What Are The Pros And Cons Of World Government

What would be the pros and cons in a one world government?

There would be no pros. It would all be cons...eventually. Monopolies are never a good thing. The religions, customs, economies, ecologies of this world are far too complex to sustain one way of thinking or one way of governing. Eventually, small groups would break off and revolt, causing civil wars and a separation of governments. The only way this would work would be a military state...and a strict one. Because still, with a military state, eventually people would revolt and start governing themselves depending on their needs. You only need to look back at Imperialism to see what happened. Wasn't there race between France, Britain, Portugal and the Dutch to take over that world? And then the U.S. had their War of Independence to free themselves from Britain and jumped on the Imperial bandwagon...with their Monroe Doctrine and manifest destiny. And then, didn't Hitler try to take over the world? Someone like Hitler (but to a much worse degree) is the only way the world would become a one world government and you can only imagine how disasterous that would be. People would need to be completely deprived of almost everything (food, money, education etc) unless they supported the government. That is the only way they would all comply. Those who didn't support the one world government would need to be deprived of all ability to support themselves. You would see a major separation in class. Eventually, the poor would be used a slaves or killed off. Then you would only have the police state left. People within the police state would fight for power and start to create divisions within themselves. A revolt would take place within the one world government. It would never work. it would never sustain itself.

What are the pros and cons of having a one world government based on the U.S. Constitution?

I like this question because it is a departure from the “Why doesn’t the USA become socialist?” questions.I believe the OP sees some genius in our very liberal republican form of government and the prosperity it can produce.So unlike the other questions, the OP wants to see the world bettered, without destroying the USA. I commend him for that.But let’s put the question in perspective. Only 1/3 of Americans appreciate and fully endorse our liberal republican U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence of the United States .Another 1/3 have other concerns.The last 1/3 is either skeptical of or opposed to the principles we have chosen to live by. Make no mistake about it. Our liberal constitution is a culture. It is based on consent of the governed, sovereign people, free speech, due process, secular government and freedom of religion.Other cultures don’t share the same values. That is why importing large monolithic cultures is dangerous to our very special culture.In that last 1/3 there is a political agenda to change the culture of America from Constitutional to Multicultural with all the inherent conflicts within.Much of this opposition has a ideological underpinning based on a fallacious logical error. The error is that because the founding of America was not perfect, it cannot be good. And because it is not good, the founding is illegitimate.This renders the sublime nature of our liberal republic, anathema in political discussions between the first 1/3 and the last 1/3. In the last 1/3 there are overt efforts to silence the discussion about our culture and about our nature, in favor of this headlong dash to erase our culture, and replace it with dozens of warring factions.To the OP’s question, I don’t see any way of transporting our system of governing to other countries and other cultures. At its root, our governing system is bottoms up not top down. It cannot be imposed. It has to be realized by an ascending consciousness of people of the opportunity and responsibilities of freedom.If the OP is sincere in his question and quest, i wish him all the luck in the world. Our model of government is replicable, by any people willing to take it.I am personally opposed to imposing our culture anywhere else in the world.

What are the pros and cons of a world government? Why are people so afraid of the ‘New World Order’?

Any government powerful enough to rule the entire world is also powerful enough to become tyrannical over the planet, taking away whatever human rights people might have, should they decide to do so, and given human nature, that is almost inevitable… like Nazi Germany(right wing dictatorship) or Soviet Russia(left wing dictatorship ) on steroids… over the entire Earth. Remember one important fact… any government strong enough to give you everything you want is also strong enough to take everything you have. I don’t remember who first said that… but it is so true. Human beings are not yet ready, and may never be, to be given such overwhelming power and authority over their fellow humans…. so I, for one, hope such a government NEVER takes place on this planet!!

What would be the Pros and Cons of world Order?


Majority of people is united.

Decisive leadership.

Apparent change for the better and clear path of achieving peace and happiness for all.

Cons (my humble opinion, disagree with me if you like):

Majority of people is wrong, because they value things that are not most important (which begs the question: What is the MOST important thing in our lives? Without answering that for ourselves we can be led anywhere).

Decisive leadership that dictates what is right and wrong, anyone disagreeing is viewed as a destroyer of unity, is blamed for all the bad things happening (and they will be happening), and prosecuted accordingly.

The change for better is superficial (although wars may be stopped, hungry fed, etc.), because people will not find the inner peace and happiness in a material, thoughtless, dictating environment. That inner unrest will be the cause for great support of going after the dissidents (see the point above). And as to the clear path to peace and happiness... "Enter ye in at the strait (small, narrow) gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there be that find it." (The gospel of Matthew, chapter 7, verses 13 and 14)