What Can I Use To Stop Itching And Heal A Scratch On A Dog

How can I keep my dog from scratching his ear? He has an ear infection that I'm treating and I'm worried he will hurt himself.

if you are treating it with a medication prescribed by your dogs veterinarian then they should provide you with something —- but basically you have 3 choices — the first and easiest is an elizabethan collar or e cone ( cone of shame ) — these work well but most dogs hate them — there is a soft padded version that many dogs tolerate better but they are more expensive — the second option is to use stockinette or a sock to hold the ear to the head —- you cut the toe from the sock to make a tube and then place the sock over the head to cover the ears holding them firmly against the head —- the dog may be able to scratch but will hit the sock not the ear —- you can make a hole for the good ear to protrude thru if you want but you will have to remove this several times a day to apply medication and you must not make the bandage to tight or to loose —- the third option which I use often is hobbles —- a soft piece of cloth is used to tie the back legs together at the hocks leaving about 8 -12 inches of cloth between the legs — the dog can walk easily but not pull their legs forward to scratch —- most dogs accept these but some will chew them off if not watched ——

How can I get my dog to stop scratching herself raw?

edited answer, due to misinterpretation of the question:All of the things you're trying are toxic to dogs. Petroleum based products and garlic are extremely dangerous for them!Flea treat her ASAP in case of flea allergies, in which case the number of fleas doesn't necessarily matter. The reaction can be huge.Try changing her diet to something else in case she has developed a sensitivity to her current diet.Baths should only be once a month at most so as to their natural oils.As for anxiety, a vet or a reputable trainer could better dertermine what could be causing it, and what to do about it. Definitely research the trainer if you choose to do this, as some can make it way worse depending on methods.There are various medications to get that under control. Ideally something other than prednisone (steroids). Apoquel, Cyclosporine and Cytopoint tend to be very effective.My GSD has awful allergies. He's on a hypoallergenic diet with nothing else (no treats, no scraps, nothing other than his vet food!!) and we do cytopoint injections every 4 weeks. Cytopoint is an antibody treatment and is not actually a drug medication! It builds their immunity up without affecting the liver like pill meds do. After 2 years of him constantly itching and losing hair and trying everything, this all worked! He's better than ever.I wouldn't use petroleum products on myself, let alone my dogs. Not just that they can consume it, but topically I don't recommend that either. Coconut oil can work, but a vet will probably give you theraderm instead to help.

My dog won't stop scratching her scab?

Flush and wash the area with Hydrogen Peroxide a couple of times a day. Cover the area with something to keep it clean. I use Bag Balm..but most any thing used on open wounds are good. Try to cover the dogs paw with some old socks were the dog can't scratch while it is healing. Also hydrogen Peroxide doesn't burn...just to let you know..but it does clean the area and helps it heal.
Good luck....

How do I get my dog to stop scratching his wound?

Buy gauze and that och-less wrapping tape and wrap the wound up every day. That will help protect it. He's scratching because its healing, so it itches. Also, put some pain relieving Neosporn on it to help with healing. You can also do the cone of shame for a few days to give it a chance to heal up. It sucks, but will keep him from getting to it.

My dog won’t stop scratching his collar, I’ve kept it on him to see if he just needed to get used to it, but he still keeps scratching. What should I do?

My first thoughts would be is it too tight? You should be able to get two fingers comfortably under the collar. Is it too wide? Imagine a turtle neck that is stiff around your neck. Some collars look cool to us may just be annoying to your pet. If it is a flea collar I’d take it off it could be an allergy. I doubt nylon woven collars would be a problem or leather. Check around his neck see if there is something under the collar that could be irritating his skin. Here in Ohio there are plants giving off seeds that cling to everything just one of those under his collar could be enough to make him scratch. This time of year they are everywhere. If all else fails use a halter when he goes for a walk and keep him naked indoors. It’s not the best thing, maybe get him chipped but it will be less frustrating.One of our dogs can’t wear a collar. Not due to him, but because our other dog pulls it off immediately. We use halters for walks with both dogs so it’s not a big deal and our yard is fenced but it is weird.

How can I get my dog to stop scratching his open wound?

I took my dog to the vet yesterday and they told me he had gotten an allergic reaction to something, so they shaved the area on his neck just under his ear and gave him a cortizone shot to stop the pain and swelling, however, he will not quit scratching it. It is about 4 - 5 " big, and when I'm home I can keep an eye on him and he won't scratch, however, when I have to leave and I don't have a sitter for him he scratches until there is blood everywhere. I asked my vet if I should use a cone or anything and the vet said the cortizone would stop the itching and that it should heal quickly.. I also tried putting a sock on his foot, but of course I came home this afternoon to find the bloody sock on the floor and his wound bleeding again. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Putting a t-shirt on my dog to stop scratching?

My dog has a terrible sun spot on his neck and won't stop scratching it which causes it to bleed terribly and it'll never heal if he keeps it up. We have a cone but I know this would scratch up against his neck since it is plastic. The vet said to put a t-shirt on him but I'm not quite sure how this would work? Would I put it on him as if he wears it like a person; front legs in the arm holes, or just tie it around his neck because it's soft and wouldn't irritate it?

Why could your dog be scratching after a flea treatment?

If it’s right after applying it, there are chances the dog is responding to the dying fleas which may get irritable and crawl around their coat more. Other possibilities are that the fleas are not actually being all killed if you are not also treating the environment. When I used to work for the vet, we used to sell bottles of Ovitrol to kill all life stages of fleas as the topical treatment only kill the adults ones. Here are some more troubleshooting tips: Why is my flea treatment not working.

Why is my dog still scratching? after Frontline Plus..?

I tried Frontline, and had the same issue. Then, I switched to Advantage II after doing some research. I haven't had a problem with it, and I've been using it for 2 1/2 years on all 4 of my animals. Unfortunately, you have to wait until next month before reapplying a new brand (or even another dosage of Frontline).

Btw, I highly recommend buying any flea product on , as they are the cheapest out there.