What Are The Differences Between Enlisted And Officer

What is the difference between officer and enlisted in JROTC?

I will start from the very begining. Also, I will be only able to help you with Army JROTC.

Once you sign up for the class, you are considered a LET 1 (Leadership Education & Training level 1) and a E-1 (Enlisted rank 1) Cadet Private (C/PV1). Your first year, you can reach up to the rank of E-5 Cadet Sergeant. Second year, E-9 Cadet Command Sergeant Major. Third year, O-3 Cadet Captain. And Fourth year, O-6 Cadet Colonel. This may not always apply to every Battalion, like mine. I am a LET 4 and BN CSM. It just differs from every unit.

Now the difference between Enlisted and Officer. Enlisted Cadets are the backbone of the unit. Make up usually +80% of the Battalion. Enlisted Cadets carry out orders from their Cadet NCOs (Noncommissioned Officers) and Cadet Officers. They also are taught the most on basic JROTC skills such as First Aid, Land Navigation, Service Learning, Army Values, Etc.

Cadet NCOs are Enlisted Cadets with authority that work with Cadet Officers. They recieve orders from their commanding Officers and make sure they get done, using Enlisted Cadets to accomplish the mission.

Cadet Officers are the top Cadets incharge of Battalion and Company operations. They create the plans and issue them out to the Cadet NCOs to be put into effect.

Now about getting promoted. You are usually promoted by your academic and leadership abilities. We doont want slackers in charge. Its sometimes based on LET levels but more times its who is right for the position. Also, most of the time, you will gain rank based on position. For example, the only way to become a Cadet Command Sergeant Major is to gain the position of Battalion Command Sergeant Major. Now for senior NCO and most officer positions, its usually higher LET levels. So dont think you can become a Cadet Captain your LET 2 year, haha.

If you have any other questions, feel free to message me. I'll be more than happy to answer.

Hope this helped,
Cadet Command Sergeant Major Bock
Battalion Command Sergeant Major of the Johnson Jaguar 'Exemplify Success - Nothing Less' Battalion

What is the difference between an officer navy seal and a enlisted navy seal?

The obvious difference is rank.

When it comes to specialties, officers tend to get things like Jump Master whereas an enlisted guy may get something like Breacher.

When it comes to action, officers tend to be weaned out of it about the time they make LCDR (O-4). Enlisted guys get to keep going out as long as they can qualify.

But they cross train so when anybody goes down, just about anybody can pick up his duties. When it comes to leadership in a crisis situation, everybody up and down the line defer to the guy with the particular specialty necessary to handle that situation... regardless of pay grade.

What is the difference between PJ-Officer and PJ Enlisted?

You will have to go through the same training as enlisted PJ's trainees , except you will have more stress put on you because your an officer.

as a PJ officer, you not only have your CSAR missions to lead, you also got to plan and lead men.

unlike enlisted pj's, you might not go out on missions as much as them.

because you would be an officer, you got to lead more men, plan, etc.

PJ's do what pj's do.

pj officers do that here and there, and also lead other air force special tactics.

so if you want to end up a special tactics leader, and lead command and plan for them , then go the officer route.

if you just want to be a pj, and do what pj's do non stop, then go enlisted.

because an officer will not always be out there.
just like after infantry officers reach a certain rank, they stop seeing combat.

What is the difference between enlisted and officer?

Having been both, I’d say each has its on advantages… Now I can’t speak for the submariners or shipboard sailors, since I was an airdale, but E-5 is about the perfect enlisted rate… Enough seniority to get out of most of the work details, and not senior enough for heavy levels of responsibility. Disadvantage- Lower pay…It all depends on the person, I’ve known many career enlisted who turned down commissioning programs, electing to stay enlisted and retain the ‘senior’ enlisted rank they’d earned rather than ‘starting over’ as an officer.Officers make more money, but also have much more responsibility. Lieutenant is a good rank, again senior enough to not have the SLJO jobs, but not senior enough to really put one in a senior position and heavy responsibility.Officers get increasing rank/responsibility and commiserate pay, but there comes a point where it is no longer fun. A number of friends retired after their Commanding Officer tours, rather than compete for further promotions, saying that they didn’t want to wait 5–6 years or longer for another commanding billet that would challenge them like their CO tours did. Also, honestly some senior officers hated the staff tours and did everything they could to avoid the DC/Pentagon ‘nightmare’ as they called it.

What's the difference between a non-com (officer) and an enlisted man, if any?

Every one from the grade of E-1 through E-9 is enlisted. A non com is short for Non Commissioned Officer and are usually the grades of E-5 through E-9 depending on the branch of service. A non com is enlisted where as an officer is commissioned. The difference between a non com and a commissioned officer is the commissioned officer can resign their commission at any time as they are appointed by the President of the US. A non com must serve out the term of their current enlistment or continue to re enlist to meet their retirement date from active service if they wish to do so.

What is the difference between USMC enlisted and officer service alpha blouses?

Fabric and the Marine Corps emblem. The emblem on officer's uniform has a "clean" anchor chain that shows space between the chain and globe; whereas, the enlisted has the chain touching the globe. It is all about cost. First set of enlisted emblems are issued at govt cost. Officers must purchase theirs.

The only other difference is that the officer blouse has a sword slit for attaching the sword hardware.

Lieutenant Colonel, US Marine Corps - Retired (been enlisted (Sgt) and Marine Corps Officer - worn both types of blouse.

What are the main differences between military officers and enlisted men? What are some backgrounds between the distinction?

The key difference is that officers were commissioned through commissioning sources - service academies, ROTC, OCS, and in special fields like medicine, direct commissioning. Most anyone can be an enlisted. To be an officer, you will need a college degree, and pass all academic, military, and physical requirements specified by whichever commissioning source you attend.And enlisted saying “I work for living” is just a phrase. Officers do less physical labor, but they work longer and harder hours compared to enlisted. When I served, I was typically the first one in the duty station and the last one to leave. Officers are ultimately responsible for the performance of the unit, and if something goes wrong, it’s the unit’s commanding officer and the platoon leader who get blamed.There is some hostility towards young officers, especially Second Lieutenants, because they are so young and experienced, and most NCOs under them know so much better about the Army compared to them. A typical 2LT will ride the coattail of his platoon sergeant for about six months. However, through the first several years, officers have to acquire vast amount of knowledge, leadership, and tactical/technical proficiency. These young officers are commissioned, not because they know so much, but because they have proven their potential. The US military wants their officer corps to lead men, plan, execute, uphold standards, and develop academically.Some officers first join the military as enlisted and receive their commission through the same commissioning source. They are usually more respected as 2LTs when they report to their units.

Difference between Marine Officer & Enlisted Dress Blues?

Enlisted Blouse ---- Has red stitching Around the collar, down the front, and at the cuffs
Officer's Blouse ----- Is solid black

Enlisted Buttons ---- Gold
Officer's Buttons ---- Silver and Gold

Enlisted Trousers ---- E-3 and under Blue, E-4 and Above 1 1/8" Blood Stripe down both trouser legs
Officer's Trousers ---- Blue with 1 1/2" wide Blood Stripe

Enlisted Belt ----- White
Officer's Belt ------ Black

Enlisted Buckle ---- Non NCO ---- Gold-- E-4 -E-5- - Gold with Eagle,Globe & Anchor -- E-6 - E-9 Gold with Eagle,Globe & Anchor and wreath flanking the Eagle, Globe & Anchor

Officer's Buckle--- (Edit) Officer's use the Buckle from the Class A uniform

What is the difference between officers and enlisted crew members in the Air Force? Aren't they both soldiers?

They have different jobs, responsibilities, education, and training.Since we are talking about Air Force members, neither of them are soldiers, strictly speaking. Soldiers are enlisted members of the Army; enlisted members of the Air Force are Airmen. Officers are officers.This is not meant as an insult to sny of these groups. I have served as an Airman in the Air Force, was later commissioned through Air Force ROTC and served through the rank of captain. I later joined the Army as an enlisted man and served up to the rank of staff sergeant. I was later commissioned (in the Army this time) and made it to major before I retired.