What Causes Large Groups Of People To Go Running Through Malls And Grocery Stores And Destroy

Do automated services such as self-checkout machines in grocery stores and self-service kiosks in fast food restaurants kill jobs?

Having read all the yes/no answers regarding this question it’s surprising that most have not gotten to the core question and it’s subsequent answer, which provides the obvious answer to your question.The first two questions are NOT that core question mentioned above but will help lead to the obvious conclusion (bear with me here).Question #1: Do most customers PREFER automated checkouts?Answer: If you compare the lines at both, you’ll quickly come to an overwhelming conclusion, “NO”.Question #2: Does automated equipment cost a company great sums of money to buy and maintain?Answer: Yes.Now HERE’S that key question and obvious answer that leads to answering your query …Key question: So why would a company invest in costly equipment that doesn’t increase the customers satisfaction??? Companies NEVER spend money and expect NO return on their investment!Obvious answer: Companies are doing this because in the long run it will save the company money by “eliminating jobs”.Granted, some people might be able to retrain for other jobs in other fields and some people will be retained or hired to maintain the machines BUT, don’t let anyone kid you, automation may help make a company more efficient BUT, automation is primarily focused on reducing a company’s dependence on labor to perform a task.

Why do hunters like to kill animals? Why don't they buy store meat where no animals were hurt to make it?

"Store meat" comes from animals. These animals are often fed growth hormones and antibiotics, kept in extremely awful conditions, have little to no decent quality of life, and are NOT killed quickly.

Yes, wild meat tastes different. Try some once, there's a world of difference.

If there is one thing that we can learn from PETA it would be the story of the honeybee. We've all heard about the huge impact that an increasingly dwindling number of honeybees could have on the environment (lack of pollination so the plants die, a big hole in the food chain that causes everything else to cave in, etc). Humans are just as much a part of the food chain as any other animal. As we can see form the honeybee example, taking a big part of the food chain out is a bad idea and can cause terrible effects.

Hunters also help control the population of animals. Without hunters the ratio of animals: available space: available food would be thrown way off. This would cause animals to slowly starve to death over the winter due to overcrowding. Do you not have any sympathy for an animal who slowly and painfully starves because there was too large of a population? I think a quick death by gunshot sure beats slowly starving.

When I harvest an animal I get LOTS of meat for the cost of the hunting license and some ammo. That's a pretty low cost way to get food on the table. Also, buying hunting supplies (guns, ammo, calls, tree stands, etc) contributes to the economy. In my neck of the woods there are lots of hunters who contribute some of the meat to the local food pantry. This saves the food pantry a lot of money and provides those less fortunate with food.

Hunting also provides jobs. Cabella's, Gander Mtn,, and many DNR jobs exist because of hunting. It is important to keep these people employed, especially in these economic times.

The money that I pay for guns, ammo, hunting licenses, etc goes to fund conservation. Hunters are one of, if not the largest, supporters of conservation.