
c)slowly and refracts outward
d) rapidly and refracts outward

What happen when the sound travels from one layer of air to another having different density?

If an acoustic waves runs into an interface between two different regions with different densities, then a portion is reflected and a portion is transmitted. It’s not actually the density all by itself that matters, but rather the combination of density multiplied by speed of sound. See:Acoustic impedance - WikipediaIf the density were higher, but the speed of sound were lower by just the right amount, then the impedances would be the same in both places and there would be not reflection or refraction. This is what impedance matching is all about - trying to eliminate or reduce energy lost by reflection when we are trying to transmit that energy someplace else.

How thick is each layer of air?

You will need to know the speed of sound in each layer. The speed of sound is proportional to the square root of the absolute temperature, and is 331.5 m/sec at 0 C and 343.4 m/sec at 20 C. This is enough information to set up two equations in two unknowns (the two thicknesses) and grind out the answer. You do the math.

Does this sound okay??! :] Hair cutt.?

NO NO NO don't do it! At least don't get such severe layers (if any at all!). Reason being they always look awful.

What is blending several layers of sound in a recording?

Blending layers of sound could refer to a lot of different things. But most offten it is when DJs take the songs and play them one after another with out stopping and they flow it so well it just sound like one long song. But other times it is like taking random noises like anything from sharpening pencils to playing a single drum beat to make a complete rythym.

If you want to get a visual of what im talking about, here's a link to a guy that made a video of separate recordings and put them together in a way where it sounds like a complete song.


A sound wave is traveling in warm air when it hits a layer of cold, dense air. If the sound wave hits the cold?

use snell's law

n1 sinq1 = n2 sin q2

where n1 is the index of refraction of the first medium, and n2 of the second medium
q1 is the angle of incidence and q2 is the angle of refraction

the index of refraction is related to the speed of sound in the medium according to

n = c/v where c is the speed at some standard value (like T=0C), and v is the speed at a different speed

therefore, we can rewrite snell's law as

(n1/n2) sin q1 = sin q2

and we know that the ratio of n1/n2 will be equal to (v2/v1) where v2, v1 are the speeds at the two temps

we have that v1 = 331.3 + 0.606*25C = 346.5m/s
v2 331.3m/s + 0.606/C * (-10C) = 325.2m/s

therefore, n1/n2 = 325./346.5 = 0.94

thus we have

0.94 sin q1 = sin q2

0.94 sin 30 = sin q2

q2 = 28 deg and this is the angle of refraction

now, to do a fuller analysis, you would want to take into account the differences in density, since the speed of sound depends on both the temp and density of the air, but the equation you are using will do a good enough job of finding the speed of sound at the different temps

How do you add sound to pencil 2D?

As long as you have the lastest version of Pencil2dGo file > import > sound (create a sound layer if you don’t have one) and make sure the file is either .Wav or .mp3the sound will only play until the last “key” you make. To make sure it works, grab any drawing layer move the timeline until the end of the sound and click the + sign to make an empty key. and that’s it.If your version does not seem to play sound try the latest nightly build versions in these drive folders, get the latest for your system.NightlyBuilds - Google DriveI am on a windows pc so I tested this version and it works well for me