What Can I Do About The Ghost/presence In My House

Do I have a ghost in my house?

I Don't Actually Know Your Answers, But I Am Having The Same Problem!!! Except For 2 Things, Mine Is Active, And I Only Feel The Discomfort At Night, Even When I'm Sleeping Next To My Boyfriend, He Feels It To, And Hears The Things I Do...I Actually Tried To Speak To It, Which Was Stupid, Cause Now It Feels As If It Is Always Trying To Commune With Me...I'm Going Crazy Aswell, I Am Even Going As Far As Researching, So Far I Found That It Is Dangerous To Commune...I Found That Out :S And Well Pray More, It Creates Good Energy, And If Its A Bad Entity Then It Will Stop After Doing So, If It's Good, Then Maybe It Will Stop Bothering You If You Ask It To....Lol I Sound Crazy, But I'm Hopeing It Will Help....Even For Myself Lol.

And Do NOT Use A Ouijia Board, A BIG NO NO!!!
The Thing About It Is, the Entity Could Lie, And The Board Could Invite More Bad Spirits...And You'll Have To Deal With More Than One Ghost!!!

Hope I Was A Help.

When you feel a ghost presence....?

Have you noticed anywhere else this type of thing happens?, like feeling cold or hot or tingly on your skin? what times does this occur ? Has anything changed for the better/worse since your last encounter 1 or 2 years ago?
All of us have a spirit guide/angel with us for protection and sometimes they do this sort of thing to communicate something they want us to know. Your guide may be a family member that you knew or it may be a family member from the past that you never knew.
I don't think the presence is there to harm anyone.
My suggestion would be to go where you can meditate in your home without any distractions and ask out loud :
Spirit guide I know you are around me, will you please reveal yourself to me and what it is that you are trying to tell me?
You may also concentrate strongly on this issue just before going to sleep and then concentrate on it again when you wake up and some answers may come to you. Your guide/angel may choose to reveal what it is when you are in your dream state. Your guide/angel also can reveal things to you in your thoughts, sort of nudging you in the right direction about something. Paying closer attention to your intuition may also hold the answer.

Well, first off I would ask, what exactly have you felt or seen? It could be numerous reasons. You could be reacting to mold in your home, or exposure to wavelengths ( ) which can make you feel like someone is watching you.Seen a ghost? Then you may have inhaled toxic mouldEnvironmental Causes of Hauntings - Motor City Ghost HuntersYou could be focusing too much on ghosts, devils, etc and it is your imagination running amuck.I would try to avoid or change your home environment,if anything above is an issue. Now,if none of these is an issue, you might want to personally see if you’re under great stress,or if you feel like your like is falling apart, you need to be honest with yourself here. perhaps a visit with a therapist is in order.If none of these things are remotely true, I would move, try to ignore the situation and see what happens. If things get worse,or weird, or stay the same, maybe you need to check out your lost siblings remains and ‘talk” with them. Either they exist and want to chat or you feel a need to get it off your chest.I hope something gets better.

It could be.  What I would do is eliminate all other possibilities before assuming a paranormal explanation.  Nobody is pranking you, as you say, but maybe the building is settling?  That would only explain the apparent knocks, but it's something to consider.Have you tried talking to your apparent ghost?  If it really is one, it is trying to get your attention.

How do I know if there is a ghost in my house, and should I try to talk to it?

There's no reason to freak out. Calm down people. lol If you're not scared, then ask it what it wants. Why it's there or who they are. Often times "hauntings" are actually spirits we knew it life and they're just trying to get our attention. We're the ones who are "haunted," not the house. lol That's not to say that there's aren't houses/places where energies are stuck. It's obviously conscious of you, so it can't hurt to ask. Working with spirits isn't scary. I do it all the time. However, since it likes throwing objects around, it doesn't hurt to ask for help from angels or guides or something like that. Just so something doesn't get thrown towards you. If you don't want to talk to it at all, then ask it to leave. If it won't leave, again, ask the angels or your guides for some help in sending it away. :) Drop me a line if you need more help.
Oh, and spirits don't just want to be left alone all the time. Sometimes they just want your attention because they know you know they are there. Go with your feelings.

How to tell if there's a ghost in your house? ?

if you feel a presence in your room i'd try to ignore it as much as you can.the more attention you give to it the more crazy things will get.i had a ghost in my old house i didnt even recognize it being there but my sisters felt like they were being watched.eventually 1 night i saw a dark figure in my hallway and it made my float in the air.the investigators told us to stop giving it attention for a few days and see if anything happens and it seemed to help a little bit.ever since that day i saw that dark figure in my hallway and floated my family laughs at me when i tell them and dont think im serious about it,except my sisters they do the same thing to them .it might just be your grandpa i wouldnt flip out if you see a ghost as long as it isnt hurting you.yea i know easier said then done ,lol


Sounds like you have a poltergeist. A poltergeist denotes an invisible spirit or ghost that manifests itself by moving and influencing objects, generally in a particular location such as a house or room or place within a house.

* Objects are moved or thrown around, sometimes at the victim
* Objects appearing in random places
* Raspy or vague voices are heard (sometimes are only heard from an EVP)
* noises are heard (such as tapping, dragging, thumping or footsteps)
* being pushed, tugged, or knocked down by an unknown force
* Ghostly figures or shadows being seen (sometimes are only seen on a thermal imager or camcorder)
* Haunting or activity starts after something bad happening (such as a death)
* Forcing things on the victim (such as poison)
* Rapping noises ( e.g.: one means no, two mean yes)
* Electronics malfunctioning (during the presence of the poltergeist)
* Victim may have strange feelings or sensations during the presence of a poltergeist (such as nausea or EMF sickness)
* High EMF ratings from an unknown source
* Cackling is heard upon presence of a poltergeist (usually only heard from an EVP)
* Cold spots are often felt usually in dark areas
* Blood appearing on floors, walls, ceilings, shiny and grimy surfaces
* Inappropriate drawing of faces or contents usually on foggy mirrors
* Unexplainable fear within the home or depression
* Sensation of poltergeist activity becomes stronger and more prominent

I would try buying some "sage" and burning it. I heard this helps calm things down, but does not rid the spirit from the place it haunts.

It means that the Ghost is present (there) example: A Ghost is here (present) with us.

Hope this helps and answers your question…You will have feelings like this…Feelings of being watched or spied on.Feelings of someone standing close behind you.Feelings of being touched by unseen hands.Feelings of the hair on back of your neck standing up.Feelings of cobwebs on your face or body.Feeling a cold breeze as if someone has walked past youDark depressing feeling, especially in one particular location.Here are some signs that your home may experiencing a haunting…Lights turning on and off, or up and down, on their own.Light bulbs blowing frequently.Sounds of items being dropped – but when you go to investigate, there is nothing there.Seeing unexplained shadows from the corner of your eye.Strange behavior from pets in the property: e.g. dogs barking or growling at something you cannot see, cats staring in a particular area as if they can see someone.Hearing voices of people, whispers, or someone calling your name.Seeing twinkling lights, mists or unexplained moving shapes.Sudden temperature drops, especially in one area of the property.

The knowledge that a spirit exists is more important than conversation.It is usually easier to infer what the presence is doing or saying. It is a mental conversation from man to spirit. The same as talking to you recently deceased grandma or grandpa. It is a mental communication.There are other ways you interpret this conversation. Commonly through Ouija Boards, Planchette, expressions through movement and appearances and the visibility/invisibility ratio.Spirits have a way of showing what makes them spirits. This is commonly through sound, through smell, through movement and telepathy and telekinesis.Those who are able to interpret these other-worldly ‘conversations’ will understand what I mean. The TV shows you see where the presenter seems to be interpreting a conversation in his mind is true. Some people in the audience can see or hear this conversation, if their capabilities have been advanced.It is often not the best to have too lengthy conversations with spirits.