What Are What Some Call

Some call it a manual calculator?


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What are "call drinks"?

Call Drinks are where you specify the brand of alcohol you want.

Well Drinks are generic and you get the bar brand for alcohol.


Screwdriver (Well Drink)
Absolut and OJ (Call Drink -- I called for a specific Vodka)

Why do some call Trump "Donnie"?

There could be two reasons for this.One: it’s a short for “Donald”.Two: it might refer to this - FACT CHECK: Did Trump's Older Sister Say 'Donnie's Acting Like a Nutjob'? There was a story floating around the internet stated that his childhood companions referred to him as “Donnie Dimwit”. AS fun as it sounds, it’s not true.

What are some good call drinks?

No, a call drink is basically the simplest drink you can make with well liquor.

Examples of a call would be
whiskey and coke
rum and coke
vodka cran (cape cod)
gin and tonic
vodka and OJ (screwdriver)

Nothing fancy, no brand names.

Personally I like vodka and whiskey so cape cod, screw driver, greyhound (vodka and grapefruit) whiskey & coke etc.

What do some people call a manual calculator?

What is a "manual calculator"? Like an abacus or a slide rule?

If some people way elder than you call you madam it means that you look super old?

No. It means they are being respectful.

Why do some users call men “BEGGARS”?

It's not "some," it's ONE - "Churchie," or "Ma," one single user, a psycho male-basher, the female equivalent to the incels and miggietoes. A deranged gender bigot. I've never completely understood her rants - as nasty as they are, she always skips too many steps in her (snicker) "reasoning" chain, so the babble is always a little bit "off," even in expressing her hateful nonsense. She's a mental casualty of sexism, psychiatric "collateral damage" in the struggle for gender equality. And not one single feminist regular here EVER fulfills their political responsibilities and attacks her. Political cowardice (and incompetence).

And then they wonder why all the thumbs down when they claim "it's just about equality."

What are some apps that change your phone number when you call someone?

Ashley Nicole Bishop , thanks for your A2A.When you call someone from your mobile phone, your operator, not you, transmits your caller ID (your number) to the recipient.Some telecom operators allow you to hide (not to change) your phone number.To replace your caller ID (phone number) with another number, the call MUST be generated by another source, not your mobile phone, and then connected to your phone using a technique called call-back.You may not even notice, but two calls take place, one toward your destination (with another caller ID) and one toward you, those two calls are connected together and as a result your destination receives another caller ID.I did a brief search on the google play store, but all those “apps” that say “caller ID fake” or whatever do not actually do what I described above. They just simulate incoming calls with a fake caller id, which is not what you are asking for.Now, getting back to your question.To implement it you need to find a VoIP service provider that allows you to set the caller ID of your choice. Be aware though that those VoIP providers, for you to set the caller ID, will verify if that number belongs to you.My cloud switchboard uses this technology when I call people across the globe: each of them receives a caller ID corresponding to the number I have in their country, so that if they need to call me back, they can make a local call. None of them though knows my real mobile number.Could this solve your issue?EDIT1This website seems to offer a similar solution to what I described above:CallerIDFakerOf course the need your number to do the call back. As for the fake caller id they place, I haven’t checked if they allow you to set any number at all or just a number you own.