What Are Things You Dont Want To Do But Have To

Why is life all about doing things I don't want to do?

Dude, Life is all about experiencing and getting to know about the world.And here you are talking about the general things like studying. Yeah, you need to have a basic degree in your hand so that you are always on the safer side.After you are capable enough then start opting for the things you like and start working on your passion.You will be knowing about different streams when you start doing different things.Fruits? They are not only the one which are healthy.. eat Leafy vegetables.And coming to "talking to certain people"- When you talk to people around you, you get to know them, you understand them and some hate you and you hate someone, but at the end of the day isn't it helping you?When you enter into the world and start living a life you will know how to handle people and to be careful in getting into trap of the people.Everything that happens in your life will be helpful for you to lead a life which will be satisfying you.If you really hate it then quit but do not quit before trying any thing ;)thanks for A2A!

What are things you have to do, but don't want to?

Get out of bed in the morning.Maybe the bed is too comfortable.Maybe the weather is too cold and the blanket is too warm.Maybe they want to sleep more because yesterday was a tiring day.Maybe they are restless.Maybe she is breastfeeding her baby.Maybe they don't have anything to do that day.Maybe they are stuck on Quora.Maybe they want to check their phone again, again and again.OrMaybe they glue themselves onto the bed at night before they sleep.Who knows? Don't judge. It's not always about laziness.

Why do people continue to do things that they don't want to do?

Neither of my parents have a college education, which limits their employment options pretty significantly.They have spent their lives making tough decisions. They don’t have anything to fall back on.When my dad met my mom, his dream was to be a helicopter mechanic. More than likely, such a job would require a move to a big city.He gave it up so that his kids could be raised in the relative safety and community of a small town.He worked for years in the awful, often dangerous conditions of an oil rig, just so he could provide for his family.He didn’t want to. There were a hundred jobs he would rather do, but he didn’t have the education or wasn’t in the location to do them.The idea of “living the most of your life and just being happy” sound great on paper, but it’s not plausible for many people. My dad couldn’t just quit his job and be happy because he had a family to look out for.Often you’re doing something you dislike in order to support something you do like. You have priorities. Some people decide that working for a bothersome person in order to have more vacation days or better pay or various benefits is worthwhile— others don’t.Life is short, yes, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices if you want to eat.

My parents are forcing me to do things I don't want to?!?

I was on the same boat as you. Im 18 at the moment, so I know what you feel like because I was just there. You aren't the only person it happens to. Its annoying when your parents make you go places that you don't want to, but I think most of the time, its to show respect to the person you're going to visit. For example, if you don't go to your aunt's house the first time, your parents could say you were sick, but if you progressively stop going to her home, she'll begin to realize that you don't want to go, or that you may not like visiting her. It can cause hurt feelings. Don't do anything drastic and leave your home because of something like this. I think most parents don't want to accept the fact that their kids are growing up and don't want to trail them all the time. My parents stopped, and I'm so thankful. But in the next 2-3 years your parents will stop, I promise.

What's the word for doing something you don't want to do?

If you want to be pedantic, the closest word is probably "acquiesce". Most of these other answers are excellent, but are adverbs describing the way in which the person conceded, and the question is about a verb. Accede and comply are all close seconds, but acquiesce contains the connotation of reluctance and is also an action verb. Very parsimonious."Shaggy didn't want to enter the run-down old house, but, with Fred's assurances of their fame, and Velma's constant taunts about his cowardice, he acquiesced."

My girlfriend wants me to do something I don't want to do?

What are your reasons behind not wanting to attend? If they're minor reasons, maybe you can stick it out and go to one for the sake of your girlfriend. Put her feelings first. It won't kill you and she'll appreciate it. If you really and truly do not want to she'll have to understand but you need to patiently and thoroughly explain why you do not want to. If you don't have enough of a valid reason to do so, then perhaps you should just go. Even to one. Agree to attend one, and make it clear you won't want to go again - say it nicely though.
As for crying though, that's a little extreme for this situation - she's not in the right for that.
Good luck!

MY GF WANTS TO GO TO "PROM" AND I DONT?!?!? (and homecoming dance)?

I hate dances. I hate school environment. I hate all the crap about High school. All i want is to receive my diploma and thats it. No "prom" or any other activities 90% of kids my age will do. Im very non conforming and dissident. I consider myself independent. My gf is the opposite. She wants to go to prom and dances which i see no point in attending. You spend over 100$ for a night of cheap food, HORRIBLE music, sluts grinding, and a "memory"?
No. Its just not me. And my gf is mad at me for this. Why cant we go do our own thing instead of following the crowd to prom that is provided entertainment? Next year is my last year and I know for a fact i will not regret my decision to not go.
But i know i might give in to make my gf happy. But i know if im at the dances I will NOT have a good time. I will be grumpy and annoyed like being at a family party for a 5 year old. I wont dance i will most likely sit down. I do want to have a good time but why at a stupid and overrated school event? Why not rent a car to a nice lake, have our own music, own food, nice bond fire for just us two? :) An alternative celebration for our graduation? Anybody feel me?!