What Are The Best Self Help Cds For Anxiety And Depression

Depression, anxiety, existential crisis?

It's been 3 months since I turned 18 and this fall I will be a high school senior. My worst nightmare happened, turning 18 and becoming a senior. It just seems like when you're a kid, a minor, it seems like childhood will last forever, but once you hit 18 or whatever and have to start thinking about your future, it hits you, like omg I'm getting old! But not only that, my parents and family are getting old too. I'm an only child, and my parents will basically be 70 before I'm even 30! I don't want to see them get so old and deteriorate while I'm still young! I just know I can't cope with that. And the thought of losing my childhood innocence and being seen as a cute, young and silly kid just really hits me hard. I also really fear aging, I don't even want to look older, I look about 12 or 13 right now and I'm good with that, maybe because looking so young will make me seem more cute and childlike. But I don't want to become boring and serious, I mean, I love my young carefree and fun mindset. I don't want to lose that. Getting old and then hitting old age terrifies me, it's literally giving me deep depression and all I can think about is ending my suffering but I don't have the guts to do it. The only job I want to do is YouTube! I mean, I really started to have a nihilistic outlook on life, so might as well make the most out of the time I have here doing what I want. But I just can't cope with growing up and then getting old, weak, wrinkly and helpless! Help!

How to get rid of anxity fear due to depression?

Your anxiety is a normal response to an overstimulated nervous system which may be due to the stress of study, the fear of failure and of the future.Constant anxiety and depression seem to go hand in hand unfortunatly,tho treatment via medication for anxiety by you Dr, can help to reduce much of your depression as well.Constant anxiety rips the life out of you.

An anti-depressant is often advised, as depression itself can cause anxiety.The intensity of trying to study and attend classes, lectures,research,exams, awaiting results as well as to try to have a social life is a hugh challenge to our resourses, mentally and physically.

In being involved with Depressed folk, and my Family having had depression and Panic Disorder, and I myself going thro Burnout, nervous breakdown,loss of loved ones,loss of loved work, and depression, it is well documented for most folk that we need to treat the depression and accompanying anxiety, not the 100's of symptems. Treat the symptems, try to solve the many problems, we just come up with more, and more.
Treat the Depression and you relieve,or resolve the disparing feelings of defeat, exaustion, especially nervous exaustion.

The more you can understand depression, and that your nervous system keeps setting of dreaded symptoms of fear,the less you fear the fear itself.

I have written before of a beaut book by Dr Claire Weeks called 'Self Help For Your Nerves'! It is a brilliantly written book, because she speaks to you about these very things, and you will find it difficult to put down. So please put it on your gift list, a gift for yourself.

Learning relaxation,[even when you feel like you may crack if you relax], is truly a great help. Find a cd or tape thro your Mental Health Service, or Dr.It is difficult to learn at first, yet becomes easier. Sorry if I am long winded.

My thoughts are for you.

I’m 18, quiet, transgender (FTM), have depression and anxiety, but therapy didn’t work. How can I deal with this at community college, if most of my high school life involved crying in the bathroom?

If therapy doesn’t work then you have to do what ever it takes to feel better. Go to a gym and work out. Take up exercise as a way of alleviating those feelings of anxiety you have inside. Do push ups, sit ups, walk a lot. Do what ever you can to release that beast of feeling.Most of the hormonal imbalances can make you depressed, but you can exercise and this will help a lot. Try it, because even though I have health issues I have used exercise to help me deal with life’s problems and it’s helped me a lot.

Social Anxiety Disorder, Depression and Suicidal Thoughts?

Is it possible to have both? I've got all the symptoms of depression (self harm, suicidal thoughts/plans, loss of interest and motivation, trouble sleeping, feeling worthless) and I'm going to try to make a doctors appointment and get it sorted.
But I heard about Social Anxiety Disorder from a friend and googled the symptoms, and it sounded just like me! I get really panicked if I have to do something like go to speak to a teacher or on the phone, and I always rehearse it in my head, get really stressed, and spend ages thinking about how badly I did in the situation afterwards. I like being with my closer, trusted friends; but in the corridors at school or in class I just have my head down and stay quiet to avoid getting noticed. I've had panic attacks in public places because I feel so ugly and inferior to everyone else and get really worked up and paranoid and ... argh, it's hard to explain. When I get really worked up I just feel like I want to die, and I've impulsively ran out into roads/cut myself before, and I'm worried next time I panic I'll be somewhere where I could do myself harm ... I don't want to die, not when I'm calm anyway! :S
So yeah, can you have them both at the same time?
And what can I do about it? I'd rather not go to a doctor/psychiatrist because I'm really scared of them. I know, I'm pathetic.

What are some good books to read to help lift one out of depression?

MMkay. I graduated college. Was extremely depressed. School was over, I had devoted the last 20 years of my life to school. Now it is over: became super depressed. Immediately started reading Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, finished in about a month and read a lot. The book is big, with 300+ end notes that span 100+ pages that must be read as you go along in the book. The book really really really helped me to understand depression. It is further interesting to note that David Foster Wallace (DFW) committed suicide 14 years or so after he wrote infinite jest.. (written in 94, suicide in 08) However, if you watch his interview (the one in germany that is about 90 minutes long on youtube) you will really understand that he was so smart, and so correct about his philosophies, but he was so ahead of his time (infinite jest reads ALMOSt like it was written today - but it was written before cell phones were even mass produced and so has a few odd inconsistencies) but all in all ... this book covers depression, anxiety, addiction, and what it taught me more than anything was how to be the best person I could, and not even consider my competition - how to compete with the self also DFW was a mathematician of some sort as I understand, the book is set up as a specific type of fractal - I think the book might also be on the Time list of greatest 100 books or something..not sure...either way..this is a must read for anyone who is depressed, addicted, lonely, or just plain lost in the world.