What Are Types Of Doctors That Take 7 To 8 Years Of College

What degrees can you get with 8 years of college?

G'day Tinkerbell,

Thank you for your question.

You would probably be looking at a doctorate or a degree in medicine or the law at least in the United States.


How many types of doctors are there?

There are so many types of doctors and you can have multiple specialties-you could be a surgeon, pediatrician or pediatric surgeon etc so it is really hard to count. Every body system has at least 1 specialty. As far as qualifications, do well in high school and college to be competitive and get into medical school. Everyone has the same med school. The choice of residency decides what you become. Undergrad (normal college) is usually 4 years, med school is 4 years, residency is 3-7yrs depending on what you want to do.

A quick list of doctors are family physician (general family doctor), geriatrics (elderly), ENT (ear, nose, throat), opthalmologist (eyes), neurology (brain), surgery, pediatrics (children), gastroenterologist (broad category), nephrologist (kidney), urologist (bladder/complications including prostate issues), sports medicine, podiatrist (foot/leg doctors), orthopedics (bone/muscle), hospitalists (works in the hospital), ER physician, oncologist (cancer), anesthesiologist (put you under in surgery), cardiologist (heart), pulmonologist (lungs), radiologist (xrays), psychologist (mental), dermotology (skin), ob/gyn (baby/general female reproductive health). This is by no means exhaustive but gives an idea of the variety of doctors. The qualifications depend on the specialty since not all specialties have the same competitiveness, but you will have rotations in all/most of these to find what you like and work towards that for residency.

What type of degree do you need to become a doctor?

Yes, medical degree IS the answer. Masters and Ph.D. have nothing to do with it.

Four years of college, majoring in a science, or at least completing all the pre-requisite science/math. Take the MCATs.

Then four years of medical school. Earn your M.D.

Then one year of internship [optional for some specialties], then 3-7 or more years of residency. Take your Boards, then you get your license.

What type of doctor/surgeon should I be?

well I did state that I wouldn't mind working from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday and saturday if I have to, and it's not like I want to be a doctor just for the money. I'm a type of person that loves to learn regardless about the topic from cars to human anatomy. I always ask myself questions like how do I get a headache so then I will google it, or like what does that word mean then I'll do the same, or what is skin made out of, what is it's purpose. I tend to always ask myself and google about the human anatomy. So being a doctor would prove to be a good compensation to the time I spend googling about the human body. So It's not that I want to be a doctor for the money but to allow myself to continue on the learning experience of the human anatomy. So if you could look behind my money desires for starters, being a doctor is a type of job that will allow me to answer people's questions like" Arghhh why do I have a headache and how do i get rid of it!!!!!!!"

How many years does it take to become a chiropractor?

In the United States it requires a professional doctorate similar to a dentist or medical doctor. That means 4 years of a bachelors and then 4 years of graduate school. To give you an idea of comparison I provide this chart I made a few years back.  Comparing Education For additional information see here:What Type of Education and Training Do Chiropractors Have?Chiropractic CollegesProspective Students

Does it matter if you spent six to seven years in college?

IT DOES MATTER. If one person spent 6 to 7 or even 12 years in college unless he or she is taking the course of medicine and hoping to become a doctor someday, those years doesn't matter.

HOW LONG IS A NORMAL COLLEGE COURSE for your information? 4 to 5 years, right or left? Right! Architecture and engineering's are 5 but others are merely 4 years. Pre-med courses are 4 years and another 4 years for medicine proper. So that is 8 years all in all not to include rural and other essentials.

NOW IF THAT 6 TO 7 years in college you finished 2 courses like BSC and AB then it doesn't matter because you almost completed both courses and considered a big PLUS(+) for your career advancement or to a potential employer once they know you finished 2 courses for the past 7 years.

BUT SHIFTING from one course to another, is another story. Once you submitted a resume to a potential employer they will obviously asked you why you always shift courses? They will also conclude that if they employed you to their company you might resign anytime soon and again look for another job somewhere else. So these companies will considered you a risk and a potential AWOL(absent without leave) or MIA(missing in action) personality. Most companies don't like people like this. They want straight forward personality which they can trust with the job all the time.

YOUR LAST QUESTION- can you still find or get a job? Naturally. Of course, there are still companies that will hire someone like you but not those leading companies you have in mind. These are small time companies that wants not much quality from their personnel staff.

How many years of training or experience to does it take to become a medical doctor?

In general in the United States:- University for 4 years- Medical school for 4 yearsSo far we're at 8 years, however some people do a 6 or 7 year program to get a combined bachelors and the medical degree.  Now during medical school, some people elect to get an MD and a PhD - this can add a couple of years.After that, the residency period is highly dependent on the discipline. Below is a table showing residency lengths.  Note PGY = post graduate year.