What Are The Black Scab Like Spots On These Abandoned Dogs

Is it normal to see black or dark spots on Cats anus?

There are good reasons to periodically check a cat's anus. One that comes to mind is to look for evidence of worms.
We are the first to notice anything wrong with our cats. It isn't much unlike caring for a baby.
Sometimes one can't help noticing a cat's rear. Most of the lap cats I've had get into my lap and immediately turn around with tail up giving me a bird's-eye view. Sometimes I refer to my present cat as a "butt-facer."

Aside to nlisa57: The bowels were not flushed. Anal sacs are two glands outside the anus that store an oily, foul-smelling fluid. Each sac has a duct that leads to the skin at the anal orifice and fluid is expressed during defecation, excitement, and social interaction. Sometimes the small duct of the anal sac clogs and if untreated can lead to an infected anal sac. Affected animals may drag their rumps along the ground to help ease the discomfort.
Know what you are talking about before you accuse someone of not taking care of her cat.

Black scab/dot on my cat's upper lip?

I have a white cat and she's about 5 months old and yesterday she had been sneezing a little. Today she sneezed about 15 times. Her nose doesn't seem to be too runny and her eyes don't appear watery. But I checked her mouth and I saw this black scab looking thing on the side of her lip and I'm not sure what it is but I didn't notice it until today. What medicine should I get for my cat and does anyone know what's wrong with her?

I have a 1 year old dog - Shih tzu that has black spots on skin?

Wow, I guess this is normal then? I usually take him to get groomed and flea treatment every 2 months and I do bathing about once a week or week and a half. Since I bathe him often it freaked me out because I had not seen him get these black spots on his back - they started down in his "area" though and eventually transferred on to his back and seems everywhere below his neck. I know it is not flea dirt, it is just his skin turned black. I keep his hair really short now because of the heat and still hadn't noticed the skin until last week.

I guess I will stop the Sergeant use and the 6 month treatment is up anyway so I have to get new type of flea protection and I will hunt for a new dog shampoo.

I will also treat the backyard for fleas and see how it turns out.

Thanks a lot I guess i can stop worrying now.

Some cats and dogs have brown-black discharge from their eyes/nose. Why? Is it the sign of an illness? Is it a chemical compound, if so, which one do cats/dogs have that we do not?

In some cats brown crusts in the eyes and nose are due to allergy, in others subclinical illness, and in some short faced cats like Persians it is due to tears that can't go down blocked ducts.Recent studies have shown that many cats that have some conjunctival inflammation have infection with Mycoplasma or Chlamydiophila bacteria and some have infection with a virus. Bacterial illness is often not just of the eyes and nose, but also in the lungs and can lead to chronic bronchitis which leads to asthma.Little is known at this time about how many of these cats have which illness.In this case, it is probably a problem with allergies causing inflammation that is the source of the "crusts" and as long as your cat doesn't cough or vomit you shouldn't need to worry.

Why is my dog's skin black?

Dogs can have black skin or pink skin -- which color skin they have depends on a particular gene. If they have black skin, the coat will usually be any color except white; if they have pink skin, the coat will be white. You can tell what color skin a dog has by what color its nose leather and foot pads are -- black nose and pads, black skin; pink nose and pads, pink skin.Now, they can have pink skin under white markings, or they can have black skin under those markings. It just depends on their genetics.Rhodesian Ridgebacks can have black noses and skin, or brown (liver) noses and skin. The brown color is due to a recessive gene. It sounds like your dog is just fine; she hasn't mysteriously changed her skin color.

Why are my cats lips turning black?

It could just be age but I would definitely take him to the vets to make sure. Cats can get skin cancer just like humans, particularly (but not exclusively) white/pale cats and the ears, nose and lips are the most susceptible.

What are all the scabs on my dogs belly and side?

I just went through this same thing! Yes, it could be many things like his food or fleas, etc. But in my case, it wasn't any of those things. It was ants!! My dogs are inside dogs but we play outside often and just moved into a house that has been vacant for quite awhile and the back yard has tons of ants all over.

I sprayed my yard with a pesticide and put neosporin on my dogs rash. I also sprayed their belly's with Dermoplast. You can buy it at walmart or walgreens. It's antibacterial spray and it will numb and soothe the skin.

If you don't notice any ants in your yard, then check for fleas, treat the dogs for it and if it still doesn't clear up, then it may be the food. Like one answer said, look for food that doesn't have wheat or corn in it.