What Colour Are My Eyes

My eye colour?

I'm leaning toward brown.

What color are your eyes?

My eyes are good ol’ brown!There they are, in all of their glory.In person (and without camera flash) they don’t look as yellowish on the outsides, but more of a warm brown with darker brown in the middle.Please excuse my wild and untamed eyebrows…They pretty much maintain the same coloring at all times, though when sunlight shines through them, they take on a lovely warm, golden color.Even though brown eyes are quite common, I’ve grown to love and embrace mine. They’re pretty awesome!

What colour are my eyes (green blue)?

I can’t see your eyes so I can’t really give you a good comment however, if you took a hula hoop and took a bunch of thread that was many different colors of green and blue and wrapped the hula hoop thousands of times with this some sort of green and sort of blue string you have an idea of what an eye looks like as far as the color. If you put a hollow tube through the very center of the hula hoop that would be like the pupil and if it was covered up on the backside it would appear black. When you look at an eye up close it’s just thousands of different color threads that overlap and give you the perception of blue or green and everyone’s a little different. Now you could add to that by throwing yellow bits of mud at the threads and you would find if you completely covered it, when the mud dried it would look brown like a brown eye. In places where there was just a little bit of yellow and it was on top of blue it would give you the appearance of green and in the places where there was no yellow it would look more blue than green. The yellow is the pigment that makes moles dark and you’ll see some people have light colored moles and some have dark colored moles but they all range from light yellow , To dark brown and it just matters how much Melanin stuck on that part of the thread, And varies the colors of green and blue. That’s a pretty good answer concerning I didn’t have a picture to look at.

What colour are wonder woman's eyes?

Im dressing up as wonder woman for an 18th and for something different was looking at getting coloured contacts as well. I think they might be green.. does anyone know?
Thanks in advance :)

What would cause my eyes to change colour?

What Color Will Your Baby's Eyes Be?Hope this article wil help you

Why did my eyes change colour?

Growing up can be associated with darkening of the blond hair. process may be happening in the iris. The color of the eyes is determined by the amount of melanin pigment in iris stroma. some cases when just one eye is changing its color, it may be a sign of disease.

What colour are my eyes? Amber... or light brown?

My whole life I've thought my eyes were just brown and boring... the other day, someone said they were orange?? apparently, the actually colour is "amber".. but i don't know so.. I'm gonna let yous be the judge!

In low light:

In lots of light:

Btw, I'm not obsessed with eyes or anything.. that'd be creepy, I'm just curious. I still think they're just light brown but whatev.