What Branch Of Government Has Traditionally Been The Most Powerful In Democratic And Republicans

What do most Democrats have in common with most Republicans in terms of their political beliefs?

What do most Democrats have in common with most Republicans in terms of their political beliefs?When someone mentions — for the 1,451,947th time — that the U.S. is “deeply divided,” I hasten to point out how, in all respects that truly matter, the U.S. is firmly united — and both the Democrats and Republicans are in complete agreement. Both Democrats and Republicans agree, and virtually all Americans agree, on the Constitution and the fundamental organizing principles of our government, namely:A president with defined powers elected for a fixed termA bicameral legislature with two bodies performing different yet defined duties and elected for fixed termsA Supreme Court whose task is to interpret the Constitution and judge the constitutionality of actions of the president and Congress.A defined balance of powers between the three branches of governmentThat’s a lot to hold in common!

Which branch of the government is the most powerful?

Well, interesting question. The Government was set up with three “co-equal” branches.However, as in life, nothing is equal.The branches are the Executive (President), The legislative (Congress) and the Judicial (Courts)Congress can pass a proposed Law - the President has to sign it for it to actually become a law. The President wins on this one.But, if the President Vetoes it, it goes back to Congress. They can over ride his veto if enough congress people vote for it!So Congress wins in that power struggle.Now the law is on the books. But, several states don’t like the law and sue to stop it. It works it’s way up to the Supreme Court. They make a decision. The President can’t change it. Congress, in theory, could over ride that decision, but it has only happened a handful of times. They cannot change the Court’s decision, but what they do is re-write the law and try again.The Supreme Court are the Gods of the land. Once they decide an issue, no other power can change that decision. Congress can try another law to go around the Court’s decision, but that new law is subject to the courts review.No one can overturn or change a Supreme Court decision, except for the Supreme Court!This was a simple answer to your question. I hate reading answers that drone on for page after page.

The executive branch of the United States government has traditionally gained power during periods when ...?

The executive branch of the United States government has traditionally gained power during periods when

1. the Presidency has been occupied by a high- ranking military officer
2. the Republican Party was in the majority in Congress and the President was a Democrat
3. there has been a serious domestic or international problem facing the United States
4. the Supreme Court and Congress have been in conflict over constitutional issues

I'm confused- whats a republican and whats a Democrat?

Democrats traditionally care about people and the things that make a community strong. Democrats focus on adequate funding for schools, health care, transportation and jobs for people. Take education. The University system in California, one of the best in the world, was built by a Democratic governor.
Take roads. The freeway system that is basically free to drive on was spearheaded by Democrats. The toll roads on the other hand were pushed through by Republicans. See the distinction?
Republicans are for a private corporate army and right now is funding Corporations to fight in Iraq. The Republican dominated Congress has allowed the Corporations to drain our government's money to pay the Corporations excessive amounts of money for their services. For example, $90 per bag of laundry is just the tip of the iceberg. They freely blow up $100,000. trucks if they get a flat tire because they figure the government will buy them a new one so why bother. Democrats believe a strong military run by the military is the way to go. It would be more cost-efficient and more patriotic. Thank you. Democrats want to see the money we are spending on the war in Iraq used here at home to fight crime, build hospitals, do research to cure cancer, and improve our educational system.

Some questions about US government...please help!?

1 False. Grown much faster since 1900
2. True. There are usually more members of the committee from the majority party. House speaker can also influence to large degree
3. False. Up until 1900's, state legislation's elected two Senators representing state. Senate represented states, House represented people. Thus power struggle was between House and Senate.
4 True. It enhances committee to rule according to party beliefs and platforms, more so than selecting committee chairs according to seniority .
5 False. Even long term incumbents lost re-election bids in last 20 years.
6.True. Many Republicans are more liberal than traditional conservatives. Many Democrats, such as ":blue dogs" are more conservative than some liberal Democrats. Therefore they do not always vote along party lines. Also, Senate needs 60 seats to be filibuster proof.
7. False. Gerrymandering is when districts are divided to give advantage to one political party. For example, a district that was mainly rural and more Republican conservative, may be restructured, re-divided, so the district now includes parts a major urban area, giving advantage and more votes to Democrat candidate.
8.????. The more who agree ideologically, the more likely legislation reflecting that ideology will pass. However, members of the House elected every two years are more likly to vote according to their districts majority ideals, rather than their own
9 My own personal opinion is False. Most power is in the committees. Certain committees yield much more power than other. House finance committee, House judiciary committee, House appropriations committee are very powerful.
10. False? Not sure about this one. Question is vague. There are no term limits for the House, other than limits the state they are from sets. So if the state has term limits, they are the same as that state's legislatures. Otherwise, thereare no limits