What Causes Rivers To Have Have Cycles

How does the water cycle help to develop river systems?

Cause water cycles prevents that the rivers dry up and keep the flow, therefore it helps its develop

What causes an ice age?

We are not sure why ice ages begin and end, although there are many theories. One theory says it is the effect of continental drift which starts them. Ice ages always seem to happen when there are mountains on the Earth, created by the collisions between continents, as there are now. How could continental drift cause an ice age?
When continental drift creates mountains, or when a continent drifts over a pole, then snow starts to fall. Snow reflects the Sun's heat back into space, so cooling the Earth. The ice also weathers the rocks, so minerals are washed out of them and carried by rivers to the sea. Here the minerals join with carbon dioxide from the air. The amount of carbon dioxide in the air is reduced so the greenhouse effect is reduced and the Earth cools still further.
Moving continents also change the flow of water from one ocean to another and mountains affect the winds. So in many ways continental drift affects the climate. Eventually continental drift separates the continents, weathering wears down the mountains, and the climate goes back to its normal warm state. If continental drift happens in cycles, that would explain why ice ages seem to occur every 250 million years or so.
Another theory notes that sometimes in history there were mountains without an ice age. Perhaps changes outside the Earth also played a part in starting ice ages. Changes in the Sun or its movement round the Galaxy might have lessened the sunlight reaching the Earth. It takes about 250 million years for the Sun to travel once round the Galaxy. Coincidence?

How does sunlight cause water to flow in rivers?

1. Sunlight makes water evaporate from the Earth's surface.
2. In the water cycle, the evaporated water forms clouds, condenses, and rains down onto the Earth.
3. Precipitation runs off into the rivers, keeping the rivers flowing.

What are the effects of Clear Cutting on a River?

Clear cutting affects rivers significantly:

The water cycle is affected by clear cutting. Trees extract groundwater through their roots and release it into the atmosphere. When part of a forest is removed, the region cannot hold as much water and can result in a much drier climate.

Trees retain water and release the precipitation into the ground. Clear cutting causes surface water runoff producing flash flooding along the river.

Clear cutting causes evapotranspiration (water evaporates before it rains). This interferes with the water cycle and the water returns directly to the oceans.

As a result, the absence of trees can change the quantity of water on the surface, in the ground, or in the atmosphere. Clear cutting also increases erosion rates.

How does deforestation affect the water cycle?

Forests hold a huge quantity of water in both the trees themselves, but also in the soil and decaying organic matter in the leaf litter decomposition zone. This functions like a sponge.Then trees and soils release water slowly. Trees through transpiration, and the soils through springs underground that feed rivers lakes and aquifers.Weather generally makes rainy days and sunny days, rainy seasons and dry seasons. It is generally very sporadic.So the forest is a moderator, absorbing like a sponge excess on rainy days reducing floods; and releasing slowly allowing a river to flow in the dry season. The canopy also keeps the soil moist during the hot sunny days. The transpiration keeps the humidity up even in dry times. If the forest is big enough, that transpiration can even trigger new summer showers.Remove the forest and you remove the moderating effect.On the other hand a mature forest has a near net zero effect on atmospheric CO2. It removes a lot, but later a lot decomposes releasing nearly as much.It is actually the oceans and grasslands that have the primary ecosystem function of removing atmospheric CO2 long term.

Why don't rivers run out of water?

A river that does not run dry at any time of year is carrying surplus water from precipitation that collects in the permeable rocks of hills and mountains that surround the watershed.Most rivers get their water from the mountains, where there is far more precipitation than over the lowlands. This can clearly be seen in the Desert Southwest, where you can see sizeable rivers flowing through completely arid countryside where it almost never rains. These rivers get their water out of the mountains, and it is more than what can evaporate or percolate into the ground further down.Still other rivers have their sources in leftover snowfields or glaciers high up in the mountains. These rivers actually have the highest streamflow during the height of summer heat, even under drought conditions. Here in Switzerland we have 4 major rivers that have an early to mid-summer discharge maximum.Unless we get a 6–week period of relentless rain in the dead of winter like this year. But there is even more water in the form of a huge pile of snow in the high elevations waiting for spring to come around.Yet another reason for some rivers to have a very regular discharge is that they actually are the discharge of a large lake. Such rivers run very constant. It takes a lot of rain to make a large lake to rise - and it will take a long time for the river to run quite high to drain that surplus, even when no more rain is falling. We get that effect here as well. It is even enhanced because all major lakes have locks installed on them, allowing to release the surplus gradually over weeks instead as a major flood.

During periods, if we take a head bath, does it cause swelling on the uterus? Is this a myth or truth?

No with all that modern amenities available to you, clean water, Antibacterial soap etc one need not fear .Take head both every day if you so like!God does not leave your heart for those days, because he was the cause.Adhya Shakti was created by Param Purush to show and teach the power of Love to God Niranjan. She had no veginal passage when created. She bought innumerable Souls with her and refused to handover to God.Niranjan said,"Listen, Bhavani, I will tell you the truth: I am not afraid of sins and virtues, because I myself am their creator. All the sins and virtues are born from me, and from me no one will ask the account. I will spread sins and virtues, and anyone who becomes entangled in them is ours.That is why I am telling you to understand and accept my word. Sat Purush has given you to me, Bhavani! Obey my word!"Kabir said to Dharam Das:Hearing this, the woman laughed; they agreed with each other and both of them were delighted. She spoke attractive words in a sweet voice; she thought of having sexual relations with Dharam Rai. Hearing her sweet words, Dharam Rai was pleased, and he decided to perform the sexual act with her.The woman said,"I don't have a genital organ."Then Niranjan acted this way: With his nail, he immediately cut the hole of her genital organ, and in that way the door of creation was formed. The blood started pouring from the genital organ as it was harmed by the nail and since then the act of sexual intercourse has existed. ( All women has those three days of menstrual bleeding)Oh Dharam Das! Listen to the story of creation, which no man knows: Kal indulged for three times and Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh were born. Brahma is the oldest, Vishnu the second born, and Shambu the youngest.- When Kal and the woman enjoyed together, the creation was begun.