What Are The Five Parts Of Physical Fitness That Help You Stay Healthy

Explain how each of the five health-related fitness components are improved through the application ..?

Explain how each of the five health-related fitness components are improved through the application of each training principle.

I need help D; i just don't get it! if you have any idea of this or info ,please share with me. i appreciate it a LOT! thanks guys (:

What is the best way to stay healthy?

1. Wake Up Early"The early morning has gold in its mouth," said Benjamin Franklin.You would have read this advice a zillion times, but trust me it works, it really does.One very significant benefit of waking up early is reduced stress level. When you rise early, it eliminates the need to rush in the morning. You can then start your day on an optimistic note and such positivity often stays with you throughout the day.Also When you are in harmony with the nature's cycle, nature will bless you with good health.2. Move your BodyKeep yourself physically active. You can play a sport, go for running , do some weight lifting , practice asanas ,dance or whatever you like.Sitting for prolonged hours has tremendous ill-effects for health. Try with small things like taking up stairs instead of elevator, walk instead of taking a car and slowly increase your fitness goals and work on them.3. Eat clean and healthyKeeping yourself physically active doesn't give you license to eat whatever comes on your plate.Be observant of what you are eating, our bodies are one of the most complex and amazing machines. Don't mess with it.Eat a balanced diet and try to stay away from junk.Include lot of veggies in your diet. And eat good amount of raw salad along with your meals.4. Calm down your inner turbulenceMost of our worries and inhibitions originate within our minds.Try to reduce stress in your life. Its easier said than done, but mindfulness and meditation come to rescue. Start practicing meditation for 5 minutes a day.Moreover start living in present and stop worrying about unnecessary things.5-5-5 rule works like a charm, whenever worried about something , think if this will matter in next 5 minutes, 5 months or 5 years.5. Drink loads of waterKeep a water bottle with you all the time during travel , during office hours and at home.Make sure you finish 2-3 litres of water each day. Water flushes toxins out of your body.6. Sleep wellOur body's healing process happens during sleep, so if we don't take proper sleep, we are messing up with the process.Try to sleep 6-8 hours depending on your body. Moreover keep virtual world away from you before going to bed.Stay happy and stay healthy :)

What does it mean to be physically fit?

What does it mean to be physically "fit?" Physical fitness is defined as "a set of attributes that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity" (USDHHS, 1996).

In other words, it is more than being able to run a long distance or lift a lot of weight at the gym. Being fit is not defined only by what kind of activity you do, how long you do it, or at what level of intensity.

While these are important measures of fitness, they only address single areas. Overall fitness is made up of five main components:

-- Cardiorespiratory endurance
-- Muscular strength
-- Muscular endurance
-- Body composition
-- Flexibility

What is fitness? What is the best way to stay fit?

The term fitness is about the ability to do a task suitably both mentally and physically. If you’re physically fit then it is not necessary that you’re mentally fit too. Fitness is both by heart, mind, and body.The best way to stay physically fit is by controlling diet and working out. Things that you can do to stay fit are:Stay Motivated.Yes, motivation is the key. Positivity is the key to the overall fitness of one’s person.Eat Healthy.Fit people don’t diet but they control what they eat. They eat but eat good portions of nutrients, vitamins, healthy fats etc.Exercise, Exercise, and Exercise!Working out is a must for a healthy body, it necessarily doesn’t mean that you have zero size or six packs. You can work out in any form either by joining a gym, walk in the park, yoga classes, pilates, kickboxing, or jogging.Adequate Sleep is Must.Studies have proven that less sleep leads to obesity and an unhealthy body. 6–8 hours of sleep is a must for fit and healthy body.Health and Fitness Should be the Priority.Wherever you are, know that your health and fitness is a must.Keep yourself hydrated.Have enough water during the day, at least 8 glasses of water is a must for your body.

What are the health benefits of running?

1. Weight lossRunning burns a significant amount of calories making it an excellent form of exercise to help you lose weight. Be aware though because it is a high-impact exercise and if you are more than just a few pounds overweight, running may cause your leg and hip joints to ache. You can still run, but will have to start slow.2. Cardiovascular HealthYour cardiovascular health increases when you run regularly. You will increase the elasticity of your arteries and lower your blood pressure. Both of these will contribute to lowering your risk of having a heart attack.3. Bone DensityYou will improve your bone density, specifically in your back, hips and legs, with running. Along with strong bones, you will also strengthen your muscles. Your muscles will not become bulky, but will be stronger. You also reduce your risk of osteoporosis.4. AppetiteYou will actually eat more when you run regularly because you will be burning more calories. You will most often also be hungrier and have a better, healthier appetite. Regular exercise is also good for digestion.5. SleepRunning often helps you sleep better because being in good health promotes good sleep. You should also make sure to get adequate sleep before going on a good run. Not getting enough rest could result in over-training.6. DiabetesIf you run just five days a week for 30 minutes each time, your risk of Type 2 diabetes is reduced. You should also keep an eye on your sugar and carbohydrate intake.7. CancerRunning five days a week for at least 30 minutes each time may help to reduce your risk of different types of cancer. These types of cancers include uterine, breast and bowel cancer.8. DepressionRunning also has positive effects on your mental health. It helps increase your physical self-perception and helps you feel better about yourself which can help in relieving depression and bettering your mood.9. BreathingRunning will help to strengthen your lungs. If you normally find yourself out of breath after a few flights of stairs, you will notice that as you run more, you will be able to take more flights without getting out of breath because your lungs are becoming stronger.10. EnergyIf you are often tired, running may help. Running can help to boost your energy levels. Of course, it makes you healthier and this helps, but running itself gets your blood pumping and this wakes you up.