What Are These Words In English

Whats this spanish word in english?

Diphthong. Diphthongs are types of vowels where two vowel sounds are connected in a continuous, gliding motion. The word boy contains the diphthong "oy."

Do these words in Spanish make sense? ?

Were learning about prepositions and all that stuff and so i have to do a project and im talking about my daily routine so if i say Me Cepillo los dientes......does that make sense meaning i brush my teeth?

Also does Me ducho make sense? What is the word when your saying I take a shower. I know its something like Me ducho. And i cant use the words like Duchome or Cepillome. I have to put Me in front of them. Also what about Me seco? Does that make sense meaning i get dressed?

What word in the English language has the most meanings?

Depending on what standard you go by, the existing printed edition of the OED (1989) or it's online counterpart, it's either set (430) or run (645+). Put is the fastest growing in definitions.Which Word Has The Most Definitions?According to the last printed OED, here are how the top ten stack up (The links are from - 430 — the definition of setRun - 396 — the definition of runGo - 368 — the definition of goTake - 343 — the definition of takeStand - 334 — the definition of standGet - 289 — the definition of getTurn - 288 — the definition of turnPut - 268 — the definition of putFall - 264 — the definition of fallStrike - 250 — the definition of strike

I have heard that the english word 'zip' is a bad word, in arabic. Is this true? what does it mean?

it is used more with b not p... there is no p in arabic.. and it means male genatile.. also the world "air " too

What is the longest word in the English language?

I've been told it is antidisestablishmentarianism. (it did NOT pass Yahoo spell checker though)

What is the word in English for Voice without body?

disembodied voice? I don't know of a single word that represents this concept.


Disembodied Voice-A voice that is heard that comes from no physical body.

How is the word "English" translated in Korean?

Here are the main translations:영어 = English (language)잉글랜드의 = English (ie. of England) [eg. 잉글랜드 사람 - an English person]영문 = (written) English [eg. 영문학 English (as a university subject); 영문으로 [a document] in English (rather than written in Korean)]Note also:영국(의) 영어 = British English미국(의) 영어 / 미국어 = American English

What is the longest word in english?is it the standard word of dna?

The longest word in any English dictionary is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanocon... (45 letters), which was actually coined for the purpose of being the longest word in the English dictionary.

The longest non-technical word in the English language is "Floccinaucinihilipilification" (29 letters) which is defined as is "the act or habit of estimating or describing something as worthless, or making something to be worthless by deprecation". However this may also have been created as a hoax.

Antidisestablishmentarianism has 28 letters and is defined as "a political philosophy opposed to the separation of church and state, esp. opponents in 19th century England against separating the Anglican church from the state".

DNA is actually two words "Deoxyribonucleic acid" (16 and 4 letters)