What Are Ways To Gain Weight With A Fast Metabolism

How to gain weight with a fast metabolism?

I'm about 100 pounds and 5 ft 1. To be honest, I'm really out of shape. I never work out, ever, but I have a really fast metabolism and get called "too skinny" all the time. I also have a really poor diet. It drives me crazy. I have no butt and no boobs and I would like to have both, I'm assuming I need to gain weight in order to get both. But I don't want to gain to much weight..I enjoy being called skinny, just not too skinny. How can I gain weight only in those areas if possible?

How to gain weight fast with a fast metabolism?

Im 15, boy 5'11 and 139 pounds.I need to know what to eat and how much to eat. I lift weights at school andsometimes do push ups. How many carbs do I need to eat a day. Also I dont drank protein shacks and stuff. PLEASE dont say I will gain weight when Im older because I work out every day so I wouldnt get fat and if I do, I got a fast metabolism so I can burn it easy.

How to gain weight if I have fast metabolism?

Well to start off, you're about average. Lipids (fat) likes to latch on to areas that are very textured. The fat cells attach to the quadriceps, the abdominal muscles and often the bottom of your diaphragm. This type of weight is almost unnoticeable so that will not be a priority if you're trying to put on weight. To put on unnoticeable weight you can go with a high carbohydrate, fiber and lipid diet, and workout the areas you don't want visible fat (triceps, bicep femoris and the exterior abdominal oblique). There's a problem with putting on weight using fat instead of rebuilding muscle, you can get serious stretch marks around your stomach and under arm areas, this can make excess weight extremely noticeable. In my educated opinion is to go on a lipid burning diet, if you can get the time in the morning, go for a 30 minute jog BEFORE you eat anything. Like I said before, a high Fiber, Carbohydrate and Lipid supplement will help you gain weight in a healthier fashion.

What can i eat to gain weight (fast metabolism) ?

i'm not a nutritionist, but i do have a nutritionist that i go to once every two weeks who's working to get me to gain weight, so i think i might be able to help you.
wow, you've got a really fast metabolism, but be grateful for it! lots of people would kill to have a metabolism like that. anyway, here are my suggestions for healthy weight gain:
try eating denser foods (if you're only eating fruits and veggies, there isn't a lot of substance to them. fruits and veggies are good, but probably not the best for weight gain). some denser, healthy foods that might help you gain weight are nuts (any type - if you don't really like them, or would find it more appealing, you could make yourself a trail mix instead), granola (if you don't like it, try putting it with yogurt and banana in a parfait), protein bars and shakes (these contain a lot of nutrients and energy; some of them, like balance bars, contain a pretty good balance of nutrients) and peanut butter. also, bagels are surprisingly dense and will probably help you to gain some weight. try eating one with peanut butter and jelly for breakfast sometimes and maybe that will help you.
make sure you get all your nutrients and balance the types of foods you eat. i know you said you don't eat only junk, which is a good thing, but there are some things like cheesecake that are really only considered bad for you because they have high amounts of fat and would make most people gain a lot of weight, but that's what you want, and it isn't bad to treat yourself every now and then. theoretically, if you only had one of those little cheesecake slices for a week, you'd gain a pound, just adding those slices that week (one pound of body fat = 3500 calories for most people)
other than that, just try to eat a lot, i guess. hope i helped!

How to gain weight when i have a fast metabolism?

I want to gain at least 10 pounds. More would be even better, because I'm a little underweight. Another thing its hard for me to eat a lot because I get full so fast and sometimes don't even feel like eating I can go a lot without eating. Thanks

How can a teen with fast metabolism gain weight?

How to gain weight with a fast metabolism can be a challenging thing to do. This is because ,who have high metabolic rates tend to burn more calories than they can consume. If you are slim or skinny, chances are that your body is a calorie burning machine. Many people want to lose body weight but also a large percentage of people are desperate to gain it. The good news is that anyone can put on some pounds in terms of muscle. Here are some things to do and gain pounds if you have a high or fast metabolism.First, you need to understand that weight training is recommended for weight gain and building muscle. So start out by doing workouts that are mainly consisted of weight lifting. Weight training has the advantage of making sure that your results are muscle mass and not just weight in terms of fat. Therefore you must avoid exercises such as cardio which is intended for weight loss. You can use free weights like barbells and dumbells when exercising this way. Pulley machines that use cables are recommended too because they challenge your muscles as they provide great resistance when used. If you are a physically inactive individual you may experience fatigue but you can actually start gaining weight in form of muscle. So don't forget that as a general rule for putting on some pounds you need to focus on all kinds of weight lifting/training.The next thing which is most important is your diet. You know and understand that your body has the tendency of burning more calories than you consume, Therefore your equation for putting on extra pounds should be "calories consumed by you must be higher or greater than calories burned". Find out how many calories you burn per day by using a calorie calculator and then increase your calorie intake by 500 calories. For example if you burn 1,700 calories a day, Increase your intake of 500 calories on top of the calories that you are able to burn. In this case, You should consume 2,200 calories per day. When your calorie intake is high than you can burn and you are doing weight training, Your body will have a reason to start gaining weight in terms of muscle.

How to Gain Weight With a Super Fast Metabolism?

Provided that it is not a thyroid or endocrine issue ...

Yes, it is possible - The key is that he has to take in more calories than he burns (duh, right?)

Before he starts to lift weights , you need to make sure he is getting enough total calories and enough protein (1.4 - 1.6 g/kg) or else his supersizes metabolism will start to feed on what muscle he does have :)

No "tricks" necessary, just focus on caloricly dense foods.

Oatmeal, peanut butter, (whole) milk, (whole)eggs , Lean ground beef, higher calorie veggies (we still want him to be healthy so make sure he gets at least 3 of these in) carrots, corn (which is ac tally a bread but for these purposes it works) , cauliflower and higher calorie fruits (he should have at least 3 of these too for good health) bananas, apples, dried fruit
You can also grab some cereal bars and things like that for him to munch on during the day to squeeze in extra calories and you can always throw a tbs of safflower oil on his veggies to add an extra 100 calories per tbs.

There is a caloric needs calculator here if you want to get a rough idea of how many calories a day he needs to gain weight

How do you gain weight and muscle with a fast metabolism?

That means you don’t have a fast metabolism. If you really do have a fast metabolism, you would not have a problem with gaining weight.Everyone knows weight gain is mainly caused by consuming surplus calories. People with fast metabolism would have big appetite. They would crave for multiple big meals everyday.When I say “big meal”, I’m talking about eating a Big Mac, french fries, mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, and ice cream all in one sitting. That’s a big meal.Imagine eating a big meal like that at least 5 times a day. That’s a big appetite.And I know you don’t even eat half that amount.If someone with a fast metabolism needs 5,000 calories just to maintain their weight, you think they can’t eat 5,200 calories? They can eat 6,000 calories with no problem. And guess what? They’ll gain weight.It’s not like you eat 5,000 calories everyday anyway.You most likely have a slow metabolism since you don’t have a big appetite and you get full too easily.Why would someone with a big appetite have a problem with eating surplus calories?Increase your calories. Watch your portion carefully. Don’t overestimate. Your weight will go up. Problem solved. You don’t have a fast metabolism.

As someone with fast metabolism, what are ways to gain and maintain weight?

In 2010, at 27, I weighted 54 kg for 1.78m. I couldn't skip a meal without having a very, very bad day. It took me a few weeks to gain weight I lost in thre or four days (1 or 2 kg).What did work for me?Less stress. I gained 4 kg in three years just by improving my ability to handle situations.Sport. I could gain 3 kg during vacation, because I ate more while exercising (then lost aforementioned kg within a few weeks). Using this discovery, I subscribed to a sport room and practiced 6 to 10 hours while…… Eating like there's no tomorrow. Complicated. I realized that eating fast allowed me to eat more before feeling full. It's not good for the stomach but I just wanted to make a habit of eating large quantities of food.Eating many small meals throughout the day, not three large ones.Aging. Not sure if it has to do with how I sleep or with my liver begging for mercy, but it seems I don't have to put the same amount of effort into weight-sustenance.I now weigh the gargantuan, staggering, humongous weight of 66 kg.