What Are The Names Of Republican And Democratic Parties Newspapers In America Help

Does CNN lean Republican or Democrat?

Most stations nowadays lean one way or the other. The days of unbiased news reporting are pretty much over. Most of the broadcast channels (ABC, CBS, NBC) are generally considered left center (leaning slightly towards a Democrats or liberal viewpoint).Two channels clearly take a one sided view of the news. MSNBC's reporting clearly favors the left (liberal Democrat) viewpoint. Fox News should be renamed RNNN (Republican National News Network) because of its close alignment with the a Republican Party and its radically right bias.Of all the U.S. news channels, CNN is certainly the most unbiased. However, as with all U.S. based new channels, CNN reports predominantly US news.If you want to really hear the news the way the rest of the world hears it, watch BBC.

What influence did the Populist party have on American politics?

The Populists were the largest third party the US has ever had. They set up hundreds of cooperatives, newspapers, journals, and party chapters. In 1896 their influence had made its ways into the Democratic Party and they endorses Democrat William Jennings Bryan for president. Financial elites feared Bryan so much they mounted the most expensive presidential political campaign to defeat him in US, one that still has not been equaled today, over $5 billion, adjusting for inflation. Had Bryan won, he would have replaced the gold standard with cheap silver, which would have caused a financial crash. A crash may have helped his causes, since most of his followers would blame the crash on wealthy elites. The Populist program included public ownership of railroads (at that time as hated as oil companies are today) and telephone companies, and a ban on what we call today corporate welfare. But the biggest effect would have been no war in the Philippines, with them becoming independent, as well as Puerto Rico and Hawaii. -property owners barred from voting.) Populists gave us the income tax. You may grumble about it, but most government money before that came from regressive taxes, where the poor pay higher taxes than the wealthy. Populists also supported women's right to vote and many of its leaders were women. Elite fears about the Populists led to poll taxes, where you had to pay to vote. Part of its purpose was to keep Blacks from voting but the bigger reason was to keep poor white farmers like the Populists from voting. The Populists also were split be racism. Many early Populists were anti racist, and there was a Colored Farmers Alliance, all Blacks, and Mexican farmers in New Mexico who joined the Populists. But some later leaders were convinced nonwhites were the enemy and became outright racists. Today the term populist (small p) has two meanings. One, someone who is anti wealthy elite power. Two, an ignorant bigot.

Will the Panama Papers Leak on May 9, be worse for Democrats or Republicans?

Thanks for A2A.The Panama Papers leak doesn't name any Democrat or Republican directly, but there are indirect relations of Hillary Clinton that have come to light.The papers bring to light names of a few eminent people (accused of tax evasion) who have dealings with the Clintons.Among them are Gabrielle Fialkoff, finance director for Hillary Clinton’s first campaign for the U.S. Senate; Frank Giustra, a Canadian mining magnate who has traveled the globe with Bill Clinton; the Chagoury family, which pledged $1 billion in projects to the Clinton Global Initiative; and Chinese billionaire Ng Lap Seng, who was at the center of a Democratic fund-raising scandal when Bill Clinton was president. Also using the Panamanian law firm was the company founded by the late billionaire investor Marc Rich, an international fugitive when Bill Clinton pardoned him in the final hours of his presidency.Read more here: Hillary Clinton and Panama Papers - The US Presidential Elections

How many U.S. journalists (newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, internet channels) on a percentage basis are Republican versus Democratic?

In the 19th century, American newspapers’ political affiliations were so transparent that the papers named themselves for the party they supported. That’s why today we still have such papers as the Springfield Republican and the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. However, since the early 20th century, newspapers have mostly tried to be bi-partisan, at least in their news reporting.Everyone knows that newspapers lean one way or the other, especially on the editorial page where they feel free to state opinions. However, a newspaper that is doing its job tries to be fair to both sides. That’s why you will see a boldfaced blast at Trump in a New York Times editorial while the front page story on the same issue SHOULD quote both sides of the issue, citing scholars and citizens and pundits both for and against the president.That is the GOAL of print journalism. TV, especially cable, is different. But in print, no newspaper, no matter what its name, offers news coverage that can be pinned as explicitly Republican or Democrat. (The Washington Times might be an exception.). How strictly this line between opinion and reporting is observed depends on the observer. Everyone reads the bias they choose into every story. But I’ve always felt, as a former journalist, that if you are criticized by both the left and the right, as the NY Times is, for example, then you’re doing your job.

Which American media companies and TV franchises are favouring Republicans and which do favour Democrats?

The US media is almost entirely owned by six corporations. All of these corporations tend to support so called “conservative” candidates. In this year’s election, it isn’t a contest between “conservative versus Liberal” candidates. It is a contest between two incarnations of what used to be considered “conservatism”.The media clearly favors Clinton

What is the animal that represents democracy?

An elephant is the mascot of the Republican party. Democrats are represented historically by a donkey.

Democracy per se does not have a mascot, but an eagle traditionally represents the American ideal of freedom and is our national mascot.