What Are Your Opinions On Men

What's your opinion of man buns?

I was over man buns before they became so ubiquitous.Picture this here in San Francisco:A handsome guy is walking down the street towards you, and you lock eyes for a second. He is well dressed, possibly for a good job. He is carrying a messenger bag and wearing nice shoes.Turns out you both go into the same coffee shop. You both like the same coffee!That's when you see it:The Man Bun on the back of his head.I don't know about the rest of you, but I would turn on my heel and walk right out.Then a few questions would pop into my head.‘He actually wears that thing at work? Ick!’‘Why are man buns so damn popular?!’ ‘‘Why did men ever buy into this fad?!’Man buns are not attractive. Actually quite the opposite.And just in case you don't feel like growing your hair long to put it up in said bun, they make clip ins!Clip In Man BunThis makes me slightly nauseous…*blerp*

Persian men...your opinions.?

ok. a few tips
1. persian men are not generally players! i am one of them and i know tons of them and no, they are not players. the culture and the way we are raised by our parents doesnt lead to being a player. although i do know some who are. but they are very few!
2. again i know some guys (not necessarily persian) would just say they have been with many girls just to blow their own horn! he might be doing that
3. if he has known you for 2 years, i wouldnt think he wants to mess the friendship up! if you are getting serious he might be rising up to the challenge of making you like him as a partner. talk some sense to him and then see what he says. tell him you like him. that makes him relax a little. then ask him to be totally honest with you. remind him of the fact that if he lies to you and you find out, then you can never trust him again. but if he tells the truth, even if the truth is hard to take, there might be a way for you to work it out!

hope all this helps you out.
persian men are not generally jerks. but you might have found the odd one! just go careful. dont judge him before he has had a chance to defend himself!

good luck

What is your opinion on men cooking?

I think everyone should know how to cook. It’s a basic life skill, that saves money, allows you to eat healthier food and gives you options you wouldn’t otherwise have to entertain yourself and others. Cooking is fun. I come from a family where everyone cooked. I learned cooking from my mom and dad, but also my grandfather and grandmother, and several aunts. My dad was the Sunday morning breakfast guru, and he made killer pancakes, wonderful salmon latkes and great special occasion dishes. He would take us to the Fulton Fish Market to buy fish and seafood straight off the boats, then we would come home and clean all the clams and mussels and shrimp to make cioppino or bouillabaisse. My grandfather taught me to make middle eastern specialties, like humus b’tahini and spinach pies and stuffed grape leaves with savory lamb and rice and pine nut filling. My grandmother had a way with a pot of rice, producing that perfect, golden brown crust on the bottom that we all fought to get the best pieces of. Men should absolutely learn to cook. Men who can cook are sexy.

Why, in your opinion, do men commit rape ? ?

Good question. It occurred to me after reading this initially, that this specific question is *rarely* actually asked here.

Anyway, for the purpose of responding to this particular question, I'm going to answer with men as the rapist, and women as the victim/survivors in mind. I'm also going to write in very easy to understand language, because many people seem to think it's very complicated (Not the person asking the question :-))

There are different circumstances around rape - whether the rape occurs between strangers (which is rare) or rape that occurs between people who know each other. Each circumstance come down to the same thing however-- the attitude of "You think you can say no to me?!" Of course, the variation of the severity of the sadistic nature is dependant on various things.

In rapes involving strangers, there's often a "sadistic rush" felt by the rapist. The motivation for the rapist, is to perpetrate violence that results in the victim/survivor experiencing humiliation, fear and pain. The sense that little old insignificant him can cause such trauma and damage to someone (that not only affects the victim/survivor in the short term, but also long term trauma), gives him a sense of power. A sense of control. A sense that he can control a situation and this somehow translates into "aren't I big and important!"

In most rape situations as stated earlier, the rapist and victim/survivor know each other. Again, the circumstances can vary. It can involve a husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, son and mother (elder abuse), father and daughter etc. And again, the same motivation pops up -- "You think you can say no to me?"

Many people say things like "men do it b/c they are h*rny" or "he just couldn't stop when she started saying no". Somehow people believe that some men "can't control themselves", and something mysterious takes over their mind and free will, and they are no longer responsible for what they are doing. This is also known as a cop-out, or an excuse, and all it *really* explains, is that he's a rapist. What distinguishes a rapist from a non-rapist? Stopping when it's clear that the other person doesn't want to have sex. It really isn't complicated.

So, by and large rapists get a sense of control. A sense that no matter what the other person wants, HE is in control, and will stop when HE wants to.

What is your opinion of men who wear earrings?

Men shoudln't have extra holes in their body, period. ! :P

It's good that you mention harrison ford because
especially harrison ford is the type of guy who shouldn't wear an earring. I find earrings suit some guys but not him.

I myself am not an earring type. I believe you have to have some assymetry to your face and balance it with an earring. Which can look pretty cool.

But it's a bit overrated and too many guys who shouldn't wear gets one.

What is your opinion on men who work in childcare?

Before we moved to our new community, my daughters used to attend a day care / preschool where one of the two co-directors was a man, and almost every single classroom had a male teacher. I've never seen anything like it before or since, but I wanna tell you: I'm a believer. My girls ADORED those guys.And those dudes were no pansies. There was a fifty-something-year-old black man who had been teaching in the toddler room for 11 years. He was a strong silent type who defied every stereotype of the male nursery worker that you could throw at him. Some sort of a duck hunter, or something. God help any intruder who stumbled blindly into that classroom with any ill intentions. I had no doubt my daughter was safe in that room, as long as he was there. But he changed diapers with the best of 'em, and his specialty was the cooking projects he did with the kids once per week.There were three tall, strapping, bearded young lads with tattoos and booming voices, one of whom worked in the 3-year-old room, one of whom worked in the pre-K room, and one of whom worked in the school age room. They had my girls in stitches every day.It was marvelous for my girls to see manly-men in nurturing roles every day. And with the extensive background checks child care workers are subjected to here in California - combined with the fact that most of those men had been working there for years and years - I felt as safe as one could reasonably be entrusting my daughters' care to them.

What is your opinion on Men's Rights Activists?

It's a more complicated issue than most of my fellow feminists would believe.Firstly, yes, you do get the protest groups. These guys aren't concerned about any issues except for the existence of feminism. They mostly just set up clearly sexist groups to try to piss off real and Tumblr feminists combined, usually with the aim of pissing off the latter. They're comprised of both actual sexists who just see it as a soapbox, and the ‘WhAt AbOuT mE!!!’ kinds who feel like because feminists exist meninists should too.You also get groups with a specific interest that focuses on an issue men actually do face. The best and most agreeable example I can think of is ‘Fathers for Justice’ who say it's unfair women are much more likely to get majority or total custody of children in a divorce or other form of break up, and say men should have an equal right to custody. These groups at no point stand against feminism, they simply point out specific ways gender roles and issues affect us. Just like feminists should.Then you get a lot of groups in between. Ones that choose to embody the idea that feminism only helps women, so choose to defend all issues that affect men negatively. Groups that say feminism is over and already accomplished it's goals. Groups that go with ‘men and women are equal but different, bring back gender roles’. Some of these groups I will stand against, some I will ignore and laugh at, others I will actually say ‘you know what, you make a good point’.But to dismiss all of them under the term ‘sexists’ and ignore them completely? That would be unhelpful to everyone.And the ones that are blatantly against feminism can be seen as a symptom we are doing something wrong, because we aren't reaching everyone.

Survey:In your opinion why do men hide their tears?

They may appear vulnerable and weak which in my opinion is wrong. I feel more for a man who can show his emotions.