What Causes A Person To Become Stupid

Can a dumb person become smart?

I honestly think the fact that a dumb person can't become smart is kind of sad. I mean, it's like if you tried to buy an iPad, and they didn't let you, even though everyone else could, and all you were allowed to buy was a block of wood. It's not fair.

Why do people donate so much money to stupid causes?

People decide their own causes in life. It is not the place for any other person to judge their decision.

Maybe a person feels strongly about the abuse of animals because he watched his father beat his dog to death when he was a child.

People are fundamentally motivated by the things that are of interest to them. For whatever reasons. Sometimes, to an outsider, the cause may appear to be stupid, or a waste of resources for some percieved "greater" need. But ultimately the person doing the giving has the decision about where their gifts are given.

Telling people what they must do with their own time or money goes against the premise of human free will. We are free to do as we feel we must.

If you truly believe that people give to stupid causes then the responsibility falls to you to go out educate people about why your cause is more important than theirs.

Are you born stupid or become one.?

I think everyone is born at square one, but from the day you are born, different parents and upbringing with make a vast difference in being happy in life or capable, as if nothing go's in you can not use. I don't know weather you have seen that film Matilda the one with Danny Devito in, but some adults think that children should be superhuman like her, or you will not be untitled to eat food at all. I think stupidity comes from very wealthy people who are out of touch with balance through not having any common sense, and putting slutty tardy people in positions of celebrity.

What is the word for being intentionally stupid in order to cause an arguement?

People say "deliberately obtuse".

What are the characteristics of a stupid person?

1. When a stupid person has their beliefs challenged, they answer with cuss words, put downs and name calling instead of reasoned input.2. They latch onto political beliefs and social norms without research or personal contest. Posers, etc.3. They never look before they leap. They don't comprehend statistics or learn from other's mistakes.4. Very closed-minded. They only stand on the side that their buddies are on instead of try to see all ends of the spectrum.5. When asked about views on politics, religion, philosophy, they can't answer, or act bored.6. Highly focused on pop culture and gossip. Thinking outside this realm is not what they think to do.7. Reckless living, putting loved ones or strangers in danger assuming nothing bad can happen to them.8. Talks in constant slang, or possesses speech that is inarticulate or mumbly. Never uses big vocabulary words.9. On that, when confronted with big vocabulary words, they stare blankly or become defensive.10. Lies often. It's easier to tell a lie than try to explain precisely how the story unfolded. The reason is simple: They don't have the vocabulary or expressive parables to support their argument.11. Has too many children in which they do not control or provide for properly. They are unable to have the restraint to use proper birth control and balance choice with consequence.12. Does not respond to alerts or warnings. You may honk at them profusely, but they refuse to get out of the roadway.13. Shallow. Judges the opposite sex based on eyes, smile, movie preferences, money or car, and doesn't judge based on brain, character or passions. They will also dump a partner based on failure to be sexy or socially acceptable. 14. Relationships tend to be short term rather than long term, and based mostly on sex, not partnership.15. Possessing children who still babble rather than uses words by age two, or is in preschool and is still in diapers. The child is an example of the progress at which the parent has succeeded in their growth. 16. Spending a night out with friends and doing things like soiling oneself, taking nude pics or having intercourse with a complete stranger on the floor of a Shell station bathroom. Stupid people act like children and have not sought maturity enough to register the ramifications of a single moment. They live in the here and now, not the big picture.

Are some people stupid by birth or does something else make them stupid?

It depends by what you mean by stupid: IQ or common sense. You can't really control your base IQ, as much as you can't control your base stamina and strength (sounds like a video game haha). Common sense however, is a little more controllable, although it has to be done in your childhood. You can teach yourself some common sense later on in life, however it is much more difficult, just like how learning a new language as an adult takes a lot longer than as a baby. IQ does sometime play into "street smarts". Being able to make quick and precise decisions is usually attributed to common sense, although it is more IQ than common sense since quick decision making is accomplished through connections in your brain, which is what IQ is. A person with a higher IQ has more short, efficient connections in their brain than somebody with a lower IQ. This is why it is so important that children are taught from a young age, while the brain is still forming, making it easier for new, more efficient connections to be made, and also why there is a smoking and drinking limit, along with the fact that doing drugs as a child messes you up a lot more than doing drugs as an adult with a "mature" brain. Sorry for the long answer, it kind of got out of control :).

Why do people ask such stupid and useless questions on yahoo answers?

People who ask silly questions aren't really interested in this, in how it works and why-- they're just bored people vegging out in front of the computer instead of the TV. If they're doing this and still bored then it's not something to do for fun or to learn things but a way to kill time-- dead! They turn into zombies in front of the computers and ask no important questions (to them or anyone else) and give few or no good questions to others' answers, then complain of boredom. That's because they aren't really thinking or becoming involved in what they're doing, they're just vegging, like I said-- or more like becoming zombified. By the way, my favorite stupid question was when someone just asked, "Hello......?"

Natural selection for stupid people?

Do you think natural selection will become a thing for stupid people? This is an honest question. My fellow teenagers are selfie-taking, drug-doing, party-going idiots. Don't get me wrong, I'm not some stuck up kid who think he's smarter than people. I'm of average intelligence (which is sad that I can actually look down on these people).

With their compulsive use of drugs and the need to take selfies (like taking an imagine of yourself while your grandma is dying, thanks Facebook) will the things they do eventually kill them?

I'm thinking about alcohol and drugs, mostly. But social media addicts can easily become the people living in their parents basement until they get kicked out, live on the streets, and starve. So. While a strange question, I'm doing this for my own thinking.