What Are The Signs That Somebody Is Insane

What are the signs of going insane or crazy?

"Crazy" is not a real diagnosis, but sometimes people with schizophrenia are called "crazy". The thing is, being "crazy" (i.e. psychotic) requires a break with reality, so that most of the people who are truly suffering from this disease are not aware of it, except while on medication (and not currently experiencing the psychosis). As the hallucinations are occurring, the "crazy" person believes they are truly there and real. Questioning whether you are going crazy is probably a sign that you are not, because a person who breaks with reality does not question it -- they just assume it is real. The most insight I have heard from a person with schizophrenia was "When I was a kid, I used to be able to think clearer." The state of craziness itself can be very frightening, if you believe you are seeing or hearing dead people, or God or Satan, or see people or animals being hit by cars. Or it can be exhilarating, if you believe you are Jesus or think you hold 50 Guiness world records. Signs of schizophrenia can include: isolation, lack of caring for personal hygiene, odd social behavior, reacting to things that other people do not react to, difficulty maintaining relationships, difficulty holding a job.

Ok, I will try to make this list exhaustive and intuitive. Most of the signs will be behavioural like body language or appearance. Many of them could indicate something else so don't be too pushy either.Posture — slumped over or hunched if they don't have the strength left to stand tall this can be a good indicator.How they inhabit their own space — fidgeting or scratching or shrinking from contact. Agitation often accompanies distress. Also hand wringing, pulling at their hair or eyebrowsAppearance — scratched arms can indicate self harm, strangely cut or coloured hair can also indicate distress. This can also apply to clothes. If they are damaged looking or inside out or back to front.Eyes and face — a “hundred yard stare”, gazing into nothing or trying not to make eye contact, teeth grinding, gurning, eyes bulgingSelf stimulation — sometimes people clench their fists or drum or snap their fingersSome good examples are when professional athletes are getting too stressed to cope they develop tics. It is most easily observable in tennis around serving. Look at Rafael Nadal when he plays tennis, you can tell from his body language that he is under enormous pressure.It should be intuitive to you. If it feel like they are saying goodbye that us a warning sign. Watch and learn.Also gift giving and saying goodbye should mean alarm bells. This generally means the person is trying to loosen ties and let go before a suicide attempt.Empathy, intuition, compassion and awareness are your best tools here.Edit — I would just like to clarify that, when I answered the question, the title text read “not mentally ok” rather than ��crazy”. I don't think that crazy is an especially useful term when talking about any kind of mental health issues.

What are some signs of insanity?

Speaking nothing but Mumbo Jumbo..... it's subjective though, really when someone looks insane, in reality they could really be sane, this happens all the time in history where they call greatest inventors and geniouses insane, like Galileo..... it's subjective, you think what i say is insane, they just mean they hate it,
if someone hates the idea, they call it insane, if they like the idea, they will always call them a genious and never be like "oh i like your idea, your insane :) ".

There isn't any clinical line that distinguishes between sanity/insanity but even more than this, the concept of insanity includes the severe version of every different type of mental illness and so could have many different symptoms depending on the problem. In a clinical sense we don't use the term insane but would rather be talking about level of functioning, competence, and the Global Assessment of Functioning Score (AKA GAF).By being able to gauge your approximate GAF score you will be able to have an idea of whether you are still mentally competent.  The GAF score isn't meant to be self-assessed but here are the guidelines @Page on Msu What most people would think of as a level of impairment that equals "insanity" is probably going to be anyone with a GAF score below 30 or so:21-30 Behavior is considerably influenced by delusions or hallucinationsOR serious impairment in communication or judgment (e.g. sometimes incoherent, acts grossly inappropriately, suicidal preoccupation) OR inability to function in almost all areas (e.g., stays in bed all day; no job, home, or friends). 11-20 Some danger of hurting self or others (e.g., suicide attempts without clear expectation of death; frequently violent; manic excitement)OR occasionally fails to maintain minimal personal hygiene (e.g., smears feces) OR gross impairment in communication (e.g., largely incoherent or mute). 1-10 Persistent danger of severely hurting self or others (e.g., recurrent violence) OR persistent inability to maintain minimal personal hygieneOR serious suicidal act with clear expectation of death.Many people think that someone who is "insane" will necessarily be incapable of understanding that about themselves and that as long as you are asking if you are crazy then you aren't (evidence of reality testing present).  However, it is likely that the person who is experiencing mental distress at this level of impairment will be aware that something is terribly wrong with them, experience fear and anxiety about their symptoms, and it is entirely possible that they may be questioning if they have "gone crazy."  Some types of illness make it difficult for the person the recognize the actual realities of the situation but it is not always the case.

Signs of insanity in the Landlady by Roald Dahl?

Billy can tell that the landlady is "off her rocker" from the start, though she SEEMS harmless. She gives off an air of innocence and sweetness, as if she doesn't know that what she's doing is wrong. She seems to think it's all part of her taxidermy hobby. Nevertheless, there's something noticeably creepy about her.
Also, the landlady is very choosy about who she allows to stay in her hotel: all handsome young men. She seems to be very fond of them--probably why she stuffed them in the first place. She is quoted saying "I stuff away all my little pets after they pass away." This seems to imply that she thinks of the young men she kills as "pets" because of the way she speaks of them so lovingly. She says of one of her victims: "his skin was as soft as a baby's." She seems to require her victims to have good teeth and skin. None of the landlady's actions or ideas are those of a sane person.
Good luck!

Is it possible for a child to be born insane?

You can diagnose someone at any age with a variety of conditions.

"Insane" is not a term that is used clinically. One can be born with a variety of developmental challenges that develop to a variety of outcomes.

No, a child cannot be "born insane". Different aspects of self develop by different ages; some develop in utero, some in the first two years, some after that.

If you are referring to something like clinical psychopathy, yes, many signs are evident very early in development and there is evidence of a neurological component, but full manifestation of something like that still depends on developmental and environmental factors.

By definition, insane means: in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill…. I don’t use the term, so I looked it up before answering. In my opinion, lets look at it as “signs you are thrown off your center”. Signs could be such as memory problems, difficulty thinking in situations where it is usually not difficult, behaving with a short temper, feeling bored or unmotivated, unable to connect to others as usual, and on and on. Signs like this do not necessarily indicate that something is terrible… sometimes it is a sign that you need to look more closely at a situation and make a change. This is sometimes a wonderful thing to happen in life so you “wake up”… make a positive change or get out of a situation that is not in your best interest… So, if you find yourself feeling “off your center”, figure out what is throwing you off, then decide what to do.