What Are The Layer Of The Earth Starting From The Oceanic And Continental Crust Ti The Inner Core

How is the earth's crust different from the mantle?

If we cut a piece of fruit in half we will see that it is composed of three parts: 1) a very thin skin, 2) a seed of significant size located in the center, and 3) most of the mass of the fruit being contained within the flesh. Cutting the earth we would see: 1) a very thin crust on the outside, 2) a core of significant size in the center, and 3) most of the mass of the Earth contained in the mantle.Earth's CrustThere are two different types of crust: thin oceanic crust that underlies the ocean basins and thicker continental crust that underlies the continents. These two different types of crust are made up of different types of rock. The thin oceanic crust is composed of primarily of basalt and the thicker continental crust is composed primarily of granite. The low density of the thick continental crust allows it to "float" in high relief on the much higher density mantle belowMantle Earth's mantle is thought to be composed mainly of olivine-rich rock. It has different temperatures at different depths. The temperature is lowest immediately beneath the crust and increases with depth. The highest temperatures occur where the mantle material is in contact with the heat-producing core.Hope this helps:)

What layer in the solid Earth's crust is made of silicon and aluminum?

The Earth has four layers, the inner core, outer core, mantel, and crust.The crust is made up primarily of 40 elements, of which Oxygen, Silicon, and Aluminum are the most abundant.The crust can be subdivided into oceanic and continental crusts, with the continental being far thicker and older. And these are often subdivided into lithospheric plates which float on the discontinuity between the crust and the mantel.So you answered your own question. I have to say this sounds a little like a homework question. If it was, I’d recommend you do a little more studying before your first test.

Earth's crust and upper mantle are made up of moving what?

The earth's crust and part of the mantel are called the lithosphere, and this layer of the earth is ridged-meaning that if it moves to much it will break/fracture. This layer is also divided into plates of both continental and oceanic material.

The lithosphere moves because below it is the Asthnosphere which has 1% melt in it; so, it acts as a lubricant on which the lithosphere moves.

Which is denser, the earth’s crust or the mantle?

The mantle is more dense than the crust. The crust includes a lot of granitic/siliceous rocks, which are less dense than the mafic, oceanic basalts, and oceanic basalt is closest to the composition of the mantle. The continents essentially are kind of ‘floaty’ (lighter weight/mass, therefore riding higher) compared to the ocean crust.

Describe the internal composition and structure of the core, mantel, and the crust of the earth.?

The core is made up of liquified igneous rock.

The mantal is made up of semi-liquid metamorphic rock.

The crust is made up of solidified sedimentary rock.

How can one describe the layers of the earth?

To put it simple, the earth is divided into three major layers: the core, the mantle and the crust.   Crust:  - Thin outermost layer of the Earth  - Divided into two types of crust:  ~ Oceanic crust: The crust that froms the bottom of the ocean basins, made up of basaltic rock and is denser than continental crust.  ~ Continental crust: The crust that forms the various continent (land masses), made up of granitic rock and is less dense than oceanic crust.  - Thickness varies from 5 - 70km.   Mantle:  - Made up of a lower mantle of sold rock and an upper mantle of molten rock (magma)  - Around 2900km thick  - More than 2000°C hot   Core:  - Innermost layer of earth  - Made up of solid inner core and molten outer core  - Around 3500km thick  - Outer core is about 2200°C hot   The facts on the structure of the earth may varies in different sources, as information of the earth's structure can only be estimated by scientists from studies on tectonic activities such as earthquakes, and everything is an approximation.