What Can I Do To Stop/prevent My Unusual Dreams

How do I stop dreaming continuously at night? I have hollow eyes and cheeks due to this, and I feel tired all day. I also seem to have a slight headache for a couple of hours during the day. Any solution for this?

I’m sorry to hear that. But I would say that dreams are not a reason. More probable are bad sleep hygiene and stress/nerves/anxiety. Read this, it might be very helpful.To get a full night’s sleep it is important to take care of your sleep hygiene and relax before bedtime.Tips:Take warm, long bath. Relax before bedtime. You can use aroma lamp with essential oils.Open windows. Make your bedroom cooler and provide that way enough oxygen. Temperature has to be comfortable for you.Go for a walk or do light physical exercise. Stretch out gently. Sport reduces cortisol - hormone of stress; your blood pressure and heart beat shall come back to norm.Listen to relaxing music. Or white noise.Get a snack like: bananas, dairy, avocados, lean proteins like poultry or fish, and nuts. They make you drowsy.Try sleep supplements: chamomile tea or valerian.Lavender oil - add it to bath, on your pillow, on your clothes. It has many healing properties and can be used to reduce anxiety.What you should avoid:Using computer or television for minimum 1,5 hour before sleep. Blue light decrease the secretion of melatonin.Drinking caffeine - caffeine makes your heart race and you can feel more nervous or anxiety.Working out too intensely before bedtime.Eating high-fat food or junk food.To reduce stress try this relaxing techniques:Breathing exercises “ 4-7-8 Method” (created by Harvard-trained physician Dr. Andrew Weil)Place the tip of your tongue behind your two front teeth.Exhale completely.Close your mouth.Inhale through your nose for four seconds.Hold your breath for seven seconds.Exhale completely through your mouth again for eight seconds.Count seconds, that way you will focus on this and your thoughts won’t wander.Repeat until you fall asleep.Another thing is sleep patter and your chronotype.A person's chronotype indicates how a person may perform at different times of day. Chronotype refers to the people’s regular rising and bedtimes. Some people are morning larks and rise early and are more active in the morning. Others are night owls and sleep late, being more active in the evenings and late nights.You can check here your chronotype: MCTQ - Main Page and learn at what time you should go to bed.Remember to keep one sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time (both during weekends and weekdays).

Citalopram and really vivid dreams ??

I've been on citalopram 10mg for nearly a week now and have been having REALLY vivid dreams since starting the meds.... at times i confuse dreams with reality (e.g- i dreamt a shop in my town had been shut down and when i walked past it and found it hadn't been, i was really genuinly shocked!)

The dreams are never scary, generally just about everyday stuff.... sometimes i find it quite enjoyable as i remember the dreams from the night before through out the day!

I know dreams can be affected by citalopram but has anyone had as vivid dreams as this where they confuse dreams with reality, or will they wear off as my brain gets used to the meds?

Is there any way to prevent dreams?

you dont understand. i DESPISE dreaming.

they are always 1 of 2 things. but always hav eone thing in common. intensity. my dreams are very emotionaly charged and overall very intense.

my dreams are either very horrible, or they are more often than not so bizzare that i have difficulty integrating them at all. i cant even get a sentence out about the dream cause nothing makes sense.

the worst part is in the morning i have that dreamy afterglow feeling for a couple hours after waking up. i dont even get good sleep cause of it and i am always tired.

so how can i prevent dreams?

What can I do to stop myself from dreaming every night?

Smoking weed suppresses your REM sleep so you don't have dreams when you smoke before sleep. When I was younger I had many vivid nightmares and dreams almost every night.When I was 15, December 28th, I randomly said, “Hey I wanna try weed!” Then I was high for 6 years. Don’t be like me.I rarely dreamed, maybe like once a month. After quitting the weed for maybe a week I started getting super crazy dreams even more vivid than I ever remembered.One more thing I just found out: melatonin can cause more intense dreams.Good luck with your dream issue. I would recommend trying to get to a better state of mind so your dreams don’t torment you, because not dreaming gets boring. I missed it a lot.

How do I stop dreaming all night?

I may sound crazy to you but I would like to share one paranormal remedy which I learnt from my grandpa for stopping dreams all night.First of all if you are intuitive person and you are getting messages through dreams I would suggest not to stop them but if you are seeing nightmares then do use any if these remedies .Put any iron object under your pillow . That will keep negetive energies away and ensure you a peaceful sleep .Another thing which you can do is before going to sleep tell your pillow “you want peaceful sleep no dreams please ”That may sound crazy but by doing this you will communicate with your subconscious mind and that's how subconscious mind will assure your peaceful sleep .During rahu dasha , mahadasha too generally people see bad dreams if you thing it's due to astrological reason chant hanuman chalisa before going to bed . ( I am not supposed to say this as you are very elder to me as well as professional astrologer , excuse me for adding this paragraph . I have no bad intentions .. all I wanna do is help you . I apologize in advance for adding this paragraph )Try any of them . I am sure it will help you ☺

Do dreamcatchers prevent you from sleeping good?

As a Navajo, most dreamcatchers I come across are plain dreamcatchers without the chimes. Most are made with a metal hoop, but traditional dreamcatchers are made with willow and sinew. The story I was told is that it catches all the bad dreams in it's maze of web while the good dreams come thru the hole in the middle to you. As such, you have good dreams. So, for you to have bad dreams, I am not sure about that. You will have to talk to someone with this dreamcatcher culture. He/she will tell you everything. Navajos don't have a dreamcatcher culture, but we do make them to make money.

How do I stop/fix vivid dreams that cause exhaustion the next day?

The problem is most likely caused by your medication.  Psychiatric psychotropics tend to change how you sleep and dream, and how well you sleep and dream.  There are not always ways to counteract the potentially negative impact of medications like antidepressants.Firstly, though, I recommend talking to your doctor to see what he or she thinks and if reducing the dose or taking it at a different time of day might be better for you.  I would warn against taking a second medication to try to restore your sleep balance, because hypnotics and other sleep medications work by causing further disturbance in your ability to sleep properly.If this is side effects from the Luvox, they may wear off some as your brain restructures itself to conform to the influence of the antidepressants.  They may not, however, or may even get worse.  Always keep your doctor updated as to what you are experiencing if you notice changes after taking or being on medications.  I am not a doctor and cannot tell you whether or not these issues are due to a particular thing, I just have a fair amount of experience with sleep problems and psychiatric drugs.Meditation is great, and you are already doing that.  Katherine Lawson Shantzis's comments about unresolved or unassimilated materials is also good to be thinking about---psychotropics are notorious for causing disturbing dreams, insomnia, hypersomnia, and other sleep-related issues, but maybe you can keep things from gettting so far out of hand by seeing if there are emotional situations or memories or learnings that are not being fully accepted and integrated.  Drugs can inhibit this process, and end up causing amnesia and cognitive problems, but not everyone reacts in the same ways.

How can I stop having intense night sweats and vivid dreams that are directly related to anxiety? I do not want to take medication that may cause me to oversleep.

Note: Not a doctor. Not giving medical advice. Asking questions only. Speaking from anecdotal and personal information.Is this ongoing, or a newly developed issue?If it’s new: Are you using chemical birth control? Several years ago I had a terrible time with night sweats and waking up in a panic, heart pounding, feeling like I was about to go into fight or flight. I was using the NuvoRing at the time, but I had a similar reaction to the DepoProvera shot and I’m told that it can be a side effect with other kinds of chemical birth control.If it’s not new: Is there a situational cause for your anxiety? Do you feel defensive or afraid in your current sleeping situation? Could you put a lock on your door, or use a weighted blanket?2. Are you able to use diphenhydramine (benadryl)? I occasionally utilize that when I can’t take anti-anxiety meds.