What Cell Formulas Planner Use If Using Excel

What are some excel formulas used by financial planners?

Excel has a huge range of capabilities and there are so many formulas that can be created, that it would be impossible to list them. Financial planners would mainly use formulas for forecasting to see what is likely to happen based on spending or investments compared to income expected. There are many, many financial functions available for them to use. They would also look at trends and try to anticipate what is likely to happen. They would then try different combinations of possibilities to see what the outcomes might be. One Excel formula that you might use or need if you were a financial planner is if you were building a budgeting worksheet and wanted to calculate the total of a handful of values.You could total the budgeted expenses by entering a formula such as =500+50+500+2000+250 into a particular cell--say cell C7.SUM, AVERAGE, IF, HYPERLINK, COUNT, MAX, SIN, SUMIF, and STDEV.
SUM- adds all the numbers in a range of cells.
AVERAGE- Returns the average of its argument, which can be numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers.
IF- Checks whether a condition is met and returns one value if TRUE and another value if FALSE.
HYPERLINK- Creates a shortcut or jump that opens a document stored on your hard drive, a network server, or on the Internet.
COUNT- Counts the number of cells in a range that contain numbers.
MAX- Returns the largest value in a set of values. Ignores logical values and text.
SIN- Returns the sine of an angle.
SUMIF- Adds the specified by a given condition or criteria.
PMT- Calculates the payment for a loan on constant payments and a constant rate.
STDEV- Estimates standard based on a sample (ignores logical values and text in the sample).
Some Excel formulas a financial planner would use include: FV - Returns the future value of an investment; NPER - Returns the number of periods for an investment; PMT - Returns the periodic payment for an annuity; RATE - Returns the interest rate per period of an annuity.

Take Care

Excel 2013 Formula Help - Student Assignment Planner Template?

I'm trying to convert the "Student Assignment Planner" template in Microsoft Excel 2013 to show the title of the assignments from the Assignments tab. Can anyone assist in replacing the formula that displays "Assignment Due!" to displaying the title of the assignment(s) that appear on that day? I do not need more than the 5 spaces that are provided below each date.

Excel formula help, Excel 2013?

I'm trying to convert the "Student Assignment Planner" template in Microsoft Excel 2013 to show the title of the assignment(s) from the Assignments tab. This will require returning up to 5 values in the open rows within each date. Can anyone assist in replacing the formula that displays "Assignment Due!" to displaying the title of the assignment(s) that appear on that day? I do not need more than the 5 spaces that are provided below each date. The formula in each cell is this (with D12 changed to whatever the day is): =IF(LEN(D12)=0,"",IF(COUNTIF(Assignments... DATE],DATE(MoYear,MoMonthNum,D12))>0,"As... due!",""))
The assignment titles are located in Assignments[ASSIGNMENT],
the due dates are located in Assignments[DUE DATE],
and the entire Assignment tables is called Assignments.

This is a free template available through Microsoft titled "Student Assignment Planner"

Need formula for counting Rate of interest in excel?

How to calculate rate of interest in excel using formula, for particular days. E.g if total amount on interest to count is 100000, rate of interest is 1%, n i want to count interest charged for 34 days. i can easily calculate it by myself manualy but i want to create a formula in excel to count it automatically. your suggestions wil be highly appreciated.

Write a formula?!?!?! i dont have excel!!?

Do you seriously expect to ask Y!A for help every time you have homework? Doesn't your teacher expect you to buy Excel, provide it somehow, or use an alternative spreadsheet program?

MS Office at Newegg

You can preview the upcoming Office 2013, I believe up to 60 days after the suite is actually released:

A limited edition of Excel is available online as a web app:

You can also try these free alternatives, although their formula syntax may be slightly different:
Google Drive

Can I make a cell zero on condition without using the direct formula in a cell and not through VBA?

How is that possible? You have mentioned that on condition a cell must become zero,so there has to be condition to be placed somewhere and where you can place that condition? obviously in some cell or in VBA code without that occurrence of zero is impossible.Because the condition has to exist somewhere in the excel in order to get zeros​ in the specified cells. Hence according to me a condition based outcome is only possible by either typing down the formula or creating a VBA code and run it whenever required.If any body have better answer then that will be learning for me as well.Good Luck.

How do you use the excel forecasting function? What is its purpose?

What follows relates only to the FORECAST and related functions. There are other forecasting functions and techniques that can be used in Excel.In the latest version of Office365 Excel, there are six FORECAST functions and their purpose is to help you to create forecasts of historical data or budgeted data or any data for which you need to use.FORECASTFORECAST.ETSFORECAST.ETS,CONFINTFORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITYFORECAST.ETS.STATFORECAST.LINEARThe first of these six is a legacy function for backwards compatibility with Excel 2013 and earlier. Anything with ETS in it shows that it is using the Exponential Smoothing technique and the linear version simply says that whatever data you are using, it will create a linear forecast from them.I hope you find the following screenshots useful: one shows the results of all of these functions and the other one shows the formulas as I have used them. A third screenshot shows the results of using the Forecast Sheet Utility that comes with Excel 365 and that uses the FORECAST.ETS functions.

Ho to use the IF and OR functions in a formula?

I am taking an online excel class and for a project I have to enter a formula using the IF and OR functions, but I have absolutely NO idea how to do that and I have looked all over my textbook. I will post the question as well in case it helps. Also I am using Excel 2007. Thank you so much if you decide to help me!

In cell K2 enter a formula using the IF and OR functions, as well as structured references, to determine if Adam Moriarty can be a group leader.
a. The IF function should first determine if the staff member’s Service Years is greater than 3 OR if the staff member’s college graduate status is “Yes”. Remember to use a structured reference to the Service Years and the College Graduate columns.
b. The function should return the text Yes if a staff member meets one or both of those criteria.
c. The function should return the text No if a staff member meets neither of those criteria.

Excel formulation problem (apply formula for whole rows)?

Yes, write it once, let's say C1=A1xB1
then move your mouse pointer to the right lower corner. you will notice that the pointer is changed to a black cross.
Right click while you have the black cross and scroll down.