What Can Cause A Child

What is the main causes of child abuse?

The MAIN cause, is coming from a broken home where child abuse was prevelant. Those who experienced abuse, whether physical, emotional, or sexual, are 20 times more likely to inflict abuse on their children/relatives than others.

Solution? Severe penalities for anyone convicted of child abuse on even the smallest level. Death penalty for sexual abusers. In-home monitoring for convicted abusers. National ad campaigns calling for the end of child abuse. Rewards for bringing abuse to the attention of law enforcement. Training in school for both teachers to spot abuse and students to learn how to deal with abuse from their loved ones.

THIS MUST STOP!!!!! 70% of ALL CRIMES in this country stem from child abuse. Drug addicts come from broken abused homes 85% of the time. We need to change the culture in this world. The unwanted and abused children of today become the drug abusers and crimials of tomorrow.

What can cause a child to fall behind in school?

Many things can, including poor hearing or sight or other undiagnosed physical maladies like minimal brain damage or undiagnosed autism. So, before you go on the attack, at the very least make sure the kid can hear, see and understand.

Can abusive parents cause a child to be mean?

Chronic emotional and physical abuse, chronic neglect, and sexual abuse can and will do several damaging things to a child.It can “break” the child so that the child becomes a jittery mess, loses all self-esteem and grows up unable to make decisions for their own self out of fear of making a wrong decision and being punished for it, basically remaining a dependent child for life.It can make a neglected and sexually abused child grow up to hate herself and feel that her only value is giving sexual favors; a lot of sexually abused kids grow up to have addiction problems, fall into prostitution, and make repeated suicide attempts.It can turn a child into a sullen ball of repressed hurt and hate, itching to get back at his tormentors, so that the child becomes a bully to other chidren and grows up to be a mean, angry, violent adult, and possibly a career criminal.It can make a child become avoidant and isolate their self as an adult, unable to trust anyone and unable to have close, intimate relationships because their trust was shattered over and over again by their parents’ maltreatment and/or indifferent neglect.In my opinion nothing good is achieved by being an abusive, negligent, exploitative parent.

What could cause a child to have red hair if neither parent has red hair?

Recessive genes. The MC1R mutation which causes red hair is recessive, so even if a person carries the gene (and many people do), it may not be expressed. A family can carry the gene for generations before happenstance leads to a child who receives the MC1R mutation from both parents.This is, of course, further complicated in people's minds because of the wide variability of shade in red hair. In my family, my father's mother and my mother's father were both redheads. Out of 5 children, my mother and one brother had vibrant, coppery hair. On my father's side, out of 3 children, none did. In my generation, counting cousins and all, the rate of red hair is about 50 percent. One of my sisters and I have dark, auburn hair and the others are blonde. None of us have hair that matches my mother's. Yet on my mother's and father's sides, I have lots of cousins with vibrant red hair.In case you're interested in how this can play out, I can tell you what's happened in the 4th generation. (I am leaving out step siblings to simplify things.) Blonde sister number one married a man with blond hair; they have nine children, all blond. Auburn-haired sister, no kids. Blonde sister number two, with dark-haired husband has children with dark brown hair. My son's father had raven black hair, and my son has medium-brown hair. Not a hint of red in any of them.Yet the same generation on my dad's side, descended from my dark-haired uncle and his dark-haired wife, have more redheads than not (and their father, my cousin, did not have red hair, either.) This is because their mother also carried the MC1R mutation and it was expressed in their children.It would not be surprising if my son ends up having a red haired child one day, or if my nieces or nephews do. But it will only happen if they carry the gene and if they have children with someone who also carries the gene, and if that gene also becomes expressed in any of their children. Unless your parents are both redheads, you have at most a 1-in-4 chance of having red hair. Now, those aren't terrible odds, but they aren't good odds, either.That's why it's not very unusual for a family to go generations passing on the MC1R mutation without a redheaded child being born and then, suddenly, for one to pop up out of seemingly nowhere. You may have many redheads in your family tree that you don't know about because color photography is a pretty new invention, and only wealthy people had portraits painted.

What causes a child to become a narcissist?

There are many factors that indicate to the development of a personality disorder:1.Childhood trauma,childhood physical abuse.2.Emotional neglect the child receives early on from their parents.3.The abusive reflection of their parents basically ignoring the child,showing no interest to the child,showing no love,care etc.4.The child never being enough for the parents no matter what he does.5.One of the parents sharing the mental disorder or both of the parents,it can be also genetic,also as you know if the parent has the mental disorder they will be unable to reflect to the child with Empathy.Conclusion:The child builds up the disorder and lacks Empathy,basically they get stuck on the childhood emotional lvl in their early childhood while they grow up with body and mindset,Empathy is the core part of personality,according to modern Psychiatry if it does not build up early on it will be never build up and the person will be a dead person from inside.The child to be able to reflect with empathy to people they need to be firstly reflected with empathy from their parents,basically if they have never received love,care,value or respect from their parents they will never be able to give tho’s things to people also including themselves,’’If you don’t teach your child that he should seek an education later on in his/her life they will never follow that path’’they are basically reflecting everything that their parents reflected to them,to the victims and people.

What can you say about child labor? (cause & effect)?

Child labor is one of the many concerns in the Philippines and, most disturbingly, one of the most rampant problems we face. In the endeavor to create an awareness of an already existing law that is evidently not properly implemented, child labor clearly falls within this category. Every child has the right to the most basic of necessities in life like a healthy environment, formal education, and most importantly, a loving family to come home to. Yet, poverty hinders the child to any of these things and forces labor in farming fields, mining shafts and peddling in the busy and dangerous streets of the country.

What can cause a child to suddenly stop wanting to go to school?

There are a lot of possible reasons. The most obvious is that something traumatic happened at school. This could range from being sexually or physically asaulted to being humiliated or bullied. Being constantly criticized, being pressured or being treated harshly can also be reasons. One of our children developed a full blown school phobia, complete with anxiety attacks and vomiting after he was assigned a new teacher. His old teacher was a sweet Southerner with a gentle touch. His new teacher was a very aggressive and rough and tumble New Yorker who constantly screamed at the kids.The other main probability is that the child is afraid to leave home, for fear something bad might happen there while he or she is away. One classic formulation of school refusal or school phobia is when it develops shortly after a child loses a family member— like the death of a Grandparent. But this could also be the case if there are other threats at hom, like marital discord or abuse of a sibling. There are even cases of young children suddenly refusing school after witnessing primal scenes (sexual activity between parents) that we’re not understood and scared them. Reassurance, a gentle touch and a little detective work is necessary. It’s definitely a sign that something is wrong at home or school and should not be ignored. Children’s behavior isn’t always meaningful but it is almost always purposeful. For a cognitive behavioral treatment approach Look for Fenwick the Fearful Frog at either Amazon or Good luck!!!

What could cause a child to have an abnormal fear of their parents dying?

What could cause a child to have an abnormal fear of their parents dying?Well, first, “abnormal” would probably be best saved for especially debilitating fear.But fear in children depends on lots of variables, not the least of which being compounded triggers. If a child feels insecure about anything and then an additional insecurity hits followed by the introduction of the idea that parents are mortal too, well, the final straw isn’t necessarily the heaviest.Unfortunately, there’s not a lot a parent can do to control all the things that a child comes across that might frighten them. Sometimes the best that can be done is to work on developing coping skills so that they understand what they can do to stop fear from building on other fears.